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Danny Himself 11.14.2006 05:56 PM

Mix Tapes Round 5
That's right, it's back, with the elected new Mix Master. You can sign up here for Round 5 of...


Make a mix tape, send it to me and I'll send it on to somebody else.


Posting From UK:
1) Your cassette.
2) Your username.
3) Your address.
4) £2

Posting From Europe:
1) Your cassette.
2) Your username.
3) Your address.
4) 3 Euros

Posting From US/Canada:
1) Your cassette.
2) Your username.
3) Your address.
4) $3.50

Money covers postage costs. I checked how all the currencies check out and they're roughly equal.

PM me for my address, or any other details you may need. Have fun. Please have the tapes finished and sent out by the end of November.

Danny Himself 11.14.2006 06:08 PM

Okay, I fixed it. Sorry for the confusion. I am in also. Two people. Awesome.

Glice 11.14.2006 06:19 PM

Three, if you're including me. Which you should, on account of my wanting to be in.

Hip Priest 11.14.2006 06:24 PM

I'll be in if I have time, which may be an issue this time around. But I will definitely try.

Danny Himself 11.14.2006 06:27 PM

Good, good. Ah, I see Peppermint Patty is winning. Good for her.

Hip Priest 11.14.2006 06:48 PM

That's not entirely true, in the strictest sense of the word 'winning'.

Пятхъдесят Шест 11.14.2006 10:08 PM

I should be able to take part...

PAULYBEE2656 11.15.2006 10:53 AM

ok, im in again for this. ill do mine over weekend probably!

Danny Himself 11.15.2006 06:17 PM

Looks like it'll be a small one this month. So far we have:

Danny Himself (duh)
Bytor Peltor

And several others who we'll find out from soon enough. Oh well- less work on my part. :]

HaydenAsche 11.15.2006 06:36 PM

I'll do it if I still can.

e-mail me, Danny.

Glice 11.15.2006 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Looks like it'll be a small one this month. So far we have:

Danny Himself (duh)
Bytor Peltor

And several others who we'll find out from soon enough. Oh well- less work on my part. :]

I think, if you're going to refer to yourself in the third person, you should be saying 'Danny Himself, himself (myself)'.

Danny Himself 11.15.2006 06:45 PM

I should never have chosen such a confusing forum name. Anyway, I emailed youat your hotmail account, Hayden.

hat and beard 11.15.2006 07:17 PM

assuming i don't forget to send my tape, which i almost certainly will, i am in for this round.

Пятхъдесят Шест 11.15.2006 08:06 PM

OH, I'm in Danny.

Also, I've just read your PM from a few weeks ago!! I was not ignoring, but some how I passed it up. Sorry. Your idea sounds like a good one, I'll be in charge of the next Mix Tape swap, if thats ok with everyone else.

HaydenAsche 11.15.2006 08:08 PM

Danny, I'll be working on a tape and will let you know by November 30th if I've sent it or not.

Пятхъдесят Шест 11.15.2006 08:10 PM

Hayden, you ALWAYS say you're making a tape.

finding nobody 11.15.2006 08:59 PM

Count me in

jimbrim 11.16.2006 09:26 AM

i was going to get involved in the last one but something happened to the mix master. cheers for starting it back up Danny.
Ive just finished a tape, just need to do the artwork. ill PM you for the details soon, if thats ok

Danny Himself 11.16.2006 11:24 AM

Okay so now we have (kinda):
Danny Himself (duh)
Bytor Peltor
Hat and Beard
Пятхъдесят Шест
finding nobody

PAULYBEE2656 11.19.2006 11:57 AM

just done mine. printing off cover right now. ill send it off tomorrow.......

Danny Himself 11.19.2006 06:23 PM

Ah good. I've always wondered, what are the dimensions for a tape cover?

Glice 11.19.2006 06:31 PM

4 and a bit inches by 2 and half or so inches.

Danny Himself 11.19.2006 06:37 PM

I always found it hard to print covers out without them being automatically cropped and resized somehow.

PAULYBEE2656 11.20.2006 08:15 AM

i just guess the size on a word document . half the width of a cd cover and slightly shorter.............

prittstick is yr best friend tho...
my tape is winging its way to merseyside right now......

racehorse 11.20.2006 09:56 AM

i know i'm no veteran on these forums but i'll do one all the same. there's a bit of tape love for everyone (so open yr analogue heart!!!!)
what sort of stuff is everyone putting on theirs? not sure if i should go for a noise explosion tape or for a more subdued type theme.
do we get to choose who they are for, or is it all upto danny himself?

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 11:03 AM

It's up to me, but I'll see that each person gets a tape that suits them, but opens them up to new things.

Glice 11.20.2006 01:57 PM

In reply to racehorse:

Inaugural Mix Tapes thread Mix Tapes Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Poll on Mix Tapes

So you can get an idea. It occurs to me that including 3 & 4 is pretty pointless as, so far as I know, these rounds haven't arrived yet. I can't remember if there are any reviews in those threads, but you can probably get an idea of the sort of thing that people are doing.

PAULYBEE2656 11.20.2006 02:24 PM

hey racehorse. put what the fuck you want on em. isnt that the whole point?
mixtape making is a totally selfish excercise. "this is the music i like, now you listen to it and deal with it is packaged up with a ribbon on it, go on listen!!!"... yknow what im saying...................

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 03:55 PM

Rock the fuck on. And thanks, Glice.

I was thinking of piling on cheesy christmas songs this month, but I decided not to.

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 03:59 PM

10 days
left to get it sent away!

Glice 11.20.2006 04:22 PM

I'm doing it this evening. I've got a stereo on loan at the moment, which means I can do an all-vinyl mix-tape, the previous ones being largely recorded from CDs or tapes. So that's something for someone to look forward to.

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 06:09 PM

Ah, yes. I was doing mine earlier and was surprised to find myself putting John Fogerty on it.

finding nobody 11.20.2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Ah, yes. I was doing mine earlier and was surprised to find myself putting John Fogerty on it.

My dad played Fogerty's album Centerfield non-stop when I was a kid

Glice 11.21.2006 05:41 PM

My mixtape is, officially, finished. It's brilliant, and entirely vinyl. Whoever recieves it is either going to cherish it with all of their heart or hate it for all eternity. I'm quite pleased with the artwork as well.

Danny Himself 11.21.2006 05:54 PM


Well, come on, get it send off.

Glice 11.21.2006 06:00 PM

At five-to-eleven at night?

Danny Himself 11.21.2006 06:01 PM

Well, fine, get in the second-hand Astra and deliver it to me personally.

Danny Himself 11.23.2006 10:55 AM

I recieved your tape today, Paulybee. Very nice!

Пятхъдесят Шест 11.23.2006 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
10 days
left to get it sent away!

I need to hurry it up and send it

Danny Himself 11.23.2006 11:06 AM

7 days
left now, kids.

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