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atari 2600 09.20.2006 04:36 PM

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez repeatedly calls Bush "The Devil" at the U.N. today.

The dude has a point but this shit is just goofy considering that Chavez is no better really. I see right through his ruse. He was just trying to appeal to Bush-haters and counter-culturalists, who really are the only Americans that would even be receptive to a Chavez message anyway.

If you've seen the footage then you know he referred to it over and over again.

This next part is not in the article linked, so...
Chavez had a real funny (not intended to be, but it still was) line (that I'll paraphrase), "He (Bush) was up here at this same podium yesterday, and I can still smell the sulfur."

Preach it...Go Tell It on The Mountian!

aharr harr

!@#$%! 09.20.2006 04:41 PM

yeah i read that in the paper earlier.

he's unfortunately a wacko dictator that relies on antics such as these to maintain his popularity.

that kind of speech does not do any good to his country, i can tell you...

Rob Instigator 09.20.2006 04:49 PM

bush stinks of sulfur cuz he is the devil

Rob Instigator 09.20.2006 04:50 PM

calling te US "the great satan" is equaled in rhetorical stupidity as calling Iran "The Axis of Evil".

!@#$%! 09.20.2006 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
calling te US "the great satan" is equaled in rehtoricl stupidity as calling Iran "The Axis of Evil".


the only problem is, he doesn't have the stealth bombers to back up his stupidities

static-harmony 09.20.2006 05:31 PM

True !@#$%!

he doesn't have the bombers to attack other countries, if he did he would.

atari 2600 09.20.2006 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
...he doesn't have the bombers to attack other countries, if he did he would.

(in the voice of Johnny Carson):
mmm yes, he would indeed-y...with extreme prejudice.

Ed: har harr ho hah ho

Пятхъдесят Шест 09.20.2006 07:55 PM

I've read that there is a bit of unrest with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, considering he seems to spend more time in Havana, feeding Castro at bedside.

He can only make me laugh, making friends with Iran, inviting North Korea to his country, showing support of Syria. What a fucking moron.

Elections in Venezuela take place in December, I think. Could be interesting. Or not?

Everyneurotic 09.20.2006 10:56 PM

he has been brought down twice by the people of venezuela, he reinstalled himself everytime though. people in venezuela hate him.

i don't understand how so many dimwitted individuals are running the world right now...

static-harmony 09.21.2006 12:52 AM

It is the decade of DImwitts, But Hugo Chavez needs to be brought down or something happen to scare the shit out of him.

Tokolosh 09.21.2006 02:41 AM

Hugo Chavez, is very peculiar indeed.

static-harmony 09.21.2006 02:42 AM

I think he wants to be like mussolinin, or some kind of fascists.

Rob Instigator 09.21.2006 08:57 AM

he is a born thug.

A Thousand Threads 09.21.2006 09:02 AM

He´s a populist.
What more to say?

static-harmony 09.21.2006 11:09 AM

Down with him, I say.

Iain 09.21.2006 11:44 AM

Eh...he's being pretty foolhardy in courting North Korea and Iran really. I imagine he's doing it partly just to upset Bush more than anything.

At least he's trying to improve the standard of life for Venezuelans with free clinics, literacy campaigns and food and housing subsides and things like that. I was under the impression that it was the upper and middle classes of Venezuela that were more upset with him.....

He does seems a bit autocratic to be fair.....

Disgruntled Youth 09.21.2006 11:57 AM

I was born in Venezuela & would have to agree with all of you specially with Atari he does want to appeal to Bush haters. I can attest to that, living in Berea pleanty of people wanted to hype him up but my rebutal to that was I'm only getting second hand info & I need to go to the country myself & see things with my own eye's to come to a conclusion. I'll say this much I think Chavez @ first came up with a good front. I have family that lives in moutain side tin roof houses & he helped them out financialy but then I have other family member who despise the man so whos side am I on, none as usual. I can say much until I see things for myself & atleast he's sorta standing up to Bush so that counts for a little something.(haha)

