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One of many reasons religion is an awful thing.
I know we're told to not always judge the religious based off of their actions and to look at the bibles they read instead...but shit like this makes me wonder how much most people actually believe. Faith can be an awful, awful, awful thing. Poisonous. This girl kicks ass though. Just hate that she's got to put up with this sort of shit. (also, I've read the Christian version of the bible. It's some of the most evil shit I've ever read). |
herp derp a-derp.
I don't believe in anything that doesn't offer enough evidence to actually be tested...which is why god doesn't belong in schools. Zero evidence of god. Of course this doesn't prove god doesn't exist, but it does absolutely nothing to support him either.
Sucks any student has to put up with shit like this. Almost as fucked up as having to listen to a science teacher talk about creationism. Pseudo-science needs to stay in it's place...far outside of schools/politics/etc. |
![]() Quote:
Fixed that for you ;) ps.. ![]() |
Well, morals ("ethics", whatever...) are something that are taught through various means as is anything else...unfortunately, there are ignorant people out there that legitimately believe morals wouldn't exist without god, this is however by NO means true.
A quote I read somewhere recently that I liked (unfortunately I forget who said it): ""you're right I'm not moral because morals is a set of behavioral guidelines derived from authority whether real or imagined and I don't use morality in my day to day life to make decisions, however I'm a very ethical person, and I think that social ethics as they evolved out of social dynamics, are a better course to pursue then morality, because if you're being a moral person, and you are doing what the authority has instructed you to do, that authority may not in itself be moral. So for me social ethics are the way to go." |
Ever wonder why god never intervenes and aids the faithful with intelligent responses in religious debates? They have the same ammunition they've always had....nothing.
The burden of proof lies on you. If you want me to take your claims seriously, you'd better come up with something tangible....if you can not, you lose (which lets face it, you already do anyway). Your god is about as real as Humpty Dumpty. < (farrrrrrrrr easier for me to prove this than it is for you to prove the alternative, and ya know it fucker). |
I can only speak for myself, its not my business to convince you to believe in anything other then the common decency of being polite. You are right, there is morality aside from God, but clearly sometimes you run your mouth too much and fail to express any sense of morals or even common sense.. If you were really so cool and calm about your lack of faith, then you wouldn't really such an attention whore and a prick about it, but while you may think my faith is a Humpty Dumpty story, your house of cards is far less stable. By the way, Humpty Dumpty is a good analogy, the Fathers of the Church discovered the core of the human condition, the source of all our fear and anger, stems from the fracture between the reasoning mind and the feeling heart/soul. The mind simply does not have enough strength of character to exist separated from the heart, and that is why people are so selfish, angry, jealous, and even stupid (myself included). This all the more reason why we are Humpty Dumpty, and we need something transcendental, something beyond and bigger then individual selves, something which I understand to be called God but you can call Him whatever you like, to put US back together. God is not broken, we are. Besides, Freud and Jung already mentioned that folks never grow up and mature until they forgive their parents of all the supposed mistakes we wrongfully blame them on. It is the same cosmically with God, until we all learn to forgive God, then we will all be a bunch of broken-hearted mother fuckers.. By the way, y'all again are right, people can exist just fine without religion. The Dali Lhama just put forth a great analogy philosophically speaking. He said that in life, religion is like tea, and the water that is the base is compassion. Like tea, religion and faith is spiced with healing, consoling, strengthening additives collected from across the world, and the water is compassion, empathy, morality, politeness which religion is based and built upon. Just as man can live without tea, but must drink water, so to can we live without God, but surely we can't live without compassion and empathy and politeness, something which even atheistic evolutionary theory strongly suggests. You sir, lately have expressed and espoused neither compassion nor politeness, and as them elders say, you reap what you sow and you give what you get, so don't be surprised if all this cynicism doesn't come and bite you in the ass. As we again say in Rastafari, "and all them fireman that kindle the fire got to burn the fire according to the same fire plan, for the fire is not partial, not even to them that burn the fire." |
