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Cantankerous 10.06.2006 01:16 AM

Twenty-eight years old and sporting a tight-fitting sweater and bowl cut?
savage drone's dark past

Iain 10.06.2006 02:29 AM

Haha....bowl cut.


blue sunlover 10.06.2006 02:31 AM

red hair off?even head off?

CHOUT 10.06.2006 03:33 AM

I know Mr. Matos...was my bro's friend for a long time. Doin' quite well with his writing...
What did you look like in '99, Cantankerous?

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 08:45 AM

I wore the bowl cut and the page boy for a long time.
I have super-straight hair, jeez.
Did Sonic Boom get this much crap for his bowl cut?

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 08:45 AM

That was a HILARIOUS read last night.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 08:55 AM

I want to know how this can be my "dark past" when I am still in this band right now.

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 08:56 AM

Do you still have the bowl cut?

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 08:57 AM

No, but it does take me longer to get ready now, what with having regressed even further into the gravity-defying hairdos of my long-lost teen years.

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 08:59 AM

This is why it is your dark past. You aren't a whiny emo boy with a bowlcut crying about your band being ignored by its own scene.

We still love you, drone. You just had a bowl cut. Now, you have to deal with the consequences.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:01 AM

I was more calling attention to the frustrating irony of the situation than whining, but you can read into it however you want.
As to my past haircuts: sooner or later you will look back on some of your fashion choices and cringe. Mark my words.

Now where's my Geritol?

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 09:04 AM

You haven't picked it up from Walgreens.

I don't think I'm going to make Haino tonight. I have 11 dollars and still have to buy gas and a ticket:S.

porkmarras 10.06.2006 09:04 AM

What is wrong with a bowl cut anyway?

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 09:04 AM

Not a whole lot.

I'll give it to you, drone, you still looked good with a bowl cut.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:07 AM

I always thought of bowl cuts as being sort of a mod thing, and I try and inhabit the two opposing fashion worlds of mod and goth simultaneously most of the time.

I am lining up a few embarrassing photos right now, some of which have not been posted before. One involves a cape, even. A cape I still wear in winter.

Everyneurotic 10.06.2006 09:08 AM

hahaha, funny stuff

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 09:09 AM

A cape????

Oh, dear God, the hilarity.

Cantankerous will have a hay day.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:15 AM

OK, here we go.

Bowl cut:

Bowl cut with staff and cape!

1989-90 dreadlocks (if you're gonna give me crap, for god's sake THIS IS THE ONE):


I could go on and on, but I think I've given you at least 4 years' worth of fodder for your relentless taunts and barbs there.

Everyneurotic 10.06.2006 09:16 AM

dude, i was going to ask you if the cape one involved a answer lies in that post.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:17 AM

Not only a cane, but a Baphomet as well!
Oh yes.

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 09:17 AM

Oh, God, the dreadlocks picture is horrible. Did you smoke pot with SuchFriends at the time?

I still remain that you look good with the bowl cut no matter how lame it really is.

The JAMC look is different to say the least.

Everyneurotic 10.06.2006 09:19 AM

true, true; goes without saying. you just need a picture of lavey sticking out of one of your pockets or in your hand.

i'm seeing sex gang children next week, can i borrow your outfit?

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:20 AM

I saw them in 1992.
I think I had a bowl cut at the time.

porkmarras 10.06.2006 09:22 AM

Sex Gang Children?Go away!

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:24 AM

They were great in their time.
Not so good when I saw them, but I did love them as a teenager.

Everyneurotic 10.06.2006 09:27 AM

so no good live? i might skip them, i think i saw another show that might interest me that weekend (besides anathema, of course).

porkmarras 10.06.2006 09:28 AM

They are the height of naffness.Them and Comsat Angels were horrid.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 09:29 AM

Well, this was 14 years ago and they were just getting back into the swing of things, so maybe they are better now. I have no idea.

Their music hasn't aged terribly well though, I'll admit.

Everyneurotic 10.06.2006 09:31 AM

they are fun and funny, what's not to like?

golden child 10.06.2006 02:09 PM

if you guys are so good, being in the wire and AP... how come i havent heard of ya?

the dreadlock picture doesnt even look much like you.

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 02:10 PM

Probably because those reviews occurred when you were in grade school, and it's not like it was a full-on media blitz.

golden child 10.06.2006 02:11 PM

oh so your past your hayday?

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 02:12 PM

Apparently, as the sum total of all my years on this planet have led to this moment right now.

porkmarras 10.06.2006 02:13 PM

iIwould negatively rep you again golden whatever you are called but it wont let me.

golden child 10.06.2006 02:14 PM

hmm, i just found live at soo gallery for $12 dollars. would you recommend this? ill have to pick it up i guess...

Savage Clone 10.06.2006 02:15 PM

You can have side 1 for free:

HaydenAsche 10.06.2006 02:16 PM

I have side one. I like it. Not spend twelve dollars like it, though.

golden child 10.06.2006 02:17 PM

it was tough finding stuff about your band, i had to google "salamader erik" to get anything that wasnt about anphibians.

ive acually been meaning to check out salamander for sometime, ill buy that i think.

porkmarras 10.06.2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by golden child
it was tough finding stuff about your band, i had to google "salamader erik" to get anything that wasnt about anphibians.

ive acually been meaning to check out salamander for sometime, ill buy that i think.

Bullshit Elvis Presley?

golden child 10.06.2006 02:20 PM


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