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Groundwater Music
GroundWater Music
-The site is up, just has to update on all the DNS servers across the world. Should take a day or two. However, you can access it directly instead of by DN. -I am ready to set up your email accounts, everyone that's participating just PM me your real name and whatever you want your password to be. Feel lucky, they're all POP3 email addresses, so you use higher end email programs such as outlook to run it:) Please send top songs once a week -I am not ready to get reviews up at this point in time. Give me maybe 2 weeks. -I will be making PDF's for all of you with everything you need to know about contributing. -For site suggestions, post it in this thread or email me at webmaster@groundwatermusic.com. -I'm mainly setting everything up now, it will take a while before everything is configured because I have school and all to focus on, but I'll try my best and get everything set up ASAP. Forums are on their way, but I'll have to fix the layout because it sucks. That's all for now. Thanks for helping out! with MUCH MUCH love, Rob |
Hot Water Music?
Groundwater is the sitename, but it's taken up in .com and .net, so I had to add music. |
I like it.
I've bookmarked it, good luck!
I'd like a round of appluase for my man Rob!
i like groundwatermusic, it's vague enough yet referential enough.
Good work, Inhuman.
Really, I'm impressed. As I have alot of free time and do nothing but listen to music I'll be helping as much as possible. This will give me so many indie points. I can see the hipster fags drooling over me now. |
Nice one, Rob. Well done for having the balls to get up and do it.
Haha, thanks everyone! Most of the DNS servers are updated and the site works now, maybe not across the world, but for sure in all of canada/america. I'm having a little bit of trouble with the layers not showing? They were fine last night, so I'll get that fixed right away as soon as I get home. Well I'm off to set up more mail accounts!
To log into your mail account, use the first letter of your first name and your entire last name @groundwatermusic.com. For Example: Your name: Jack Beefheart Your email: jbeefheart@groundwatermusic.com You can login here for webmail: mail.groundwatermusic.com if that doesn't work, use this: IF YOU WANT TO USE OUTLOOK: If you want a better mail program than the webmail service, in outlook do this: 1. You do not have an outlook account already and get the "Outlook Startup Screen" -Click Next -For exchange server click "Yes" -Click "POP3" mail server -Type your name, and give your Groundwater email address -For incoming/outgoing mail, fill both fields in with mail.groundwatermusic.com -Type email and password in the bottom and click next 2. You already use outlook -Tools -> Email Accounts -> Add new email account -Follow instructions above Tell me if you have any problems! Have a good day, Rob |
Congrats Rob!
with my laptop (screen resolution 1280x800) the background is repeated on the right and you can see a portion of the page with
under Revi Top10 hope you understand what i mean... what about adding a "retro" column to give suggestion on old albums/songs/artist? A name like "DeLorean Tour" would crack me up. edit: if delorean is not a band name....in that case it swould sound like the tour dates for that band... |
it looks fine in my computer, just a little to the right of my screen.
it doubles on my computer too. high res
you need to put no repeat on the css, and then center it. |
yeh,i guess the "panoramic screen"+ strange resolution cause some issues on my browser.
looks good, the xhtml is very simple, which i like, i have a few suggestions:
try turning off the styles in firefox right now & your content disappears. it would be really good have regular characters over the background, you don't really need to photoshop the letters. that has the added bonus that people can enlarge or reduce the size of the headings along with the rest of the characters in their screen, and can read your content with images turned off. your img tags need to self-close in xhtml so it's <img .... /> and not <img> that extra space + slash make it xhtml compliant also, be kind to 56k & the cellphone users & the blind (you'd think they'd be big music fans) and add an alt text for your images so they know what they are "looking" at when the image doesn't download. also, while fixed horizontal space can be good, fixed vertical is a no-no, because your text will expand & overflow and it will limit your content, font sizes and what not. what i'd suggest is breaking your large image into pieces (much like image slices), set them as background for each individual <div> which corresponds to a section: reviews, news, downloads, etc. now, here is the trick: you make the image BIGGER than the div so that when it expands vertically (oh so nice) the div slides and uncovers more of the image, so there is no naked space. additionally, it's quite simple to provide a background color for the page that corresponds to the sandy color of your background images. that way, people who are on modems or cellphones with images turned off will still see something close to the original design (it degrades nicely). the layout you control using the FLOAT property so that your divs (which are little boxes really) pile next to each other. it is a little tricky to get the exact number you want in each line without overflow, but with the use of width & the clear property you'll get it just right much like tables used to take care of this back in 1997... finally-- while fixed width is nice, i kinda like to strive for fluid layouts that can expand and shrink with the browser window size. you can use max-width and min-width for your body or wrapper divs so it doesn't become a strand of spaghetti in a monster screen, say something between 774 to 2000px? good job man, i hope this helps. |
thanks! Your account is set up. We should definately have people to double check reviews, it can make articles out of other people's lexicon's so they'll sound more sophisticated and stuff. We should just post articles on the board and have people look them over! In regards to the rating system, I wasn't planning to have one. Everybody will rate an album differently because it's all subjective as to whether the album's good or not. Reviews will at least provide brief ideas of what to expect, despite if it's good or bad. Like, I think the infamous NYC Ghosts & Flowers rating on Pitchfork is nowhere near accurate. The writer of that review could have easily given good descriptions of the album, despite the fact that he didn't like it- but of course he's on pitchfork, what do you expect |
whoa, i just tried to open the page & got this address:
http://www.groundwatermusic.com/inde...ml index.html then The page isn't redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies. --- you put a werd redirect somewhere there? |
Just removed redirect, running into a lot of other problems. I'll figure them out tonight. I appreciate all the feedback, I've only had it for a day so there's tonnes of things I need to fix. I'm aware of the doubling background, It's worse in higher screen resolutions.
