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Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 05:41 PM

The Nintendo Wii
The Nintendo Wii is a lot of fun. Buy one.

finding nobody 11.19.2006 05:45 PM

I plan on gettting one. Sometime in the furture.
Gimme the lowdown Alex

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 11.19.2006 05:53 PM

I'd get one, but I gotta buy a PA, pay for amp repairs, etc.

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
I plan on gettting one. Sometime in the furture.
Gimme the lowdown Alex

The Wii-mote is awesome. Very easy to adapt to, and it really makes games more interesting. Zelda is fun, although I hardly started playing it. The Wii-Sport game that comes with it is also entertaining.

finding nobody 11.19.2006 06:29 PM

Sounds good. I knew the controller would either be very good or very bad. Im glad to hear that it's good though.
..And you cant wrong with that price!

noisemachine 11.19.2006 06:33 PM

I'll probably get one when they start selling them in those discount packages at Costco. Im not a gamer by any means or standard, but it does look like fun for the price it is offered at. I think Nintendo was really smart making a console aimed at non-gamers and lower-income families.

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 06:40 PM

Definitely. They cut out the junk like CD playing, DVD playing to make it affordable, and it is great because we all (most of us) already have CD and DVD players.

amyvega 11.19.2006 06:42 PM

i'm so so addicted to the ds, i'm thinking about getting this too.

noisemachine 11.19.2006 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Definitely. They cut out the junk like CD playing, DVD playing to make it affordable, and it is great because we all (most of us) already have CD and DVD players.

Yeah, whats the one in the PS3? BlueRay or whatever? I'll be really surprised if that catches on. It will probably end up being like Beta and Laserdisc.

LifeDistortion 11.19.2006 06:55 PM

Do the games in the PS3 come in a CD format? Or DVD style? I got the first video game system to use that. Sega CD. That system never really caught in when it first came out. Now all the systems are using the CD/DVD format for thier games. Sega did it first.

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 06:58 PM

Blu-Ray for PS3, which means a DVD with more space.

finding nobody 11.19.2006 07:01 PM

Kids at school says they're gonna be the new DVDs and DVD will be liks VHS
there's no tellin..

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 07:02 PM

They will be eventually. Blu-Ray drives are too expensive now to become the standard. In a couple years when the prices go down and companies start producing more Blu-Ray movies.

The PS3 is a good deal, considering that most blu-ray drives are like $1000

noisemachine 11.19.2006 07:16 PM

But what if some other format like HD DVD becomes the new standard? Then blue-ray becomes obsolete. Thats danger in buying new technologies.

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 07:21 PM

Blu-Ray is essential HD DVD.

Do you mean HD DVDs that can be played on regular DVD players?

LittlePuppetBoy 11.19.2006 08:23 PM

My brother got a wii today. But my parents are kind of pissed at him because they expected him to save his money for school (keep in mind, he has not decided what career path he wants to follow). My little brother is very ecstatic to get a wii.

atsonicpark 11.19.2006 08:33 PM

The new virtual boy!

But seriously, I hope that Nintendo wins the war. But unless other companies BESIDES Nintendo make good games for the Wii, it's going to fail like the Cube and (to a lesser extent) the N64. I mean, I love Zelda and Metroid and etc, but Nintendo can only release so many games.. they need some help here.. come on, Capcom.. Square?..

atsonicpark 11.19.2006 08:34 PM

"But what if some other format like HD DVD becomes the new standard? Then blue-ray becomes obsolete. Thats danger in buying new technologies."

I think DVD will stay the standard. I don't know a single person who even has an HDTV.. and those who want one sure as hell don't want to pay even more for DVD's.

Personally, I still buy VHS (cheap as fuck and I usually don't care about special features and shit anyway and the picture's usually not that bad, so..), but I'll buy DVD's too. I sure as hell ain't buying blu-rays or HD-DVD's, and I think I represent the majority when I say that.

val-holla-ing 11.19.2006 08:55 PM

i got mine this morning. i'm wiidicted.

k-krack 11.19.2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Definitely. They cut out the junk like CD playing, DVD playing to make it affordable, and it is great because we all (most of us) already have CD and DVD players.

Well, they are selling it for the cost it took to make it... but mark my words, they are going to get you on the price of games.

atsonicpark 11.19.2006 09:07 PM

Fuck consoles anyway, the DS is where it's at.

finding nobody 11.19.2006 09:11 PM

I like PSP more then DS

noisemachine 11.19.2006 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
"But what if some other format like HD DVD becomes the new standard? Then blue-ray becomes obsolete. Thats danger in buying new technologies."

I think DVD will stay the standard. I don't know a single person who even has an HDTV.. and those who want one sure as hell don't want to pay even more for DVD's.

Personally, I still buy VHS (cheap as fuck and I usually don't care about special features and shit anyway and the picture's usually not that bad, so..), but I'll buy DVD's too. I sure as hell ain't buying blu-rays or HD-DVD's, and I think I represent the majority when I say that.

Thats kinda what I was getting at, to some extent. Theres no guaruntee that any new technology will catch on. There will eventually be a format that replaces the DVD, or at least becomes the standard (much like DVD did to VHS). But will it be blue-ray or HD dvd? Who knows. It may be something much further down the road as well.

