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EMMAh 11.21.2006 08:09 PM

I have my first job interview

!@#$%! 11.21.2006 08:11 PM

in retail, and with no experience, attitude is 100%. of course the fact that you are pretty will help. just keep flashing those smiles & the job is yours.

!@#$%! 11.21.2006 08:18 PM

crazy bitch? oh. then you might want to try modeling :p

but seriously, think how you like to be treated when you go shopping-- acknowledged, treated well, helped-- yes?

some how doesn't strike me like a job for you but money is money until you can find something you like more. and the experience is always good.

Cantankerous 11.21.2006 08:22 PM


but seriously, think how you like to be treated when you go shopping-- acknowledged, treated well, helped-- yes?
NO. i hate those fucking salespeople that are all on your ass and won't leave you the fuck alone.. if i want help, i will ask for it.

!@#$%! 11.21.2006 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
NO. i hate those fucking salespeople that are all on your ass and won't leave you the fuck alone.. if i want help, i will ask for it.

i didn't say stalk the fuckers. i said be helpful. you know, when you go to home depot in my town, the motherfuckers actually try to avoid you so they can stay on the phone. useless motherfuckers.

assholes with bad attitude can kiss my fucking ass-- i'll go spend my money elsewhere, but not before i stir up the shit a bit with loud protests.

ps- i have a story about a movie employee asshole who started bitching when i bought tickets for the late show. he is probably still afraid for his life. but i have to go, so maybe another time.

artsygrrl 11.21.2006 09:03 PM

go girl......!!!!

May the Sonic Gods be with you!

stenson 11.21.2006 09:12 PM

Good luck with it! Is it anywhere near Byward market?

stenson 11.21.2006 09:16 PM

aah, it's the only part of ottawa I've been to :(

stenson 11.21.2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Downtown is probably the most interesting part of Ottawa. The rest is boring as fuck.

It looked really grey, especially around that big shopping centre. Long Beach has trees and grass every once in a while.


krastian 11.22.2006 01:26 AM

Just be confident and energetic and it should be yours.....good luck!!

luxinterior 11.22.2006 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Yeah, so I finally got around to making resumes hahaha :rolleyes: I have an interview at Home Outfitters tomorrow (they're a kitchen, bed and bath store) which I'm not so excited about but whatever, it's a job if I get it. Any interview advice would be greatly appreciated because I'm the most bitter person in the world and without help I will destroy this 'employment opportunity'

Just dress nicely for your interview. Especially if the interviewer is female, looking as much like a nun as possible is always a plus. After you get the job, which you will, you can go back to dressing your normal way. I've been drinking tonight, so take this advice with a grain of salt. It also took me way too long to type all of that.

During my senior year of high school, I applied for many a job, but was turned down for all of them because I was planning on going to college (out of state). But for each interview, I did get some positive feedback, and it was in regard to how I dressed. Which was like a nun. So definitely work on getting your nun uniform together. But again, only if your employer is a female (and over the age of 30). It will work in your favor. I am trying to think of exceptions but I can't come up with any. Oh if the lady is a lesbian, then make sure the nun uniform is flannel or something, m'kay?

king_buzzo 11.22.2006 02:58 AM

nice, how much they paying?

_slavo_ 11.22.2006 03:23 AM

You'll do fine Emmah, don't worry. Just prepare what you're gonna say about your motivation for the job, say something nice about the company and you're there.

king_buzzo 11.22.2006 03:27 AM

i can work in a supermarket, 5 euros an hour, i just need to know dutch which i dont know shit about...

Jico 11.22.2006 05:44 AM

be yourself, that will do it.


sonicl 11.22.2006 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jico
be yourself, that will do it.

Over-simple as it sounds, this is a tremendous piece of advice. There's little point in pretending to be someone at the interview who you can't then continue to pretend to be for at least a month after you start the job.

_slavo_ 11.22.2006 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Over-simple as it sounds, this is a tremendous piece of advice. There's little point in pretending to be someone at the interview who you can't then continue to pretend to be for at least a month after you start the job.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with this. From my own experience I know that it's crucial to know what they're expecting from you and to fit into this role, although you're not exacltly all like that.

Hip Priest 11.22.2006 06:18 AM

Be natural. You might get the job by pretending to be otherwise - often it's easier, in fact - but ultimately you'll have to maintain the pretence, and you have to ask yourself if it's worth all the effort that that would entail. In the final analysis it's better to find a job working for people who want to employ you.

jon boy 11.22.2006 09:11 AM

good luck with it. if you want it i hope you get it.

Jico 11.22.2006 07:49 PM

Ha Ha Ha. :p

!@#$%! 11.22.2006 07:53 PM

ha ha ha emmah, you pothead...

he may have been able to spot you, especially if he's a pothead himslf. if you're going to be working stoned, i suggest steer clear of corporate outfits & look for a record store/ independent video store or some place where your altered state will be an advantage; and wherever you go, stay clear of cash registers or meat slicing machines. a small distraction and... ouch!

!@#$%! 11.22.2006 08:02 PM

you know then it's better if you don't get it because if you do you'll suffer. jobs that violate your essential nature are a crime against yourself. i'm practically unemployable due to my "fuck you" attitude towards authority, but i'm doing quite well as a self-employed person.