The common decency of being polite? You called me a racist fucker before I said ANYTHING even remotely derogatory to you. Here's another example of religious hypocricism at it's finest. If ya dish out shit, expect to receive it in return. If ya take offense to it, learn to keep your mouth shut. This area is the area I will ALWAYS ATTACK you and you're kind in...simply because, as I said earlier, your "god" didn't give you any bullets. Common sense? Are you serious? You believe in god and all sorts of invisible/spiritual beings. If the majority of the world didn't agree with you I'd call you delusional...but then again this same majority of the world considers themselves a minority. Idiots. Ever wonder why the poorer someone else, the less educated, the more likely they are to believe in god? And I'm NOT cool or calm about my lack of faith. I live in a world that expects me to have some sort of hushed sense of respect toward people like you, while I have to hear (am in some cases forced) to hear your type of bullshit on a regular basis. Many of these same sorts think it's rude or ignorant for me to even mention a lack of faith. I think more atheistic attention whores will make this world a better place. Maybe put a bit of balance into things, finally. If ya pay attention to the news it's already happening regardless. I'm glad to see it and look forward to more of it. Want to know what it feels like to be a minority? Be vocal about the fact that you're an atheist to anyone that will listen...especially those closest to you. Kids get disowned by parents for that shit in some parts of the woods. Religion is a fucking poison, man. When observing it, observing it's history, it's done far more harm than good. Atheists don't do things for any promise of some afterlife reward. War isn't usually started over our lack of belief. We don't usually fly planes into buildings or blow up buildings in Oklahoma. We don't kidnap native Americans to prove we've discovered someone elses land. I don't know much in the way about atheist supporting slavery or rape (two things which aren't even mentioned in the ten commandments....probably because both are more or less deemed OK through out the vast majority of the bible). We don't have stupid arguments with people of other faiths about what we know the afterlife is or isn't. We don't give our children answers to questions we don't really have answers to. We don't claim stupid shit like "we all had to come from something" all the while believing in a god that came from absolutely nothing. It's fucking dumb. John Lennon looked forward to the day Christianity would end. I do to (and I really don't give too much of a shit about John Lennon). I've officially said everything I feel any need (currently) to say to you. If you'd like to continue, fine...because honestly I enjoy this shit. It's good therapy and reminds me why I believe the way I believe. |
"woah man god can't be real because science"
dumb. |
No, but what you said was racist and mean spirited, and I called you on it, and you are still defensive hours later precisely because it hit mark... Get over yourself. I can only wait until you calm down and feel better and start talking about cool shit again and stop trolling around on some I hate the world and fuck everybody but me pity party, and then, its good times we will share. Siddhartha, are you just barely coming out of the palace yet, I thought you were already old enough to know better then be a pissed of 15 year old. If your not racist, be more careful at what slips out of your mouth, after all, you actually are typing and writing this, so you really should be able to at the least censor yourself. You've said other such things in the past, and on that thread, so if your not a racist, then stop pretending, you sure fooled me. I already know you hate God, that is not my business, you don't have to step on my toes about it. I only stepped on your toes because your negativity was stepping all over mine, and that was the first blood ATTACK as you mentioned of impoliteness. I should be polite to you, true, and I will apologize, but unfortunately I'm still a bit uncouth and street, sometimes I still got to bust lips spiritually speaking if not literally, and my brother, I'm trying to be nice, but you sure like running your grill.. I guess I'll just have to pray about that one too... Quote:
i was just paraphrasing you |
Again, false assumptions. I like most people...just not, you know, people like you. The situation involving illegal immigrant workers in the US IS a problem. It's a problem for them 9otherwise they wouldn't be here) and it's a problem for us. Most of the money earned isn't even really contributed back the the country they earned it in...it's sent home. AND YES, I feel bad for their situation and in their shoes I'd be doing the same thing. I don't blame them. But again, it is a problem. The fact that they are Mexicans, alone, has nothing to do with it. You say I need to watch what slips my mouth, I think you need to be more careful when it comes to reading. You read a tone that wasn't there. Just because I point out that someone is Chinese doesn't mean I prejudice against Asians. Pray all you fucking want. A recent study (I'll find it for you if ya'd like) showed the differences between cancer patients being prayed for, and those that were not. There were no differences between the two. I'm not going to tell ya not to waste you're time, just please....quit wasting mine. Thanks. |
Actually, you were not. I've never once said I knew god didn't exist (only fools claim to know either way for a fact). I said science has yet to come up with a single shred of evidence that supports god....which, ya know, is a fact. Therefor there is no reason for me to believe in god. |
Prayer is NOT about curing cancer, not that doctors have really had any better a success rate by the way, its about curing the broken and fearful heart and learning to embrace reality however it may exist, and doing the best we can with the opportunities we are given. I am sorry if I read to much into your posts or offended you, but I'm still rather wary of your crypto-explanations, they are a bit enlightening.. |
The ACLU & the Freedom From Religion people have this sort of annoying stick up their butt "not one domino shall fall" sort of attitude getting their panties in a twist over the smallest of things.