What I was saying was that its dumb to invest in something very new like this, because:
a) it may not catch on well, much like betamax and laserdisc
b) if it does catch on and become the standard in a year or two, its gonna be a hell of a lot cheaper than it is now. Remember how fucking expensive DVD players were when they first came out? They were several hundred dollars. Now its easy to find a basic DVD player for less than $50.

m^a(t)h 11.19.2006 09:25 PM

i dont want a wii. the whole remote thing seems stupid. i am happy with my ps1 and gamecube.

I am eagerly waiting for the zelda release on gamecube since it has the same graphics, same everything besides the remote thing. the wii copy is actually just a port of it from gamecube with different controls. so i think the gamecube version will play much better.

december 13th.....

december 13th.........

atsonicpark 11.19.2006 09:31 PM

there is one minor difference: everything on the gamecube version is mirrored from the wii version. right is left and so on. but yeah, no difference other than that.

and the DS is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the psp. the psp will be dead in a year.

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 09:36 PM

The PSP/PS3 interaction seems pretty cool. I haven't tried anything out yet. I'm not sure if it is available currently, but I hear you can stream things from your PS3 to your PSP. At first it will be available from within your home, but my dad mentioned something about it being available from anywhere, eventually.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
"But what if some other format like HD DVD becomes the new standard? Then blue-ray becomes obsolete. Thats danger in buying new technologies."

I think DVD will stay the standard. I don't know a single person who even has an HDTV.. and those who want one sure as hell don't want to pay even more for DVD's.

Personally, I still buy VHS (cheap as fuck and I usually don't care about special features and shit anyway and the picture's usually not that bad, so..), but I'll buy DVD's too. I sure as hell ain't buying blu-rays or HD-DVD's, and I think I represent the majority when I say that.

I remember something that said, eventually everything is going to be broadcast in HD. I'll try to find something on that.

Edit: Everything should be going digital, not necessarily HD:

amyvega 11.19.2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
I like PSP more then DS

really? i love the psp but i think the ds is so much better because of the whole stylus thing, plus, the ds has MARIO!

speaking of which, if somebody can help me w/this: is there any way to change the button configuration on the DS? Some of the game boy advance games are so hard for me because the buttons are switched.

Alex's Trip 11.19.2006 11:05 PM

I haven't ever tried to change the configuration. Mess around in some of the options?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 11.19.2006 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
The new virtual boy!

But seriously, I hope that Nintendo wins the war. But unless other companies BESIDES Nintendo make good games for the Wii, it's going to fail like the Cube and (to a lesser extent) the N64. I mean, I love Zelda and Metroid and etc, but Nintendo can only release so many games.. they need some help here.. come on, Capcom.. Square?..

Valve is really interested in the Nintendo Wii. The guy from Valve (Doug Lombardi I think) was talking about possibly doing some sort of Half-Life project for it that utilized the controller.

Richard Pryor on Fire 11.20.2006 01:28 AM

I drove around for 2 hours all over the shit state of Michigan trying to find one... no luck, I'll keep looking.

val-holla-ing 11.20.2006 01:29 AM

just wait it out for about a week or so. once the second shipment comes in, you shouldn't have a problem getting one.

Richard Pryor on Fire 11.20.2006 01:30 AM

yeah they shipped 4 million of them so it should be easier

SYRFox 11.20.2006 01:32 AM

Sales at the moment (updated every 30 seconds)...

SonikJesus 11.20.2006 02:43 AM

I don't think I'll get a Wii. I'm still trying to decide wether to get a PS3 or an Xbox 360? Which one is more powerful? But I'd rather have a new SEGA sytem. That would be so great.

I'm still waiting for Shenmue 3. There are rumors that it will be released during this generation of consoles. Whichever console it gets released on is the console I'm getting.

Alex's Trip 11.20.2006 09:20 AM

PS3 is more powerful than the 360. I think the 360 has better games though.

(I still haven't acutally played my dad's PS3)

Jico 11.20.2006 09:46 AM


fuck that crap. go buy some marbles.

static-harmony 11.20.2006 11:12 AM

I might get a xbox 360, I've been working like a dog these couple of days. I did eleven hours on a day that they pay me time and a half.

Coming to the point of the thread. I have the PSP I like it, but need more games to tell you more about it. I will get the xbox360 and maybe Wii when they have it a my job. I didn't like the ds I thought it was lame. Also nintendo needs to get better games released than those that they have released before.

fishmonkey 11.20.2006 01:16 PM

i have fuck all to do with XBOX, i refuse point blank to give more money to Bill Gates than he already has.
Have PS2, PSP, Gamecube. i fuckin prefer the DSlite over the PSP, i've been playing my mates one a lot and its right good. i would swap my PSP for a DSlite
Defo gonna get me a wii. thing is in dopey Ireland, they are gonna be mega hard to get.

HaydenAsche 11.20.2006 01:48 PM

I waited in line with a friend starting at 4 o'clock in the morning so he could get a Wii. I usually hate game consoles except ones by Nintendo and they certainly did not disappoint this time.

static-harmony 11.20.2006 01:58 PM

you know who hates video games.

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