Thanks for the nice post !@#$%!, I'm getting to all of it tonight! Thanks for pointing out about XHTML images, I ALWAYS forget about the closing slash. In fact, I have a sheet of paper completely filled with things I need to do to the site. As for the retro column, I actually really want to review old albums as well. We can have a special section in the reviews page for it! How many of you are able to see the site content (mailing list + news) in internet explorer? I'm not able to but in other browsers I am. I removed a script and it looks perfect in local, but it shows the OLD code in remote. I'm so not getting any sleep tonight. |
anyway, i was going to check your code & suggest a way to code your page, so i'll have to do it without the benefit of lookng at the source code
i suggest something like this: <div id="review" class="boxy"> <h2>reviews</h2> <p> bla bla blah</p> <ul> <li>bla ba bla </li> <li> bla bla blee </li> <li> bla bla bloom </li> </ul> </div> notice it has an id and a class since there can only be 1 id per page and this belongs to a class of "boxy" boxes. then you'd style it something like this: .boxy { width: 20%; backround: #fc9 url(/images/boxybackground.png) repeat-y top left; /* the background image repeats to fit the length of the box */ color: #c93; padding: 1em; float: left; } that would float about 5 boxes next to each other each with a bg image and if the image doesn't download the ffcc99 color covers yer ass. padding can mess up some times the alignment depending on the box model of each browser uses, so putting a div within a div becomes (oh no!) necessary so it inner elements can all adjust within your 20% thing that divides your page in (say) 5 boxes per line. if you want something specific only to this box, you'edefine it in the id style #review { border: 1px dashed #900; clear: left; /* this would in theory move the box to float in the next line rather that next to the previous box element ; in other words, "review" would be first on the left */ } that's more or less it, i hope it helps, have fun. there may be syntax errors in the code above but i can't check right now. |
i can see the site content with IE,but the logo has a strange light-blue background.i think it's supposed to be transparent,but it's not....
dead on. I'm fixing it right now :). I resolved quite a few of the problems we were encountering too. The DN works on all browsers now, just have to fix the background from repeating.... |
Fixed pretty much all the problems, I'm not finding anything wrong at the moment. Did most of the contact page other than the legal stuff. If you don't wish to have your actual name on the page for privacy reasons, just give me a shout and I'll fix it up for you.
My login doesn't seem to work correctly. Could you send me an e-mail with my password in it? I might have typed something wrong.
for your login, did you include "@groundwatermusic.com"?
Yes. And I tried it the other way.
Oh, well that sucks.
I sent you an email from my account. It went to Hasche@groundwatermusic.com It seemed to go through, so I guess it is just a password thing... |
Sorry about that hayden. I was unable to PM you and I was really caught up in a lot of things with fixing up the site.
Your password was too long, so I made it the same as the one you gave me without the last 4 numbers. You can switch your password at any time as well. Sorry about that |
Yeah. I don't have pms. I forgot to tell you that.
Thanks. |
couldn't help to notice that the mailto link on the site (the "contact webmaster") is spelt wrong, it is spelt as webmaster@groundwdatermusic.com. sorry to nitpick, i wasn't intentially looking out for it or anything but these things come to me.
Thanks! No, it's really good when people point these things out. Better than havinga broken link :). thanks again! |
Jaime Bastien jbastien@groundwatermusic.com Joel Switzer jswitzer@groundwatermusic.com> Tom Weber tweber@groundwatermusic.com Marcos Hassan mhassan@groundwatermusic.com Danny Fitzgerald dfitzgerald@groundwatermusic.com Jonathan Marks jmarks@groundwatermusic.com Brendan Green bgreen@groundwatermusic.com Alex Taitague ataitague@groundwatermusic.com Jade Ryan jryan@groundwatermusic.com Hayden Asche hasche@groundwatermusic.com If only knew how leet i feel right now. |
Now our identies are all going to be stolen.
If you read one of my posts on a previous page, I said that if you're not comfortable with your name on the interweb, I can take it off for ya ASAP:) |
What else is there to contribute besides reviews?
I'd like to help out. |
Pretty much anything really! -I really want to focus on news, you can never get enough news -If you're a visual or digital artist, you can help with logo's/wallpaper -Interviews with bands are nice, even if they are small bands, you can refer the site to them and they'll have themselves + all their friends visiting, which would promote the site a little, and the more people we get, the more money I can put into the site -If you're a programmer, I could use a lot of help with that. It's going to take me forever until the site is done alone, especially once I get some audio RRS feeds in there. -Money contributions, although I definately don't expect people to donate money. -Obtaining copyrights would be nice, so instead of having hotlinks to illegal sources we'll have them ourselves. Thanks very much! Rob |
I sort of want to do something with Hayden, a feature where we poke fun at bad music. If you have any ideas and want to collaborate, shoot me a PM. I've been working on a review, "NYC G+F Revisited", is the working title.. can I post it on here just to get a few tips on how I could improve? |
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