The girl felt that she didn't belong in her high school everytime she saw that prayer? What student feels like they do belong in their high school in the first place. I think the namecalling of the young hot chick was over the line, but you can't blame a peaceful little town for getting upset when some big litigious organization comes rolls into their town & gives it a bunch of national negative attention & tells them what to do. There was a local town here that was in trouble because of a nativity displayed on public property. Freedom From Religion bused protesters in and such. I don't know, I don't feel the pledge of allegiance is threatening my freedom of religion or the separation of church & state. When they start charging me taxes for not having a declared denomination or putting armbands on people you can then color me concerned. Now should the prayer have been in the school? Probably not. Most schools have mission statements. The whole "evils of religion" thing I think is a bit overblown. I think people are just shitty to begin with. We're animals, and animals do shitty things to each other. Talking about the "evils of religion" is just a nice way to prepackage and stereotype billions of people & hate them all at once. |
This is a dumb fucking topic. I don't care what you think about religion.
[quote=SpectralJulianIsNotDead]The ACLU & the Freedom From Religion people have this sort of annoying stick up their butt "not one domino shall fall" sort of attitude getting their panties in a twist over the smallest of things.
The girl felt that she didn't belong in her high school everytime she saw that prayer? What student feels like they do belong in their high school in the first place. I think the namecalling of the young hot chick was over the line, but you can't blame a peaceful little town for getting upset when some big litigious organization comes rolls into their town & gives it a bunch of national negative attention & tells them what to do. There was a local town here that was in trouble because of a nativity displayed on public property. Freedom From Religion bused protesters in and such. I don't know, I don't feel the pledge of allegiance is threatening my freedom of religion or the separation of church & state. When they start charging me taxes for not having a declared denomination or putting armbands on people you can then color me concerned. Now should the prayer have been in the school? Probably not. Most schools have mission statements. The whole "evils of religion" thing I think is a bit overblown. I think people are just shitty to begin with. We're animals, and animals do shitty things to each other. Talking about the "evils of religion" is just a nice way to prepackage and stereotype billions of people & hate them all at once.[/QUOTE I don't hate religious people, i hate religion. I agree we are all animals and are prone to doing shitty things because of the fact. Religion often puts us above animals, however. According to the christian bible, animals were put here for the pleasure of man. It teaches intolerance of others...homosexuals, nonbelievers, etc. What is there to like about religion? Even the stories as stories are boring and dated. Can't read the book of revelations without half asses expecting sinbad to pop out any any moment slashing away at three headed beasts and shit. |
first before you learn anything learn to count cyclus
today earth is 4.5 billion years old = evolution of life forms 'survival' religion = against nature people in the past, sientist who said the earth is round were about to be exucuted if they said something against what is written in the books written 2000 years ago by simple sapains first they oppres that and to get more gold and money they started wars to win land ( wars in the name of god, actually wars for more money ) since then wars never ended, protestants agains katholics ect.. 150 years ago darwin came with the information we might come from the animal evolution that was been laughed away and he could sit in the oppresed science corner like in the medieval days religion always oppresed scientist & nature intelligence after many wars later we are in 1950 - 1970 were religious survants abuse and kill about 10 to 20.000 childeren in europe ( not soo long ago ) after mass abuse of childeren they all keept it in the coverup 2 years ago this mass abuse of childeren by religion came to the surface and was all over the tv the people still believe these child abusers/ phedofiles and say it's a lie at the end the pope had the kneel and finally speak about it in 2010 ( their religious time , birth of christ in year 0 ) so religion in europe was a coverup by phedofiles who could keep the people stupid for an extreem long time and they still do follow these phedofiles to rome if they have to and then ofcourse the protitution of childeren & woman world wide that is still going on like you have now the live reports of cnn 'end modernday slavery' like i said, first there have to be a modernday if you want to talk about the modernday the modernisation of planet earth isn't there at the moment modernisation depends on modernhumans who a skilled with the modern information about life and if you are there you realize that all sapians brains who have brainfood from religion never ever gonna turn modern reality = 5 billion sapians on this planet have religious brainfood pumped in by parents or others word in the modern world = brainfood = pioson nature = brightness |
