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HaydenAsche 10.11.2006 01:19 PM

Yes. It's true. Wallow in grief, women. Shout for joy, Clone.

UVRAY 10.11.2006 02:19 PM

So what do you want? A medal?


Only kidding with you.

Yes I expect there will be some gnashing of teeth and painful tears amongst the girls in your postal district this evening now that this information is out.

HaydenAsche 10.11.2006 02:20 PM

Postal district?

Try this entire board.

HaydenAsche 10.11.2006 02:26 PM


LittlePuppetBoy 10.11.2006 03:00 PM

I'm not surprised.

A few weeks ago I found out one of my classmates (whom I've known for a couple of years) was gay. Once again, I was not surprised at all. His speaking tone was wayyy too feminine for him to be straight.

Signpost 10.11.2006 03:06 PM


static-harmony 10.11.2006 03:33 PM

I R gay too, oops dman it now everybody knows.

Cantankerous 10.11.2006 05:02 PM

Grief? I am rejoicing.

Savage Clone 10.11.2006 05:06 PM

I am shouting, but it was purely due to the fact that it actually fucking snowed today.

Cantankerous 10.11.2006 05:06 PM

it did not!

HaydenAsche 10.11.2006 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I am shouting, but it was purely due to the fact that it actually fucking snowed today.


If it is going to snow it needs to not fuck around. It needs to actually snow.

static-harmony 10.11.2006 05:07 PM

I never seen snow in my whole entire life.

Savage Clone 10.11.2006 05:09 PM

It only snowed hard for a little bit and them it was instantly sunny. The wind is quite raw today as well.
I don't mind cold, but fuck a snow.

Cantankerous 10.11.2006 05:09 PM

it's always snowing when cantankerous is around.

HaydenAsche 10.11.2006 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
It only snowed hard for a little bit and them it was instantly sunny. The wind is quite raw today as well.
I don't mind cold, but fuck a snow.

I like snow but I like SNOW. Not dinky pussy little excuses for snow.

static-harmony 10.11.2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I like snow but I like SNOW. Not dinky pussy little excuses for snow.

I know what you mean, I hate that lame rain we get here in L.A.

Savage Clone 10.11.2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
it's always snowing when cantankerous is around.

They have special shampoos for that, you know.

Alex's Trip 10.11.2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I R Gay Too.a Gay Robot.punish Me.punish Me.

That reminds me of a time on the bus when this annoying kid stood up and say "I'm a gay robot". A friend and I said "You're a robot!?" at the same time, totally unplanned. It was pretty funny.

static-harmony 10.11.2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
They have special shampoos for that, you know.

I would rep you but you know...

sonicl 10.12.2006 06:02 AM

Hey, Hayden, I need to know: Do you have a camp queeny voice?

Pork doesn't have a camp queeny voice, you know. He has a voice like an Italian Lee Marvin. Although I suppose there's a possibility that to an Italian Lee Marvin's voice could be quite camp, they're a funny nation.

blue sunlover 10.12.2006 06:20 AM

girls laugh girls cry.....

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Hey, Hayden, I need to know: Do you have a camp queeny voice?

Pork doesn't have a camp queeny voice, you know. He has a voice like an Italian Lee Marvin. Although I suppose there's a possibility that to an Italian Lee Marvin's voice could be quite camp, they're a funny nation.

My voice is far deeper and less gay than Pork's.

sonicl 10.12.2006 10:56 AM

Crikey! Do you cause earthquakes whenever you speak?

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 11:00 AM

No. I've heard Porky's voice. It's not that fucking masculine, dear. The accent makes it sound gay. I sound like a deep voiced fag who smokes alot.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Let's not forget that i heard yours too,Miss Truck Driver:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yes. The accent makes anyone seem gay, though. So, being a fag and all, you sound like a terribly terribly gay queen.

Trasher02 10.12.2006 11:13 AM

stfu U R ghey

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 11:15 AM

No offense or anything, dear. I look like much more of a wimpy little fag than you do.

Glice 10.12.2006 11:18 AM

There's very little about Porky in person that is obviously gay. If you think he sounds gay, Italy music be homo-tastic.

Edit: Thinking about it, my little group of Italian stallions in London (my pulling partners) would be mistaken for gay a lot quicker than Porky. And in one sense they are. In a more meaningful sense, they get more (female) ass than any sad bastard who sits all day on the internet (hi).

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 11:22 AM

I think accents in general sound gay.

I get a good amount of ass.

Savage Clone 10.12.2006 11:24 AM

I have had quite a few people assume I was gay.
I don't think it was due to my bland midwestern accent though.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 11:25 AM

Why aren't you, SC? It would make things between us much easier.

You can even wear your cape to bed.

Savage Clone 10.12.2006 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Why aren't you, SC? It would make things between us much easier.

You can even wear your cape to bed.

Well, I still wouldn't be a pedophile.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Well, I still wouldn't be a pedophile.

I have the body of a 20+ year old.

Besides, it wouldn't work out. My fiance probably wouldn't like the idea of me dating you. He hates the Talking Heads.

Inhuman 10.12.2006 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
I'm not surprised.

A few weeks ago I found out one of my classmates (whom I've known for a couple of years) was gay. Once again, I was not surprised at all. His speaking tone was wayyy too feminine for him to be straight.

Do you know if his name is Dave-O? Jess has a friend that goes to our school named dave-o, and he speaks really feminine, but I havent seen him.

Savage Clone 10.12.2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
My fiance probably wouldn't like the idea of me dating you. He hates the Talking Heads.

Me too.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
OOOHHH I get it now!

-hayden went to the Panic At the Disco! show
-He finds out the girl that he was into really was a feminine scene boy
-He's too into him to stop liking him

Well? Am I close :)

Not quite.

Something more like this:

-Hayden meets one of his best friends older brother, Stephen, and is all googly-eyed.
-Stephen brings Hayden to a Cat Power show.
-Hayden and Stephen fall in love.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Me too.

I love the Tom Tom Club.

Inhuman 10.12.2006 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Not quite.

Something more like this:

-Hayden meets one of his best friends older brother, Stephen, and is all googly-eyed.
-Stephen brings Hayden to a Cat Power show.
-Hayden and Stephen fall in love.

yeah, sorry about that, I got mixed up between you and RipFrey. I was preparing for a midterm when I wrote it. Ripfrey's the one that's going to a Panic show or whatever

Anngella 10.12.2006 03:21 PM

I had a dream last night that my dad was gay.
Too bad it's not true.

HaydenAsche 10.12.2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
yeah, sorry about that, I got mixed up between you and RipFrey. I was preparing for a midterm when I wrote it. Ripfrey's the one that's going to a Panic show or whatever

Heh. Yeah.

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