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static-harmony 09.16.2006 02:19 PM

The Homo Thread of the Week
Do you belive gay marriage should be legal?

GeneticKiss 09.16.2006 02:20 PM


static-harmony 09.16.2006 02:22 PM

I agree with you, I see no big deal in letting gay people get married.

HaydenAsche 09.16.2006 02:23 PM

No. Fags shouldn't be allowed equal rights.

Cantankerous 09.16.2006 02:24 PM

what is gay?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 09.16.2006 02:34 PM


static-harmony 09.16.2006 02:40 PM

I disagree with you Sheriff when two people in love form a union, it should be called what it is, marriage.

atari 2600 09.16.2006 04:22 PM

Yes, because homosexuals exist. They have always existed and will continue to exist. Homosexuals have a right to exist, a right to equal human rights, and a right to equal civil rights, including the right to marriage.

If many Native American and even more primitive cultures didn't have a problem with homosexuals, then isn't it's a bit telling that the "civilized" societies of today (due to Judeo-Christianity) feel so threatened by it?

atari 2600 09.16.2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
No. Fags shouldn't be allowed equal rights.

Are you playing devil's advocate? If not, please illuminate.

Pax Americana 09.16.2006 05:24 PM

Of course they should be allowed to get married. It baffles me that this is even an issue in our society. So sad...

Tokolosh 09.16.2006 05:33 PM

Is the pope catholic?

flophousefloozie 09.16.2006 06:17 PM

how many people here are gay?

flophousefloozie 09.16.2006 06:17 PM

and i voted yes, for obvious reasons

nomadicfollower 09.16.2006 06:17 PM

Of course homosexuals should be able to get married. Atari's got it right.

Tokolosh 09.16.2006 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
how many people here are gay?

Does it matter?

flophousefloozie 09.16.2006 08:29 PM

just a question relating to the thread...
shouldn't that be expected?

flophousefloozie 09.16.2006 08:32 PM

Oh and to answer your question, no it doesn't really matter.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 09.16.2006 08:43 PM

i know of three on here.

Cantankerous 09.16.2006 08:46 PM

porky, fishmonkey, krastian, hayden, i'm probably forgetting a bunch.

static-harmony 09.16.2006 09:06 PM

I dabble but not my cup of tea.

lizzarddd 09.16.2006 09:07 PM

Yeah, they should, I remember I wrote a speech on why they should back when I was in 9th grade I think.

k-krack 09.16.2006 09:08 PM


TheDom 09.16.2006 09:09 PM

it was adam and eve

not adam and steve


static-harmony 09.16.2006 09:11 PM

So I guess you are against it, huh. By the way that thing with Adam and Eve is getting kind of old.

TheDom 09.16.2006 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
So I guess you are against it, huh. By the way that thing with Adam and Eve is getting kind of old.

yeah, I voted yes and I am totally against it

k-krack 09.16.2006 09:13 PM

what? TheDom.. i haven't heard that before, so i chuckled at it... someone voted no and didnt bother to post? oh, unless it was hayden. silly bitch.

static-harmony 09.16.2006 09:14 PM

that is funny TheDom, so you secretly are in favor of it than.

TheDom 09.16.2006 09:16 PM

I don't want people to know I support a thing as dirty as queers.

k-krack 09.16.2006 09:16 PM

aahahaaa. wise words, dom.

static-harmony 09.16.2006 09:17 PM

lol you are getting rep and so on.

atari 2600 09.16.2006 09:51 PM

What do right-wingers think? What will the church crowd tell you?
Invariably they will tell you that homosexuality is wicked, against the infallible literal word of God...the Holy Bible,
and just "not part of God's plan."

Not part of God's plan?

Gee, that just cracks me the fuck know, it was only up until recently that these hicks have more and more even recognized the dinosaurs as historical (!) fact.

