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Blank Label 11.20.2006 03:15 PM

Taxi Driver is a Sonic Movie
Somebody get in touch with the band and tell them they need to get with Martin Sorcese or however you say his name, and RE-DO the soundtrack and background music to Taxi Driver with Robert Deniro. I just saw the film for the first time and it had Sonic Trippy stuff written all over it. Better yet, pick yr fav SY record and just play it really loud to the movie....great SY movie.....Drive on Sonic Warriors!

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.20.2006 03:27 PM

this sounds retarded.

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 03:37 PM

You sound retarded.

This sounds like a good idea. I always thought BMR went very well with the Blair Witch Project.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.20.2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
You sound retarded.

This sounds like a good idea. I always thought BMR went very well with the Blair Witch Project.

no, i dont
do you really think sonic youth tunes would make for a good taxi driver soundtrack, kid?

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 03:45 PM


Come on now, you're making us both look bad. SY tunes would fit in perfectly well with the movie, in my opinion. I thought I made that clear in my first reply.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.20.2006 03:48 PM

i didnt mean it that way
i just say kid sometimes
what up, kid?
what up, son?

well, i guess thats your opinion
i think the movie is fine the way it is

Danny Himself 11.20.2006 03:50 PM

'Son' would've been good. You'd have sounded like a good ol' boy, chugging beer on a porch somewhere.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.20.2006 03:54 PM

i dont drink beer
unless im taking sake bombs

i guess i enjoy the occasional XX, Kirin Ichiban/Light, or Rolling Rock

atari 2600 11.20.2006 04:52 PM

Scorsese is a The Clash worshipper, yet he still doesn't even use their music; no way is he gonna use Sonic Youth on a soundtrack, especially for an older movie...especially for Taxi Driver. I suppose the brevity was all for dramatic effect. Good suggestion though about playing the Sonic Youth with the movie's audio muted. It is a "sonic" flick.

I think the part when Robert De Niro's Travis Bickle takes Cybill Shepherd's Betsy character to the porno movie house is a bit over-the-top. Yeah, we know Travis is a bit out-of-touch...but that nutty? It's too much.

terminal pharmacy 11.20.2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Blank Label
Somebody get in touch with the band and tell them they need to get with Martin Sorcese or however you say his name, and RE-DO the soundtrack and background music to Taxi Driver with Robert Deniro. I just saw the film for the first time and it had Sonic Trippy stuff written all over it. Better yet, pick yr fav SY record and just play it really loud to the movie....great SY movie.....Drive on Sonic Warriors!

Bernard Herrman was one and remains to be post mortom one of the greatest film composers ever, why would i do that. a sonic record won't sync with the film. it is like the whole dsotm fallacy with the wizard of oz.

atari 2600 11.20.2006 06:07 PM

True, Herrman did Psycho too.

John Williams is a badass also.

A seemingly random fact of ultimate importance:
The Taxi Driver screenplay is by Paul Schrader, a gifted-yet-disturbed homosexual man.

nomowish 11.20.2006 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
I think the part when Robert De Niro's Travis Bickle takes Cybill Shepherd's Betsy character to the porno movie house is a bit over-the-top. Yeah, we know Travis is a bit out-of-touch...but that nutty? It's too much.

It's been a while since I last saw it, but I remember seeing some couples inside of the porn theater they attended. It is ironic that he would go to a porn theater considering how he feels about pimps and 'ho's.

golden child 11.20.2006 11:49 PM

its not so much that he is strongly opposed to pimps and ho's as much as he feels bad about not doing something when the girl is getting hurt in the first place.

i too agree, even travis should know not to take a girl to a porno.

Norma J 11.20.2006 11:56 PM

I think the film is perfect the way it is.

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 04:29 AM

Nothing needs to be changed in that movie.
Don't even think about it!

Travis is a pariah with a low self esteem. His date at the cinema only clarifies that he doesn't have a clue about women or dating.
That scene is sad and even embarrassing to watch. He's a sociopath and a loner, with no social or communicative skills.
Doomed from the start.

jon boy 11.21.2006 04:44 AM

the sound track in no way needs to be changed. or indeed anything else about this film as its fine just the way it is. the opening scene with the taxi coming out of the steam and rain with that sound track is perfect. a perfect moment in cinema.

atari 2600 11.21.2006 09:40 AM

Yes, thank you, golden child, even Travis, even in 1970s NYC, would know better.

The scene is a plot device taken too far.

The pacing required to tell the whole story in the alloted time demanded that Travis & Betsy get together and then are split up very quickly. Scorsese chose the graphic and symbolic way to handle the issue to do it with great economy of screen time as opposed to exploring a bit more of a protracted psychological storytelling angle.

The film is great, don't get me wrong.

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 10:01 AM


"Has it ever crossed your minds, that maybe, just maybe,
I was checking to see if Cybill was a decent lady, and not a whore?"

atari 2600 11.21.2006 10:23 AM

The argument for the scene is that Travis is so out-of-touch that he doesn't realize the impropriety. He views it as just taking Betsy to a movie. His subconscious is bringing Betsy to his "family," his world, and his hang-outs. I refuse to accept that Travis would do such a thing. In those days, many people did not have access to porno movies at home, so loners went to disgusting theaters. I'm not indicting pornography, but Travis is a Vietnam vet cabbie that rails out of one side of his mouth that he "hates the corruption" yet he takes someone clearly not from that world into it like that and we're to believe that he does this without thinking?