religion = pioson
modern information of today, for example DNA sapian = 98% chimpansees = not counting for 5 billion sapians world wide today
= modern humans are pioneers for the rest of their days |
who thinks about the atheist who need to see the religious wars & childabuses of these religious people we are all animals and some have childeren who are to stay for 80 to 100 years on earth today the sapian lifeforms are with 7 billion in number so... i guess you can figur out how a child has to grew up with all these pioson between the ears of the lifeforms it's all pioson an ashtray like 7 billion brains got the virus of information pioson maybe people are afraid of being what they are, a simple landanimal lifeform can you be happy with the origin? wel i can, i don't like to live confused about life i don't like to live in a lie, friends are the people that don't lie ( in my world ) ![]() |
I'm always crying about Kim and t bird. Anyways, I jsut hate these threads. |
yeah, i don't agree with that. first of all animals do not do shitty things to each other usually. animals take what they need and leave what they don't. animals kill for the mutual survival of each other. animals do not commit genocide. and there are also plenty of human cultures that were based of more egalitarian ideals that were based on respecting their surroundings for example many indigenous cultures of the americas (Turtle Island). this shittiness is definitely a problem of "civilized" people and i do not think can be attributed to a genetic human trait. |
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to fugazifan again
dfdbff |
Male animals will kill the offspring of rival groups, which you could call a micro-genocide, the genocidal streak is a primitive urge and we invent all sorts of insane "reasons" (religions being the main one) to justify them. The thing religions do best is to make non-believers think that theyre incredibly profound and subtle ways of seeing the world, when in actual fact theyre rooted in very crude and basic desires. anyway, im not having this arguement, i need to spare whats left of my sanity. |
It would be nice if people could come to terms with their primitive nature, understand it, embrace it, express it. I guess thats why I find Art more satisfying than dogma.
i read that thing (thanks for the link, appalling shit) and what jumped at me was that people confuse ethics with religion. you could easily replace "god" in that sign and have something equally wholesome "universal values", e.g.:
"let us each day have the desire to do our best..let us be good sports... " etc etc. with "let us" denoting intent ("let's") not permission (allow us). one of the frequent cons perpetrated by religion is that without god(s) we'd be devoid of morality. morality is a function of the human brain just like language or mathematics. yes, it varies from culture to culture, but i think that religion reflects morality more often than it shapes it so when people foam at the mouth about what this girl is doing in the name of religious freedom, they think that she's asking for rape and mayhem and carnage. eh, most people aren't very rational. |
groups who then have dominant position and then have guns and so war begins no groups = no war they did these psychological test on people and split a group of people into 2 groups a and b, also gave then different colors of tshirts bluee and red these things are between the ears if you think that you belong to the group a or to the group b then you are the one that makes that thought and follows that if everyone has a same colord tshirt then no one is thinking in terms of group a or group b the humans made up all these fictionary things |
ahem Quote:
thanks for quoting me that cuz this thread is TLDR & too much vitriol so i didn't read it. but yeah. thanks. |
I love my religion!
How else could I cast magick spells*?*??? Other than sex, I mean. Religion! Fuck yeah!! |
I praise the ever intelligent many headed slime mold
It kind of feels like sex! fuck yea!
Returned from the dead just to say this:
I don't believe in organized religion, but I'd hate to live in a world without faith. |
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