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Inhuman 10.26.2006 01:29 PM

The Board
Well I noticed that there's been a drop in the excitement of the board. Other than the "best name for a gay pro wrestler", I don't think I've seen any that have been particularly amusing to read. So I think:

-Porkie, make more random threads
-Hayden, quit the smoking weed shit. It only makes bad threads. Try acid and make polls.
-More poking fun at jico

whaddyasay? And what happened to Daycare Nation? Did he leave a long time ago and I just never noticed?

king_buzzo 10.26.2006 01:30 PM

you are totally right. theres no more fun in this board

Trasher02 10.26.2006 01:33 PM

That's not true I like the board how it is now.
Guess it's a matter of opinion.

Glice 10.26.2006 01:33 PM

I'm in a porno version of a horror movie. Cum is literally dribbling from the ceiling.

king_buzzo 10.26.2006 01:33 PM


Savage Clone 10.26.2006 01:36 PM

Weed and drunk threads are rarely fun to browse, it's true.
Toilet and Bowels moving to a house with no internet and the severe drop in truncatedness have also both negatively impacted the board's amusement quotient.
I went to a modern art museum this morning instead of hanging out here.

jon boy 10.26.2006 01:38 PM

its only the last few days that things have gone tits up. i think we all know why that is.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 01:40 PM

Well,the fact that Toilet,truncy and now pookie(not say that sonicl and Nefeli post less and less) is a damaging factor.I suppose that if Glice didn't send in the odd missive i'd post less but it's really been a load of silly and sometimes nonsensical threads with the occasional 'fuck you blah blah blah' thread thrown in for bad measure.What can you do?

pokkeherrie 10.26.2006 03:54 PM

there's not a single thread on the first page of the non-sonics section i feel much like opening at the moment. then i moved to the second page and the title of this one seemed just good enough.

Danny Himself 10.26.2006 03:59 PM

It's true- this board has gotten steadily worse. Atari/Intellivision posts too much random shit that nobody cares about, there's retards like Jico and N'ik floating around, and Cantankerous' daily 'i hate everybody' thread tops it off. Where is the intelligent discussion that a board like this should have? The shit here repels the last bastions of intellect (Hip Priest and Glice, to name two) to post in the 'sonic youth' thread a little, or just not post at all.

I miss chabib.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:03 PM

It has to be said,it has to be said.For as long as people keep on respecting the two other music sections i couldn't give a flying fig about people posting about the fact that they plan to top themselves off.

ni'k 10.26.2006 04:05 PM

So i'm a retard after that cantankerous thread. haha, you are over sensitive. man i haven't read anything particularily interesting coming from you in a long time.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:06 PM


pokkeherrie 10.26.2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
It has to be said,it has to be said.For as long as people keep on respecting the two other music sections i couldn't give a flying fig about people posting about the fact that they plan to top themselves off.

yeah, but if those people would just top themselves off instead of starting threads about it that would save the rest of us a few seconds wading through all that crap.

gmku 10.26.2006 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
So i'm a retard after that cantankerous thread. haha, you are over sensitive. man i haven't read anything particularily interesting coming from you in a long time.

Oh come on. There's Porky's whole Gmku is slightly gay thread. That's a real winner.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
yeah, but if those people would just top themselves off instead of starting threads about it that would save the rest of us a few seconds wading through all that crap.

Sure,nobody forces anyone to open threads on here,for what i know.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Oh come on. There's Porky's whole Gmku is slightly gay thread. That's a real winner.

Just because it's about you,gayer!

Danny Himself 10.26.2006 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
yeah, but if those people would just top themselves off instead of starting threads about it that would save the rest of us a few seconds wading through all that crap.

Oh, I yearn for the days when we had Muslims, Steve Shelley, and frequent posting by Emmah.

LifeDistortion 10.26.2006 04:10 PM

Eh, its a slow day, no news to talk about, that I can think of.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Oh, I yearn for the days when we had Muslims, Steve Shelley, and frequent posting by Emmah.

Sure you mean Emmah's pictures?Sorry,Emmah,no offence there.

Danny Himself 10.26.2006 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Sure you mean Emmah's pictures?Sorry,Emmah,no offence there.

Are you calling me straight?

ni'k 10.26.2006 04:12 PM

porky that post of him was directed at dannyhimslef not you. you must have posted just before i did.

pokkeherrie 10.26.2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Sure,nobody forces anyone to open threads on here,for what i know.

i looks like some people are forced starting them though.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
i looks like some people are forced starting them though.


Danny Himself 10.26.2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
porky that post of him was directed at dannyhimslef not you. you must have posted just before i did.

Can I call you Niksy? Let's be friends.

gmku 10.26.2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Just because it's about you,gayer!

I'm forever indebted. Sweetie.

ni'k 10.26.2006 04:15 PM

we can be friends. but you can't call me that. never.

porkmarras 10.26.2006 04:15 PM

Let's sodomize each other in a joyous pagan fest.

gmku 10.26.2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Let's sodomize each other in a joyous pagan fest.

You are a mad man! Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual. But now I know why I have always lost women (or men, as the case may be) to guys like you. I mean, it's not just the uniform. It's the stories that you tell. So much fun and imagination.

Danny Himself 10.26.2006 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
we can be friends. but you can't call me that. never.

Niksinator? Niksaroo?

gmku 10.26.2006 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
we can be friends. but you can't call me that. never.

Psycho: The name's Francis Sawyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.
Leon: Ooooooh.
Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. Also, I don't like no one touching my stuff. So just keep your meathooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.
Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.

Cantankerous 10.26.2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Psycho: The name's Francis Sawyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.
Leon: Ooooooh.
Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. Also, I don't like no one touching my stuff. So just keep your meathooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.
Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.

chicks dig me because i rarely wear underwear and when i do,/ it's usually something unusual.

gmku 10.26.2006 04:26 PM

Stripes rules.

Everyneurotic 10.26.2006 06:54 PM

the board sucks because you are all cunts. actually, i blame rather ripped.

mediocre album = mediocre board.

schizophrenicroom 10.26.2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
chicks dig me because i rarely wear underwear and when i do,/ it's usually something unusual.

that's why i dig you.

thank you, every-e.

Everyneurotic 10.26.2006 07:08 PM

you are always excluded from the cunts, schizo! actually, the board needs more schizo.

schizophrenicroom 10.26.2006 07:09 PM

the world needs more schizo, my dear.

Everyneurotic 10.26.2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
the world needs more schizo, my dear.

i can't agree more!

schizophrenicroom 10.26.2006 07:21 PM

i need to start a campaign. VOTE FOR A SCHIZO WORLD!!

Everyneurotic 10.26.2006 07:22 PM

a schizo world is a better world.

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