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porkmarras 11.01.2006 05:37 AM

I have something to tell you..........
.........i'm straight!I didn't want to come out on an internet forum but i had to start somewhere.

static-harmony 11.01.2006 05:39 AM

Sorry you've gone to far into queer world for we to belive your manhood as a straight man.

sonicl 11.01.2006 05:40 AM

When did you first realise that you might be straight? How did it happen? How far have things gone? Have you just felt the tinglings of heterosexuality in your loins, or have you gone so far as to kiss a woman? Or have you maybe gone even further?

jon boy 11.01.2006 05:43 AM

well well well... looks like someones neen telling a few porkies.

static-harmony 11.01.2006 05:44 AM

Hayden will be upset.

Tokolosh 11.01.2006 05:47 AM

Oh no! Does this mean you'll have to change your wardrobe and start dressing like a fashionless hetrosexual?

static-harmony 11.01.2006 05:48 AM

Wasn't he a model before?

jon boy 11.01.2006 05:49 AM

was it the drag thing that finally got you?

static-harmony 11.01.2006 05:50 AM

No it was taking it up the ass that finally did it for him.

porkmarras 11.01.2006 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
When did you first reliase that you might be straight? How did it happen?

My sneezing wasn't as camp as it used to be.I just thought to myself:'This is not right,i'm sneezing in a butch way and i've never done that before'.On top of that i found myself looking on my local newsagent's shelves for magazines like 'top gear' and the like.I'm sorry,i didn't mean it to come ou this way........will you come to watch the football with me next sunday?

static-harmony 11.01.2006 05:53 AM

You are going to get some people sad tomorrow porky.

Well I have to go and sleep.

static-harmony 11.01.2006 06:01 AM

Porky, I blame those conservatives for ruining you.

static-harmony 11.01.2006 06:04 AM

No wonder you've been obssesing about Cantankerous lately.

porkmarras 11.01.2006 06:09 AM

Bisexual people are a sub-species that hide under dusty carpets.

static-harmony 11.01.2006 06:10 AM

Bi people will evntually marry and have wonderful kids and lead a boring life.

UVRAY 11.01.2006 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
.........i'm straight!I didn't want to come out on an internet forum but i had to start somewhere.

Be very careful who you tell.

When I came out of the closet and proudly proclaimed to my parents that I was STRAIGHT they hit the fucking roof.

My father threw me out the house saying I was not taking girls into my bedroom while under his roof.

My mother didn't speak to me for ten years and when I got my own place all the neighbours started pushing nasty notes under my door and local kids put fireworks through my letterbox.

Well, all that was 20 years ago and I'd like to say I did the right thing but I'm not so sure. There are some bad kids around here and even to this day such is the prejudice that if I go to the shops I still get chased and kicked unconscious by gangs of skinheads.

Gulasch Noir 11.01.2006 08:03 AM

So did Cantankerous finally reverses the polarity of you?

sonicl 11.01.2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by UVRAY
Be very careful who you tell.

When I came out of the closet and proudly proclaimed to my parents that I was STRAIGHT they hit the fucking roof.

My father threw me out the house saying I was not taking girls into my bedroom while under his roof.

My mother didn't speak to me for ten years and when I got my own place all the neighbours started pushing nasty notes under my door and local kids put fireworks through my letterbox.

Well, all that was 20 years ago and I'd like to say I did the right thing but I'm not so sure. There are some bad kids around here and even to this day such is the prejudice that if I go to the shops I still get chased and kicked unconscious by gangs of skinheads.

Oh no! You said, "I'm straight"? We thought you said "I've strayed". We were trying to kick you back to the ways of the Lord. I'm so awfully sorry.


Skinheads for Jesus (East Midlands chapter)

porkmarras 11.01.2006 08:21 AM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UVRAY again.

sonicl 11.01.2006 08:28 AM

Allow me to do the honours on your behalf, Porkie.

Is there any comment you wish to be made, or shall I just leave the rep?

porkmarras 11.01.2006 08:31 AM

Oh something like:'Dear fellow straight boardie,i feel really sorry for the battering and humiliation that you suffered during all those years............' etc etc.

Many Thanks

Glice 11.01.2006 08:36 AM

I've been straight all my adult life, and it's threads like this that make me sick. Just because it's 'cool' now to kiss girls, everyone and their sister thinks they're straight! You'll be back to being gay before you know it. Fucking heteroposeur.

sonicl 11.01.2006 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Oh something like:'Dear fellow straight boardie,i feel really sorry for the battering and humiliation that you suffered during all those years............' etc etc.

Many Thanks

I've repped UVRAY on your behalf, with the comment: "This rep is given to you on behalf of Porkmarras, who would think that you have a sexy bum were he not so resolutely straight."

Is that okay?

porkmarras 11.01.2006 08:41 AM

Hold on..........are you suggesting that i might like male bums?You calling me gay?Eh?

sonicl 11.01.2006 08:42 AM

I wouldn't dream of it, you big poofter.

porkmarras 11.01.2006 08:43 AM

*pushes him about*
Watch it mate!

sonicl 11.01.2006 08:53 AM

Watch it yourself! You should be careful pushing people about like that, you might break a fingernail.

porkmarras 11.01.2006 08:54 AM

Oi!What fingernail,uh?

sonicl 11.01.2006 08:55 AM

That lilac thing on the end of your finger.

Alex's Trip 11.01.2006 09:24 AM

Haha, I knew this would happen.

Everyneurotic 11.01.2006 09:35 AM

have you tried not being straight?

fishmonkey 11.01.2006 10:30 AM

i hear there are places and support groups to go, if you think you might be straight and they talk to you about the joys of been gay...

aww fuck this, this thread is fucked up.
Porkie, stop trying to steal Alex's thunder, just cuz you wish you were 16 again.

HaydenAsche 11.01.2006 12:39 PM

Porky! My dreams have been crushed!

I suppose since Alex is gay now I could start hitting on him or I could make Clone finally get his fat ass out of the closet.

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