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gast30 01.03.2012 07:08 PM

is a war with iran on it's way ????
i was thinking that after i just heard the news
something about an american ship
and iran that closing a water passage

so the next ship that is going to go there
will be bombed by iran navy
and then what

the ikara cult 01.03.2012 07:14 PM

Just so you know, i dont think military intervention on Iran will help

floatingslowly 01.03.2012 08:53 PM

I was really starting to think that Pakistán and India would be the first nuclear exchange.

Unfortunately, not even the US can order another nation out of international waters and not expect to be scoffed at.

Shall we start a pool on who launches first????

I've got 20 on Quetzalcoatl.

floatingslowly 01.03.2012 09:07 PM

PS: the war already started years ago with the insertion of multiple viral payloads.

Ask a predator pilot how long its been since (s)he changed her password.

I can't wait for the movie!!!!!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.03.2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
PS: the war already started years ago with the insertion of multiple viral payloads.


SONIC GAIL 01.03.2012 09:57 PM

Now why on earth would Americans ever be involved in such a thing as war?

gast30 01.04.2012 10:22 AM

if the truth comes out

i think peoples have questions
if the military has billions earned
to keep the OPEC working

or was it an act of friendship
and so sacrifising people
for the riches of the rich

gast30 01.04.2012 10:27 AM

all questions and difficult dubble games of the economy to save their own ass
and have a picture in front of camera's
"TRUST US" - we are the GOOD people

i watching tv now
- iraq bombings restarted
-iran ?????
- africa voilence of new terror group
-europe populism - neonazi's -extreemright HATE PROGRAM- pushing the enveloppe of hate
and at the same time having their annual remembering of WOII

how can you remember the WOII and pushing the agenda of hate?

all shit people
destroying peace and harmony in nature of sapian kind

floatingslowly 01.04.2012 11:06 AM

No need for alarm.

Fuckyoushima showed us that a little radiation in the atmosphere is no big deal!!!!

floatingslowly 01.04.2012 11:26 AM

Also: america saves the world AGAIN - 2012 remix

E. Noisefield 01.04.2012 12:45 PM

Really praying such a thing doesn't happen. I have a friend who is from Iran, and have heard her parents' side of the story- the long story- many times. If the FEDs could read my mind, I'd probably be in some deep shit.

Also, if the US declares, I will refrain from voting democrat for the first time in my life. I will support no more war. Ever.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.04.2012 04:05 PM

The people talk about different things, or they talk about the same things in a different way.. but that is only because they have a different view and understanding of what reality is all about, because it was taught to them in a different way..

Oh did ya see dem, chanting for them soul Jah
Some a dem man come, fight a dutty one obeah

They want to control with violence
In them battle for the Seventh Seal
Brimstone and thunder shall surely tell
All of your words of wisdom in your heart them dwell

Trying to control with violence
Soul to soul dem a oppress we
And it looks to me like dem still don’t see
The whole a dem a chanting for stronger military

Oh you must live intelligently
If only for yourself stand on your principality
I just want to reach them all who cannot see
Look they search inna de gutter for good
For dem can’t read

They want to control with violence
In them battle for the Seventh Seal
Move the mountain into the sea
They seek to penetrate dem as if them were weak

Who will rescue me?
Jah will always rescue me
Music will always rescue me

Oh you must live intelligently
If only for yourself stand on your principality
I just want to reach them all who cannot see
Look they search inna de gutter for good
For dem can’t read

They want to control with violence
Nothing has changed in them stronger beat
Why do they hide those who chant “we free”?
Why do they hide those who chant “we free”?

Look how they lean upon dem technology
Asking to trade our hearts for a would of greed

Who will rescue me?
Jah will always rescue me
Music will always rescue me

gast30 01.04.2012 05:43 PM

peace suchfraredangerous

talking after war has no use
maybe if you need to process the happening

talking forward about what is better for the future

in europe and america more people are liberated from religion
atheist people
they have difficult times too
5 billion people believe in religion

what voice can you have

while you true know that life without religion or politic or power hirarchies
would be called modern

stay with the cave peoples code's
only kill for food (animals)

one dna for the world wide specie sapian
sapians have all the same dna
from the first sapians that walked to YOU that is walking somewhere in the universe

this mean humans have no enemies
only propaganda makes you see enemies

that is the virus of the dictators, liars and fearmakers

jon boy 01.04.2012 10:00 PM

its pretty doubtful, more likely to go into some other oil rich country to 'stabilize the situation' or something like that. i suppose it depends on which corporate puppet gets into the whitehouse but i think its doubtful as no one will want that on the record.

gast30 01.05.2012 10:19 AM

doesn't matter
the way out is individuality
people that lived in the medieval days
also lived in a world full of abuse and slavery
and war
war to make the kingdom bigger
to get more money and ape prestige

if you film all the apes on powerpositions

you know they are the 1st responsible for abuse , destruction of the planet, slavery and war

so you can see the 1st responsibles on tv or internet everyday

that doesn't mean they live in the modern time

modern time is IQ time
pioneers time

the people with IQ made the tooldevelopment of the sapians
not the people in power, they don't have IQ

religion & people in power oppresed sientist and modernity/freedom of human kind

for 3000 years

soo that means that all the shit you see from sapians worldwide
(i mean all the yesterdays before 2012= 3000 years of power abuse shit)

people world wide had enough of political abuse, financial abuse, religious abuse

enough of you retarted sapians who never have to take responsibility while they are the 1 st responsible for all the shit on the planet

doesn't matter how banking families play powerchess with the world and destroy it

their childeren will be swimming in the shit of their lies
till their death
as so for all the 'slaves ' that believe their shit as the righ thing to do for an animal

did anyone here found a book where it is said - How animals should live?

Did a book fall out of an UFO where they say what an animal should do?