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 10:32 AM

Good point atari. *thinking*

ps: My last post wasn't meant to be taken seriously, by the way.

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 11:11 AM

But still... you're saying that it's a contradiction to his way of thinking about the corrupt world that he hates so much. It's not like him, you say.
On the other hand, his contradictive actions could be seen as his madness too. He himself, is part of the thing he despises so much.
A self-fulfilling prophecy emerges.

atari 2600 11.21.2006 11:16 AM

Absolutely...Travis hates himself. Travis hates the corruption in the world, but he also hates the corruption in himself, he sees no way around it & he allows himself to wallow in it until he snaps. His time in the war has reduced him to an empty shell. But as soon as some light comes into his life, we're to believe that a war veteran cannot muster the willpower to realize that Betsy is not going to go for the movie house date in the porno theater? It's a flaw in an otherwise magnificently poignant and significant American film.

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 11:25 AM

It's possible. Don't forget that he looks surprised when she walks out and never wants to see him again. He can't quite figure out, what he's done wrong. He's not altogether there, if you know what I mean.

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 11:46 AM

Fuck off porkmarras!!!!!
If you want to neg rep me for what I've written in this thread, at least say why by posting something.

A CUNT is what you are!!!!!!

atari 2600 11.21.2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
It's possible. Don't forget that he looks surprised when she walks out and never wants to see him again. He can't quite figure out, what he's done wrong. He's not altogether there, if you know what I mean.

That part had to be written-in that way to rationalize Travis' motivation and to attempt (a failed attempt) to have him not break character and yes, that's how the scene plays out in the film. He takes her "to a movie" and cannot understand why she's reacting that way.
That's what's being discussed.
I'd be interested to learn if the scene is actually in Paul Schrader's screenplay or whether it's purely a plot device by Scorsese to be more efficient with time.
Chances are though that it was a hole in the screenplay draft to begin with that they tried to fix by cooking up a possible way to get them together and then apart and it was one of many ideas they had floating around about how to get to the unrequited love madness to come. I think they settled on something they shouldn't have and that there were many ways have Betsy instantly know something was up with Travis and break it off and still tell the story.
In short, the inclusion of that scene smacks of laziness, and it's a flaw.

porkmarras 11.21.2006 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Fuck off porkmarras!!!!!
If you want to neg rep me for what I've written in this thread, at least say why by posting something.

A CUNT is what you are!!!!!!

Well,you said it.

Tokolosh 11.21.2006 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
That part had to be written-in that way to rationalize Travis' motivation and to attempt (a failed attempt) to have him not break character and yes, that's how the scene plays out in the film. He takes her "to a movie" and cannot understand why she's reacting that way.
That's what's being discussed.
I'd be interested to learn if the scene is actually in Paul Schrader's screenplay or whether it's purely a plot device by Scorcese to be more efficient with time.
Chances are though that it was a hole in the screenplay draft to begin with that they tried to fix by cooking up a possible way to get them together and then apart and it was one of many ideas they had floating around about how to get to the unrequited love madness to come. I think they settled on something they shouldn't have and that there were many ways have Betsy instantly know something was up with Travis and break it off and still tell the story.
In short, the inclusion of that scene smacks of laziness, and it's a flaw.

I'm not trying to be rude, but are those your assumptions or Scorsese's own words? I've never felt it had a hole in that scene. This discussion has forced me to go home, and watch it again tonight. All 110min of it. This time through atari's eyes. Not that it's a burden. :)

ps: No more mister nice guy porkmarras... Do you hear me!

atari 2600 11.21.2006 03:25 PM

...a "hole," a missing section, in the first draft of the screenplay that led to the scene being brainstormed into existence...

You know, I think we should put some mountains here.
Otherwise, what are all the characters going to fall off of?
And what about stairs? Yodellayheehoo. Ooo-ooo coo-coo.
Here's a man who lives a life of danger.
Everywhere he goes he stays - a stranger.

atsonicpark 11.26.2006 09:06 AM

taxi driver is the best film ever made.

and travis bickle reminds me of lee ranaldo for some reason..

blastscenealibi 11.26.2006 10:49 AM

[quote=Blank Label]Somebody get in touch with the band and tell them they need to get with Martin Sorcese or however you say his name, and RE-DO the soundtrack and background music to Taxi Driver with Robert Deniro.

It's cool that you like the film and SY. But that's not a good idea you have.

Marfloth 11.26.2006 11:42 AM

This is the gayest topic ever. the only film i could KINDA thing of with music like sonic. is Eraserhead. by David Lynch

Marfloth 11.26.2006 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
taxi driver is the best film ever made.

and travis bickle reminds me of lee ranaldo for some reason..

You think Lee Ranaldo is like a vengeful psychopathic killer helping 12 year-old whores on the street??.


atari 2600 11.26.2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Marfloth
This is the gayest topic ever. the only film i could KINDA thing of with music like sonic. is Eraserhead. by David Lynch

and there's also the movies with a lot of Sonic Youth music hehe.
1991: The Year Punk Broke, Demonlover and Made in USA.
Of course their music has been featured in a number of other movies too.

atsonicpark 11.26.2006 05:03 PM


terminal pharmacy 11.26.2006 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
and there's also the movies with a lot of Sonic Youth music hehe.
1991: The Year Punk Broke, Demonlover and Made in USA.
Of course their music has been featured in a number of other movies too.

demonlover was terd, the soundtrack was not

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