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Genteel Death 10.10.2012 03:19 PM

any ideas on how to hang foam boards on a wall without framing them or ruining them?
i have a couple of ideas in mind at the moment, including making some fabric hooks to stick at the back of them, but I am open to suggestions and different techniques.

if i like your idea i will reward you with a heavily blurred picture of a raccoon.

floatingslowly 10.10.2012 03:27 PM

How heavy are they? Would velcro strips hold them? That seems the least invasive.

Whatever you do, DO NOT use blu-tack. Ugh...I tried to warn art.....

gast30 10.10.2012 03:28 PM

can you drill holes in your wall?
if you can
you have these long plastic spikes with a round plastic disk on the end that holds the foamboard to the wall
you just bang that in the wall

Genteel Death 10.10.2012 03:32 PM

Blue-tack is totally out of the question because I won't be able to use it on the walls. Velcro strips I have taken into consideration too so far. Definitely NOT drilling into the wall.

Genteel Death 10.10.2012 03:37 PM

they are nor really thick or heavy.

EVOLghost 10.10.2012 05:44 PM you want them to look classy as hell....or trashy as hell...

stu666 10.10.2012 07:31 PM

toffee tape?

terminal pharmacy 10.10.2012 07:56 PM

magnets. or 3m hooks

floatingslowly 10.10.2012 08:31 PM

hot-glue them to the wall.

!@#$%! 10.11.2012 01:59 AM

is 3M poster tape inadequate for you or something?

Trama 10.11.2012 08:37 AM

Suction cups.

EVOLghost 10.11.2012 08:38 AM

Wet toilet paper.

Toilet & Bowels 10.12.2012 06:40 PM

what's wrong with spray mount, it's that not the obvious solution?

dale_gribble 10.12.2012 10:40 PM

how about some organic semen? i can ship it to you post-haste.

Genteel Death 10.15.2012 04:44 AM

I'll explain a little better. The boards I am not using to mount pictures on, I am using them as an alternative to canvases and doing the creative work directly onto them. For this reason I have to be careful not to damage them in any way. I could frame them, of course, but at the moment I am going for a look that I like and right now is also more cost-effective. Also, there is a strict policy in the place where I will be exhibiting the work which prevents me from using any sticky tools that potentially can ruin the walls. Light-hooks seem to be the only viable option at the moment but I haven't had any luck in DIY shops so far for what I have in mind, so I may produce them myself and hope for the best.

demonrail666 10.15.2012 05:40 AM

Elmers do a range of putties and glues that would be perfect. They're quick drying and won't damage either the wall or the foam boards when you come to take them off.

Genteel Death 12.11.2012 02:37 PM

Thanks again for your advice. I think I have worked out how to hang my work on the wall. We put it up this Sunday and I am sharing the exhibition space with another guy. Any London-based boardies who would like to have a peep, let me know and I can let you in.

Rob Instigator 12.11.2012 03:09 PM

awesome man! take some pics and share with us heathens.

art rules.

getting paid for it rules even more.

Genteel Death 12.11.2012 03:34 PM

Thanks Rob! One of my flatmates started studying photography and just recently bought herself a decent camera. She's coming along to help me out and said that she'll take some shots. I'll try posting them on here because mine I am experiencing problems with at the moment.

!@#$%! 12.11.2012 05:15 PM

post some photos when you have them

oh wait cheeto already said that

but here's a 2nd

Genteel Death 12.11.2012 05:21 PM

I'll be wearing my glad rags!!

Rob Instigator 12.19.2012 05:24 PM

How did the show go Genteel?

I hope you had a good turnout. Still waiting on some photos!!!!!!

Genteel Death 12.20.2012 01:56 PM

Thanks Rob. The turnout has been good from the start because if you work in the building you simply can't avoid seeing my work since it's showing in the staff bar, where people socialise with their colleagues and friends after or during work. With over 1000 staff employed by the theatre, plus guests, associates etc, it's visible to a large amount of eyes. I have sold one piece to a lady today. The guy who I am having the exhibition with has a had a major disaster, yesterday, when he was meant to put up his work on display. He collected the prints and took them to work but on the way they were ruined by the rain. It looks like he will have the entire series reprinted in the next few days and get going. It's a shame because he hasn't got a lot of money and in his case it's a chance for him to get a job in the creative department of the theatre. Good luck to him.

Genteel Death 12.20.2012 01:58 PM

I'll take a few snaps of it when I get the chance.

Rob Instigator 12.20.2012 02:04 PM

fuck, Rain is a bitch! That shit is terrible. It is such a pain in the ass to try and circumvent any possible damage to artwork.

Genteel Death 12.20.2012 02:29 PM

Yes, it's a total bitch. Nature really is the harshest critic. He's a comic artist, so it's not even a case where you can perform a ''repairing job'' on abstract images in order to hide the damage. I didn't ask why he didn't make sure the prints were packed like a trooper though. I mean, I would have thought that to be an obvious precaution to take. I hope it works out well for him. While I was putting up my work on display and he did some testing with the frames on the wall we chatted about how good looking Kim Gordon looks for her age.

!@#$%! 12.20.2012 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I'll take a few snaps of it when I get the chance.

ha ha-- stop teasing! do it already

and sorry about your friends' work-- damn! consolation prize-- good thing it's prints...

alright, well, so-- glad rags? what? lies, i tell you. all lies.

Genteel Death 12.20.2012 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha-- stop teasing! do it already

and sorry about your friends' work-- damn! consolation prize-- good thing it's prints...

alright, well, so-- glad rags? what? lies, i tell you. all lies.

Dude, when I get the chance I wear fabulous blazers, you know?

!@#$%! 12.20.2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Dude, when I get the chance I wear fabulous blazers, you know?

i thought you wore those customarily, but okay... hurry up though!

Genteel Death 12.20.2012 05:11 PM

Are you drunk?

!@#$%! 12.20.2012 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Are you drunk?


(not the best of translations but eh)

Genteel Death 12.20.2012 05:18 PM

''Poor sod didn't have to get up in the morning, obviously.'' - Jonboy

!@#$%! 12.20.2012 05:22 PM

I just finished working on a huge project so I'm technically "drunk on virtue" if we must get technical.

but tomorrow- alpacalypse party. w00t!!!!

Genteel Death 12.22.2012 10:53 AM

Xmas present for myself was a half-decent camera. I'll take the pics next week and post them.

Genteel Death 12.26.2012 01:29 PM




Genteel Death 12.26.2012 01:31 PM



Genteel Death 12.26.2012 01:33 PM





Genteel Death 12.26.2012 01:37 PM



stu666 12.26.2012 01:37 PM

They're great Gabs!

Genteel Death 12.26.2012 01:43 PM

Thanks stu! You should come around for a drink and have a look. The other artist's work is excellent too!

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