!@#$%! 11.22.2006 08:15 PM

and on that note, aren't you some kind of kickass photographer?

you could start working as a photographer's assistant perhaps or something on that field. don't use work as a means for self-destruction, like most people do, but follow your passions & you'll always find a way to make money with them. (and no, i don't mean become a pot dealer, ha ha, please don't). :P

king_buzzo 11.23.2006 03:16 PM

you got it?

Danny Himself 11.23.2006 06:32 PM

I want to work in Borders. Once I was confused for an employee by some customers and I actually helped them to find the books they wanted, because I felt special.

You have to 18+ to work there because they sell DVDs.

EMMAh 11.23.2006 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
I told you to tell the interviewer you really like teamworking!:D

Damn. I used to work really loaded at the Home Depot. Nobody always did notice i was flying high. Nobody realizes that unless they´re into drugs too.


gmku 11.23.2006 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
I told you to tell the interviewer you really like teamworking!:D

Damn. I used to work really loaded at the Home Depot. Nobody always did notice i was flying high. Nobody realizes that unless they´re into drugs too.

When I was a youngster, I'd go to work stoned sometimes. As luck would have it, the manager would choose that day to stick me on the busiest cash register. This happened one time when I worked in a busy downtown drug store (yeah, ha ha), and I had such a hard time counting change (back in the days before the register figured it for you), that I had a line of about 20 people stretching down the aisle. I'm sure, this being in a college town, that every one of those people in line could tell I was stoned. I got so paranoid and nervous, that eventually the manager came up and relieved me. I think she just thought I was stupid and not stoned, becuz she never said anything about it.

This other time, I was a sales clerk in a small camera store. I told this girl I worked with I was going to do it, and when I came in stoned the next day, she knew immediately, and then purposely did things all day to make me laugh. Worse, everything the manage said and did (who was a real dork) was incredibly hilarious to me, and I just grinned and grinned when he talked to me, then I'd sneak a look at the girl, and we'd break out in hysterical laughter. He looked puzzled and amused, but he never suspected anything.

!@#$%! 11.24.2006 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
I actually applied at Blacks hahah. I want ot work there so badly but I think they're looking for someone with more experience. There are a lot of photo places around here though so I'm going to apply at all of them. Working in photography would be the sweetest job ever.

see, sweetie, the way to go about your job search is to stick to your passions and try to find any kind of work in photography, rather than trying to get any kind of job anywhere.there is work, i guarantee you, if you search thoroughly enough. forget about immolating yourself in the altar of corporate jobs. perhaps you think unconsciously that if it doesn't entail suffering it's not a job? well you don't have to suffer or live like a fish out of water in order to make money. on the contrary, the more you enjoy your job the better you'll do and the more people will pay you.

you could start working for free, as an intern, and as you gain experience people will start hiring you. usually after 3 months or so people will want to hire you if you are doing any kind of good job. so if you can live 3 more months "unemployed" you could score a nice job at the end of that time.

the other path is to be a freelancer or to even just take photos & see who can buy them. don't think that you have to be a superprofessional, not everybody is willing to pay big bucks for a pro, and so you can fill in a niche for people who need budget photo.

anyway i hope this turns out well for you.

btw a little google yielded me these links:

btw i read your photoshop request thread. would be cool if you can get good at photoshop too.

schizophrenicroom 11.25.2006 11:50 AM

good luck, emmah :)

Danny Himself 11.25.2006 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
What, like "adult" DVDs?

Yeah, but not in that sense. Stuff with tasteless nudity and unnessecary violence and whatever.

Pookie 11.25.2006 05:19 PM

I interview people a lot and I hate it. You pretty much know from the offset if somebody is going to be any good, but you have to go through the whole process anyway.

But good luck with your interview. Just think of all the money you'll have.

Savage Clone 11.25.2006 05:39 PM

Pookie's gaze penetrates the soul.
It's part of the package deal of sweet super-powers he got by being in league with Satan.

Pookie 11.25.2006 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
How can you tell just by looking at someone?

Not just by looking. But within the first minute you can tell if somebody is personable, intelligent, and actually WANTS to be there.

But my gaze does penetrate the soul.

blastscenealibi 11.25.2006 05:48 PM

[quote=EMMAh]Alright, a couple questions.
What is a good lie/answer for a questions like
"What would you do if a customer is complaining to you and there is also someone on the phone asking you to find something for them?"

Give the phone to the complainer and say 'Here, talk to my supervisor about it.'

Pookie 11.25.2006 05:49 PM

I said I conduct interviews. I'm the WORST person at being interviewed.

What I always look for is honesty. I think I'm pretty good at telling if somebody is bullshitting.

The trouble with most interviews is that they are planned and conducted along strict guidelines. The interviewer is looking to tick all the right boxes. So you have to give the right answers, but you don't know what the right answers are.

I've always used instinct and I've never been wrong yet. I have a fantastic team of staff as a result.

Pookie 11.25.2006 05:56 PM

The trick is to come and work for me. I've offered porkmarras a job before but he didn't seem very interested.:confused:

And Diesel's right. It's really difficult getting a half-way decent job if you've never worked before.

Danny Himself 11.26.2006 06:34 PM

I tend to lie to be social too. I got interviewed by the school guidance counsellor the other day and she asked me about the current state of my social life, and I said 'like everybody else's'.

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