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humans maybe becoming less intelligent
the studie ....
the human intelligent is depending on 2000 to 5000 genes this hereditary material is susceptible for mutations http://www.tgdaily.com/general-scien...ss-intelligent still the humans will need it to survive in the 7 billion humans they live with these day the beginning agriculture days humans were with less then 1 billion this already gave communication problems living with the group that is spread over large terretory towards later world wide on all continents and in this spreading movement the genepools formed as you see on the outside, japanees are different then europeans japanees who are still today in thier genepool with 98% japanees people chinees look different africans , latin then the mix of world wide people what you don't have to forget to see with humans is that they have information who creates a genepool on the information they use so this information is religion jewish people make childeren with jewish people muslim people make childeren with muslim people christian people ... boudist .... jehova withness ... ^^ this genepool formation is NOT NATURAL what birth is then natural? well look at the world what humans made of it the humans don't even know if they are real or fictional creatures anymore soo much information pollution is disturbed their natural life what birth is natural? the birth that stops when the limit of humans is reached the natural limit of a balance with the foodchain that is available |
My trans-hemispherical genetic experiment shall strengthen the genepool through increased biodiversity!
Too bad their won't be any silly H. sapiens around to witness the fury of a fully-developed Godling. Tremble, earthman. |
Is Edward Lucian a goth-enough name? She wouldn't let me name him Eldritch. :(
Dood.....Eldritch first of all....is an awesome name. 2nd...there's this guy who plays fighting games and for some odd reason his facial hair kind of reminds me of you(shut the fuck up and don't ask). His name....is Eldritch... |
I already know that I'm goth as fuck. It's the baby that I'm concerned for. I'm not sure black diapers are enough.
Edward is my middle-name, and what I'm used to being called whenever I was in trouble. I REALLY WANTED ELDRITCH. Still, Edward Lucian has a kind of victorian-goth ring to it. It's the next best thing. Sidenote: perhaps someone can help to explain the spanish foreshortening of Edward as being Lelo (which I personally intend to call him). |
what is actually your iq flowt? lol just joking )
what i was saying ...
the question is do females or males select a partner to make a baby on the IQ? if you go back in time and reincarnate to the scientist living 1000 years ago you have the iq to see in that the earth is round 99 % of the people say that you speaking against the word of god (the bible) and almost kill you for that do you going to find a woman to make a baby with then, with that iq 1000 years ago? NO ... the religious people won't make childeren with you ^^ this means intelligent people are dicriminated and have no survival chances inside the sapian group of that moment not to mention what darwin had to do darwin who had the iq to say our origin is nature bound wasn't welcome in that time with most people ok, that was in the past now back to today then we know more that we are also creatures comming out of the water and looking from beginning of evolution in the water to now humans are shaped in water to land some creatures where shaped differently from water to air, like birds and then back to water like pingiuns who use to have feathers, were birds are now back in to the evolution of transforming to wateranimal dinosaurs transformed to what we today know as birds and so sapians got transformed to landanimal by the geografic situation of the savanne in africa that made the homo sapian, homo erectus, homo habilis get down of the tree life and go walking so you can say that in the past the orgin of the sapian was a water animal >> then it was a amfibic animal >> then it was a looking for food in the trees >> then a geografic situation created a walking homo sapian >> in that human body we are walking today ^^ what does this to do with iq? how do homo sapians give good points to what they see? a country where the trees have alot of fruit on, good habitat, good clean water the foodchain looks good, survival is possible why does no one go to antartica or dessert ? becaue there is no survival possibility the iq is good if choises taken to survive succeed iq on the natural base |
Well above 140.
I'll leave any further pretentiousness at that. |
If I were to fuck myself, it'd be because I'm mind-blowing in bed and make myself laugh, more than any other. I hope all of this helps. The most-pro tip I can give you, kind sir, would be to listen to women more than talking at then, so that you may talk with then. I'm unsure if this makes sense, as human is my second language. Oh, and a command over occult-powers, particle-wave duality to manifestation, and I do dishes. Those too. |
You mean Lalo, not Lelo.
it's not pretentious if it's true
as with all things, some humans on earth are getting stupider, and some people on Earth are getting smarter It all averages out. USA citizens on average are probably getting stupider. 5 hours of network TV a day will do that to ya. a nation like Cuba, poor as all fuck and with decrepit infrastructure, can have a near 100% literacy rate, and the USA, with all it's riches and power and resources, has nowhere near that level of literacy. That is fucked up. On the other hand, the dumber the populace, the easier they are to control. |
also, countless studies have shown that highly intelligent people have far fewer children, and wait longer to have them, thereby decreasing the smart genes from the collective genetic pool.
the uneducated and the unintelligent have nothing to do but fuck and pop out a baby a year. |
Hmmm floslo...lelo? Or lalo?
Anyways I have no idea where they get their nicknames. Jose has the obvious pepe, and also chepo. Isable has chabelita, or how I like to call mah niece chab. |
I'm sorry, I find 'IQ levels' to be self-serving wankery that I wish no part of.
