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Cantankerous 10.02.2006 11:00 PM

should i cut my hair?
right now it's a little ways past my armpits. if i cut it i'll cut it up to my shoulders.

static-harmony 10.02.2006 11:01 PM

I say no, girls look hotter with long hair.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 11:03 PM

it's getting really long and stringy like jesus hair if he had bangs.

static-harmony 10.02.2006 11:04 PM

Well if it means that your hair will take longer to fix then yes if not then no.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 11:09 PM

oh i don't fix my hair. ever. that won't be a problem.

golden child 10.02.2006 11:09 PM

i dont give a fuck, do whatever you want

static-harmony 10.02.2006 11:10 PM

Then HELL NOOO. Leave your hair alone, just dye it.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 11:11 PM

my secret for having fabulous hair is that i hardly ever wash it and i only comb it when i dye it.

Everyneurotic 10.02.2006 11:12 PM

sure, why not?

static-harmony 10.02.2006 11:14 PM

I want to dye my hair some odd color, but my work won't allow to have extreme dye's

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 11:14 PM

where do you work?

static-harmony 10.02.2006 11:15 PM

Costco, in the Bakery department.

against_the_grain 10.02.2006 11:42 PM

Will they let you add sprinkles ?

I think you should let your hair grow Cantankerous. I'm lettin' my grow.

Wanna race to the waist ?

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 11:44 PM

i will never go to the waist. i'll let it get a little longer before i decide. because it is pretty great looking right now.

soniknirve 10.03.2006 12:21 AM

whatever. just don't let any grow under the armpits.

Cantankerous 10.03.2006 12:24 AM

i have that all taken care of.

soniknirve 10.03.2006 12:27 AM

Good. I can tolerate a girl who doesn't maintain her hair, but one who doesn't care to shave is a major turn off.

wax 10.03.2006 01:22 AM


sonic sphere 10.03.2006 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by wax

my thoughts exactly

Glice 10.03.2006 08:45 AM

I grateful this doesn't appear to be a Pavement related thread.

_slavo_ 10.03.2006 09:01 AM

yes. do that and drop the drugs and you'll be a sweetie.

HaydenAsche 10.03.2006 09:02 AM

More Hair. More Drugs. More Fun.

Inhuman 10.03.2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I grateful this doesn't appear to be a Pavement related thread.

I was about to say!
Do what you want with your hair. Personally I think short hair is much better looking.

Hip Priest 10.03.2006 12:28 PM

Name that film: I wouldn't advise a haircut, man. Hairs are your aerials - they recieve signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly to your brain.

Free rep, maybe, for the first correct answer, or maybe not. It depends on what kind of mood I'm in.

I say get it cut before it starts to get too long; otherwise it'll just hang straight with no body at all. I like it to have a bit of lift.

golden child 10.03.2006 12:35 PM

doesnt really make a difference.

Trasher02 10.03.2006 01:46 PM

I don't rly care but if you really want my opinion I'd say cut it cause I'd like to see you fuck it up.

Iain 10.03.2006 02:01 PM

Let all your hair grow like a cavewoman

EMMAh 10.03.2006 02:23 PM

Cut it like Liz (from Degrassi) has her hair :)

Nah, I'm kidding, I know you wouldn't do that. I like the length of your hair right now, maybe just give it a trim?

touch me i'm sick 10.03.2006 04:52 PM

don't cut it man. it'll ruin everything.

jesus hair makes the world go round

!@#$%! 10.03.2006 05:07 PM

"i don't give a flying fuck" wasn't available, so i picked option #3.

however i would say if you're willing to compensate me for my time at the rate of $90 an hour, i'll do a complete hair consultation online. oh yes, with guaranteed results...!


Cantankerous 10.03.2006 05:21 PM

i don't have horse teeth.

!@#$%! 10.03.2006 05:24 PM

you thought that was you?

ha ha ha ha

Cantankerous 10.03.2006 05:52 PM

no. just saying/

Danny Himself 10.03.2006 05:53 PM

Yesyesysyes cut it.

Cantankerous 10.03.2006 05:54 PM

seeing as glice is always right and so am i, i'm just going to do whatever the fuck i want. and right now i don't feel like it.

TheDom 10.03.2006 05:54 PM

Shave it all off

static-harmony 10.03.2006 05:55 PM

See, you need a hair stylists, when you choose to get one, make sure he is gay, went and dropped beauty school, and can kiss you inappropiately.

Cantankerous 10.03.2006 05:57 PM

i let one of my friends, who is gay, dye my hair a couple of times. he did a good job.

golden child 10.03.2006 05:59 PM

looks like no one got my joke, meh

ive thought this over, you should cut it but dont do it half ass, go butch or go home! (extra points if you shave it all off)

EMMAh 10.03.2006 06:03 PM

I had a gay teacher last year, and this one kid came into class with this big ass blonde patch right on the top of his head. Mr. Gayteacher then told the kid not to go back to that hair dresser ever again.
Gay guys give good hair advice.

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