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Richard Pryor on Fire 11.09.2006 03:26 PM

Gears of War
Anybody else get it, I should be wyrking on my paper right now but all I can do is think about chainsawing's all consuming.

krastian 11.10.2006 12:39 AM

Is that actual game footage? Damn. I held off on buying a 360 because the price was pretty high and I didn't really see any good games coming out consistently.

Richard Pryor on Fire 11.10.2006 04:56 PM

Yeah that's ingame, I can't stop playing it. It's the raddest game the world has ever known, there were no good games for it untill now, and a slew of them are coming out to compete with ps3

Alex's Trip 11.10.2006 05:02 PM

My dad bought it. I haven't played it yet though (neither has he) because I've been playing Splinter Cell Double Agent with my friends online.

Good reviews, no?

Trasher02 11.10.2006 05:29 PM

I'm going to buy is ASAP.
It got a higher rating then Halo 2 how fucking sick is that.

Trasher02 11.10.2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
Yeah that's ingame, I can't stop playing it. It's the raddest game the world has ever known, there were no good games for it untill now, and a slew of them are coming out to compete with ps3

Great game too, I'm still trying to beat it.

Alex's Trip 11.11.2006 09:31 PM

I played for 5 hours straight just now with a friend. Playing the campaign mode with a friend is soooo much better than being alone.

ni'k 11.11.2006 09:47 PM

i must paste the non sonics board with LAST POST BY NI'K ON ALL THE THREADS Ont he page

Alex's Trip 11.12.2006 01:49 PM

My friend and I just finished the game. Were gonna do the next level of difficulty next weekend.

static-harmony 11.12.2006 01:50 PM

I want to get a video game console, still debating on wether gettin XBOX 360 or Playstation 3 Which one should I get?

jon boy 11.12.2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
I want to get a video game console, still debating on wether gettin XBOX 360 or Playstation 3 Which one should I get?

none. buy books.

Alex's Trip 11.12.2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
I want to get a video game console, still debating on wether gettin XBOX 360 or Playstation 3 Which one should I get?

I'm not a huge Play Station fan. They have some good games, but their online support for the PS2 was terrible. I don't know if that is going to be fixed with the PS3 or not. If you are looking to play online then definitely the 360 (and the price for it isn't that bad, $60 bucks for a year I think).

Game-wise, I prefer the 360. I just don't really enjoy all the endless war games with Playstation, and although the 360 has a lot of those, there are lots of good ones without it. The PS3 will probably be a better system graphics wise and everything, plus it will have a blu-ray drive. List out what you want and then try to determine which one will be better for you.

I still think the Wii will kick all of their asses. So many good games.

Richard Pryor on Fire 11.12.2006 02:02 PM

Gears of War is the single greatest video game I have ever played.

Alex's Trip 11.12.2006 02:03 PM

Do you have Xbox-Live, Richard?

Trasher02 11.12.2006 03:15 PM

I used to have Xbox live and I think Joel added me but I still haven't been able to come online due problems with my internet connection.
My tag is smoothill btw.

Trasher02 11.12.2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
I want to get a video game console, still debating on wether gettin XBOX 360 or Playstation 3 Which one should I get?

Xbox 360 = Great games, Great online service, Great graphics
PS3 = Boring games, Terrible online service, Awesome graphics

I'm not a console fanboy but Xbox is waaaaay better then PS3.

m^a(t)h 11.12.2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Xbox 360 = Great games, Great online service, Great graphics
PS3 = Boring games, Terrible online service, Awesome graphics

I'm not a console fanboy but Xbox is waaaaay better then PS3.

wow! i didnt know you got an advanced copy of ps3? im guessing you have played like all the games too right? and you have played hours of online play, so you definitely know what your talking about right???

dont listen to these people static, get the cube....

Alex's Trip 11.12.2006 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
dont listen to these people static, get the cube....

Surely you aren't speaking of me...

I addressed Sony in terms of past games and experiences with the PS2.

Edit: So who is getting what?

My dad is a huge nerd and was able to get pre-orders for the Wii and PS3, and he got the 360 when it first came out. Lucky me.

static-harmony 11.12.2006 03:45 PM

I might get the 360 because it is much cheaper than the PS3

Alex's Trip 11.12.2006 03:57 PM

Go for it. The only thing that makes the PS3 worth the price is the Blu-Ray drive, but that isn't really even relevant now.

static-harmony 11.12.2006 10:59 PM

Isn't that blue-ray thing trying to compete with the dvd? if so it is losing badly.

Alex's Trip 11.12.2006 11:18 PM

It is probably is going to become the standard within the next 10 years.

finding nobody 11.15.2006 10:56 PM

I just might get this puppy for Christmas

static-harmony 11.16.2006 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
It is probably is going to become the standard within the next 10 years.

What The Blue Ray technology? or Dvd's?

Alex's Trip 11.16.2006 09:21 AM

Blu-ray. DVDs are already a standard.

Tokolosh 11.16.2006 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
What The Blue Ray technology? or Dvd's?

Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD) is the name of a next-generation optical disc format. The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. The format offers more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs and can hold up to 25GB on a single-layer disc and 50GB on a dual-layer disc.

krastian 11.17.2006 12:43 AM

That's a buttload of storage.

static-harmony 11.17.2006 02:34 AM

That's a load, but will people buy it? I mean it has come out this late into the game, will people buy the same videos they have on blu-ray and throw away their dvd's? It is really hard to speculate now, maybe in a few more years we will now, what happens.

finding nobody 11.17.2006 07:18 AM

Im hesitent to buy it because i heard from a freind that the game is very short.. But if it's got good mutli-player, Im down.

Alex's Trip 11.17.2006 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
Im hesitent to buy it because i heard from a freind that the game is very short.. But if it's got good mutli-player, Im down.

The game is short. I beat it in about 7 hours with a friend. But the good thing is you can play co-op campaign mode on line. It makes it so much more fun, and the length hardly becomes a problem. A friend and I are going to start doing it on the next difficulty level.

static-harmony 11.17.2006 01:34 PM

I will buy the 360 either by the end of the year or early next year.

finding nobody 11.26.2006 03:42 AM

I just got done playing online co-op from 11:00 to 2:30. Fucking great!

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 06:00 AM

hmm. i cant be bothered to get 360. waste of money now. in a year or so when it gets cheaper i might get it

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 01:38 PM

Or you could buy a Wii

static-harmony 11.26.2006 04:27 PM

I'm kinda reluctant to buy wii it looks stupid, but also it looks interesting.

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Or you could buy a Wii


Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
I'm kinda reluctant to buy wii it looks stupid

So does this, but I bet you still bought it:


The Wii is pretty amazing, if you ask me.

static-harmony 11.26.2006 04:41 PM

I would rep you but I can't.

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 04:50 PM

Aw...thank you...

static-harmony 11.26.2006 04:53 PM

I say it looks dumb, but I might try it out but definately getting the 360, but first I have to save to buy a lense for a camera that I got for free.

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