Not part of God's plan then...
you know Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve harr harr
>don't get me totally wrong...Genesis has it's genesis from the ancient Hebrew creation myth play written by a pretty damn cool playwright, no doubt (whoever they were)<

okay, I'm back now...
Not part of God's plan then...
really? So, why is it that in every single species capable of homosexual behavior, some homosexual behavior can be observed?

...sounds like God's plan to me...
It's preturbing how subjective this "God" of thiers can be.

TheDom 09.16.2006 09:54 PM

if that was in response to me, I was only joking.

I have argued many times with my religious side of the family about gay marriage for the past year, so don't think I'm a queer-hating redneck.

static-harmony 09.16.2006 09:56 PM

I got that on your second post TheDom, but right-wingers are annoying on this issue. They have so many flaws in their arguments.

Alex's Trip 09.16.2006 10:02 PM

On of my friends, who is deeply religious, said to me "God doesn't hate fags He loves them, but He is just a little disappointed in them". She's really sweet and funny (we were talking about those signs that say "god hates fags")

atari 2600 09.16.2006 10:05 PM

There are plenty of annoying queers, haha let me tell you.

I've experienced my share. Lately the contact hasn't been all that positive. Gay people are like any other so-called "type"...there's your good and your bad.

I have been best friends for a time with a gay young man (who only told me later as he was leaving town years after I knew him well). That's actually happened of my best friends from high school that later moved to Athens revealed to me his homosexuality as he was leaving town. Another time, an even younger bisexual young man helped me out with a place to stay for a few months & was a good friend. Yet another time (before that) a gay friend of a girlfriend that became an ex let me stay in his apartment (I paid of course all these times) & it worked out naturally that I was able to leave by the next month. Before that though, and this was my very first experience with being around gay guys, I lived in Marietta for a few months after high school. I was seeing the younger sister of the sister that a friend of mine had gotten married to and she was actually the first person I knew that listened to Sonic Youth. It was through her that I first listened to them. I've written about this before, but she was out to work one day as a waitress at the Cracker Barrel down the street and I listened to Confusion is Sex. By the second listen, it was all over and I was completely taken in rapture by Sonic Youth. So...
also living in the apartment were a couple of her gay friends & they proved to be quite fucked up and into the whole I'm gonna shock you and make you laugh at me even if it's to pity me and I'll be totally offensive all the time schtick. One seemed cooler than the other one, but he stabbed me in the back in the end too. Anyhow, it seems most of the gay guys I run into nowadays are more like these two.
As for gay gals, I've had a bisexual girlfriend before and it was a lesbian that taught me how to really play a guitar.

TheDom 09.16.2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
What do right-wingers think? What will the church crowd tell you?
Invariably they will tell you that homosexuality is wicked, against the infallible literal word of God...the Holy Bible,
and just "not part of God's plan."

yeah, that is basically the response I get... or my mom said because it is "morally wrong"/

looks like somebody needs an ethics lesson...

Toilet & Bowels 09.16.2006 10:09 PM

what's the point of starting a thread that is obviously going to be one sided?

static-harmony 09.16.2006 10:11 PM

I agree with you atari some gay people can be fucked up people, but I know some who are so fucking cool, and I wish I could see them be happy and get married.

atari 2600 09.16.2006 10:35 PM

of course it's Adam & Eve because they've gotta have the kids ... Cain killed Abel, so I guess they are the first horrible parents of all time...Seth & the other ones...does the Holy Bible even mention that they ever had a girl? I cannot recall...from his grave, Sophocles wasn't impressed hehe.

but of course that means that we're all borne of incest but that the Old Testament leaves this out in Genesis, instead opting for the jump-cut ahead pushing the old fast-forward on the story of our origin as it were.

Basically, populations of Homo Sapiens arose in different areas of the world independently around the same generous slice of time. There is some incest, of course, in all of our backgrounds if it were possible to go deep enough, but not as much as Adam and Eve and The Garden of Eden story would naturally imply if one breaks it down.

HaydenAsche 09.16.2006 10:37 PM

Fishmonkey is a fag?

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