Rob Instigator 09.21.2006 12:32 PM

what hugo chavez did in venezuela is an old trick. when you ahve a l;arge part of the population that is poor and fairly illiterate, the ruling power can get these peopl to vote his way by giving them aid. they, disenfranchised and poor people, will ussually fervently back anyone who helps them, without knowing the deeper ills and corruption that person may be involved in. he basically uses the poor to prop himself up as a populist.

fuctimwavinmadik 09.21.2006 03:06 PM

haha funny to see this forum
some people on this forum talking bout venezuela
well, i live there
and the fucker your talking IT IS indeed a mother-fucker
let's say i'm not in any of the sides politically speaking
but the motherfucker it's not doing it well by any means
as you all said before there's no difference between bush and him
there are really big coincidences between both if you look deeply or on the surface of their speeches and facts. on the other hand, the guy has been doing some little things like a fail of a litteracy mission/campaign, which is all a fake portrate like ok, i'm helping old guys to learning to write and read, but just the programs are really lame after all, the infamous plane he bought that didnt fit the angar where he parked it and shit, extending the caracas subway for the elections, giving free concerts of pretty good salsa musicians, hip hop and popular music for the "pueblo" you know the citizens, (cuz now hip hop is popular and revolutionay music don't know why) and longs of tales and actual facts, the thing is, if you're with him, of course he'll get you pretty good jobs, flys, houses and shit. if not, then you're fucked, it's just a campaing based on taping live on tv to take from the rich and give to the poor for everyone, filling the rage and hurtfeeling of the one who doesn't have any shit, doesn't eat everyday or never went to school
anyways, he and all of them are fucking scary, but the opposition is the same but nicely dressed.

static-harmony 09.21.2006 03:13 PM

I have to agree with Rob it is the same thing that is happening in Mexoci, with the "elction fraud" just look at the quote. I was actually a supporter of that guy, but he just got on my nerves after he pulled that stunt saying Mexico cheated him out. But yeah help the disenfranchised and they will back you up.

Iain 09.21.2006 04:19 PM

Well, I can't pretend to know that much about the situation in Venezuela. Sucks to hear he sounds like he's probably a bit of a cunt. Politicians eh? What an odd bunch.

Everyneurotic 09.21.2006 05:14 PM

myth man,

the guy from mexico, had the alleged support of like 1 million people when he protested to his fraud and claims he has the support of the majority; let's see, it's 1 million of 107 million people aprox...hmmm.

static-harmony 09.21.2006 05:18 PM

Yeah that is 1% of the population, he is a twat.

bytheriver 09.22.2006 07:41 AM

I dont know much about the situation, but he is a pouplist politician and he does seem to be courting anyone who's against America, so its politics then. The problem is all governments are run by people, and the people who go after power are ambitiouS, lying, obfuscation, pandering, its all part of the job. But for hevens sake helping the disenfranchised has to be the lowest skullduggery I've ever heard, sure help out the wealthy at least they make contributions to the economy, but all the disenfranchised do is suck up resources and complain.

nature scene 09.22.2006 08:41 AM

No, he makes nominal gestures toward to nation's poor. By many accounts, poverty has increased in Venezuela.

!@#$%! 09.22.2006 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by fuctimwavinmadik
anyways, he and all of them are fucking scary, but the opposition is the same but nicely dressed.

ha ha that is very true. one of the reasons he got into power was because the ruling classes before him were a bunch of corrupt fucking bastards-- better educated and yes not such vulgar clowns but corrupt fucking bastards nevertheless.

with the oil money, venezuela could be (or have been) a rich country, especially during the 70's. but people got to building mansions & drinking scotch instead. what a waste...

fuctimwavinmadik 09.22.2006 10:19 PM

haha never described better but i'm inna sad laugh
building mansions & drinking scotch instead."

fucking true mr. !@#$%!
where you from?

static-harmony 09.22.2006 11:37 PM

It is actually funny when a politician supposed to try and make its country better he justs ends up fucking it like the last politician.

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