NO, there will never be a book that is going to tell an animal what to do

so it's you brain responsibility to turn back to nature
and be a calm animal

and more IQ can an animal not give then living in a calm state
no matter what for shit in time of earth life is going on

i think

gast30 01.05.2012 10:37 AM

what can the modern humans that a born in these times do
to stop animal psychose of 3000 years?

maybe the sapian animal continues like this for the next 2000 years
and then the sapians are born in the year 5000
and maybe then...
something change

sad pile of animal tryouts
to become something
or to get food and a bit of sunshine

anyway you can say fuck the 3000 years of sapian shit and start a modern life

your freedom inside

DeadDiscoDildo 01.09.2012 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
No need for alarm.

Fuckyoushima showed us that a little radiation in the atmosphere is no big deal!!!!

Also all the tests above ground and underground in Nevada before...fuckyoushima...haha

DeadDiscoDildo 01.09.2012 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
what can the modern humans that a born in these times do
to stop animal psychose of 3000 years?

maybe the sapian animal continues like this for the next 2000 years
and then the sapians are born in the year 5000
and maybe then...
something change

sad pile of animal tryouts
to become something
or to get food and a bit of sunshine

anyway you can say fuck the 3000 years of sapian shit and start a modern life

your freedom inside

What's up with all this "sapien this, sapien that" talk? You get hyped after the planet of the apes remake?

nah just kidding, I like your child like grammar.

We are just violent animals who consider themselves civilized, afterall.

gast30 01.09.2012 08:47 PM

now the solution for this is alternatives for 15% of oiltransport trough water way

or start a war for 15% oiltransport?

....and ...the news of today

-america i sspeaking strong language that they can't tolerate the closing down of the oiltransport way
- iran is on visit/tea visit with south america

what now
hope fully people wake up and find a peacefull solution for this musculus show off of childeren who are lost in nature

gast30 01.09.2012 08:52 PM

we don't have all future for macho lowbrainity of leadership

demonrail666 01.09.2012 10:26 PM

we never have, but that hasn't stopped them in the past

jon boy 01.10.2012 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
we don't have all future for macho lowbrainity of leadership

since when has that ever stopped corporate puppets in the past?

gast30 01.10.2012 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
since when has that ever stopped corporate puppets in the past?

you can easely judge same animal life ( 7 billion people, 7 billion same dna )

all animal species

some of these DNA don't understand words like babooning or bonobolaziation

babooning is for animals who are lost in 'imaginating it has some kinda fictionated powers'; people in power by politics or multinationals, fearplay

and bonobolaziation for the sexindustry/ humantraffic

2 big groups of non-IQ life

and then you have the rest of the population that don't understand all this
and have to find a way to 'survive' between bonobolaziation and babooning people
same specie with low IQ

ofcourse they can't stop corporated puppets

corporated puppets use bonobo's for their sexual toilet and use baboons for their protection- security/ bodygards / security systems

if a sapian uses it's IQ in the wrong way
the mistakes comes from that sapian brain

the past of sapians is full of abuse and war
very difficult specie to understand what drives these landanimal gone sick

information sick

no animal has the power to tell another animal what to do
the animal life is already difficult
because we have a animal history of 4.5 billion years on earth

so you see
it takes 4 billion years for sapians to become landanimals
2 million years to get to mars and start other planet research

in the 2 million years sapian populations got written like computers got written programs to function

the sapian is no computer and don't need a program
it's a biosystem only made to find water and food

that doesn't recognice god, political leaders, ideology

only designed for water and food
the future has to live with the truth of origin and make the best of the 80-100 years of live she or he has
and then it's lights out for the biosystems that were only interested in water and food

gast30 01.10.2012 07:07 AM

just rememeber 2 groups of low IQ
1. baboons = fearplay , terrorist, musculus show off
2. bonobos = sexually abused people (reabused), victims of humantraffic, prostitutes

more rationally

1. agression
2. sexuality

two island where sapians don't get their IQ over it

the basic errors in all human errors
going on for 1000 of years in the sapian world

jon boy 01.10.2012 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
you can easely judge same animal life ( 7 billion people, 7 billion same dna )

all animal species

some of these DNA don't understand words like babooning or bonobolaziation

babooning is for animals who are lost in 'imaginating it has some kinda fictionated powers'; people in power by politics or multinationals, fearplay

and bonobolaziation for the sexindustry/ humantraffic

2 big groups of non-IQ life

and then you have the rest of the population that don't understand all this
and have to find a way to 'survive' between bonobolaziation and babooning people
same specie with low IQ

ofcourse they can't stop corporated puppets

corporated puppets use bonobo's for their sexual toilet and use baboons for their protection- security/ bodygards / security systems

if a sapian uses it's IQ in the wrong way
the mistakes comes from that sapian brain

the past of sapians is full of abuse and war
very difficult specie to understand what drives these landanimal gone sick

information sick

no animal has the power to tell another animal what to do
the animal life is already difficult
because we have a animal history of 4.5 billion years on earth

so you see
it takes 4 billion years for sapians to become landanimals
2 million years to get to mars and start other planet research

in the 2 million years sapian populations got written like computers got written programs to function

the sapian is no computer and don't need a program
it's a biosystem only made to find water and food

that doesn't recognice god, political leaders, ideology

only designed for water and food
the future has to live with the truth of origin and make the best of the 80-100 years of live she or he has
and then it's lights out for the biosystems that were only interested in water and food

we are devo.

gast30 01.10.2012 03:10 PM

the us and iran have to get the violins back tuned
soon bill clinton will fly to iran or someone else, i believe mohamed ali was there for the american tourist

this and that
and then the war will be stopped

iran has many other solutions to deal it things
and so the rest of the world

and then.....
back to all 7 billion living together

peace and love to the world

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