Sorry, it was told to me, not read in text. Still, I'm having difficulty making the correlation. Lay-Low is a badass nickname for any hunter of the future wastelands. I dig it. |
The best of all the nicknames? Vale
and so and so ... because people like to have SEX we are here
he he if i had to choose i would be living with only 1 million humans never have war, no hunger everyone is living large less numbers of human is less stress = less agression but i have nothing to choose and the cycle begins again because people like to have SEX we are here |
and the most desiarable for SEX = symetric genes
the face shows symetrics for DNA this is importand and this brings us back to the origin that we are originated from out of the water 1 celled life started the proces cells in water split symetricly on a way that is most energy efficient and that where the symetric process start so i hope you understand now the link with our origin as watercells with symetric attractivity within DNA |
The beauty of robotic thinking is it is deprogrammed of all emotion and feeling, and in this mechanical analysis can see what is so brilliantly known by all men as "game" and listen first talk rarely is how Bill Clinton not only pimps ladies out of they skirts, but even pimps the entirety of Americans. Quote:
The first rule of fighting games is you do not talk about fighting games. The second rule of fighting games is you do not talk about fighting games. |
Back in da day when there were only 1 million humans, and widely spread out at that, tribes still killed each other, fought wars, raped and pillaged.
It is human nature to hate each other, and take what they have for our own, whether that be women, drugs, money, land, or record collections. |
I was about to reply saying the same thing. Except mine was more one word-bollocks. |
Let us do battle. |
Before 1996 the SAT was set us an an IQ equivalent.
In 1996 they changed the SAT because it was "too hard" for the dumb ass brain dead data-replicators that so many public schools are focused on creating. and then the Republican party platform in the state of Texas states explicitly that they are against the teaching of "critical thinking." The Republican party in texas is composed mainly of super rich highly educated white guys. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by educating the "lower classes." |
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i just seen a biologist explain that bonobo's are the most close to humans
more then chimpansees or gorilla's it's true rob humans have a very voilent history now with 7 billion there will be adaptation needed to go into that future from 7 billion to 9 billion that is the future of the population that is going on NOW |
no prob. The Earth will balance itself, with or without humans.
When the solar system got fed up with dinosaurs it dropped the asteroid on 'em, took em out mad-quick. ha! for real though, humans are the only creatures on this planet capable of actually deciding NOT to hurt each other, yet we find endless ways to do so. |
This is a big damn discussion topic- one that sparks a lot of rousing debates at work- and there are a number of different viewpoints along the continuum between extremes of thought. I felt like I might waste some serious time in this thread, but thank god the first three posts brought me quickly to the conclusion that I would not be missing much by skipping the thread altogether ;)
... (really though, I didn't read this. Is anyone bothering to take up an evolutionary counterargument? Has anyone brought up that individual intelligence and societal/cultural/global intelligence may be moving in different directions, or mentioned that in every one of us, a cool little line graph is playing out as we age, showing that one kind of intelligence never stops rising (under normal physiological circumstances) while another shoots up, and then gradually begins to creep down around age 30, never to know an upward trend again? :) I like that. I'm totally "over the hill" regarding my ability to remember complicated words on the spot, and get worse at it every day, while my overall knowledge of the semantic meaning behind those words grows and grows and grows. We are such contradictions. I'm with [the idea that] FREUD [said he didn't believe but did]: individual psychodynamics are absolutely generalizable to global socio-psych-dynamics. We are soooooo doomed. :D |
Hi. Welcome to a gast thread. You must be new here.
Good luck on your discourse. You're going to need it. It's a shame you didn't actually bother to 'skip it altogether'. |
Drop a few points out of [int] and [wis] and put them into [chr].
Your character will noticed a marked improvement. |
That is so ridiculously shallow. Humans are social mammals, our instinct is to try our best to do the OPPOSITE of all those things you mentioned, and when we do it is acting on our base survival drives (food, sex, power) which are shared by all animals. Our social orders are constructed for us to find ways to harmonize our instincts (i.e. to socialize with other humans) and our drives (i.e. food, sex, power) in a which is the most mutually beneficial. If it were human nature simply to maim, kill, hurt, and destroy, then simply put, there would already be nothing.. |
If animal instincts were the same as intelligence, we'd sniff each other's ass before speaking.
Who will sniff my ass?? Is it you, rocketman? |
yeah. |
yeah. |
people can feel good, things can go better
when there are intelligent solutions then i find humans must follow them for the human benefit that is the reason for building something for everyone, family, friends, woman and childeren with these people we live 24 h over 24 h till the end of time why not live this life to the max intelligent if the expected result is that everyone feels better, lives better and get's older that people before they die can say " i had a great and wonderfull life " |
I like people.
Eespecially the ones with soft curves. |
I reckon that when some people think really hard, it opens up cracks in time and space!!!!!!!!! Cracks that monkey chimps.fall through......back into tiiiiiime!!!!!!
-_-_-_____--_.... |
I think humans have evolved to be beyond instinct, but it takes force of will. Instinct says to get what you can when you can and fuck anyone else. Most animals live on instinct alone, as far as we know. our closest relatives, the chimpanzees of all types, wage war, kill, rape, maim, and commit infanticide on the reg. so do humans. the whole history of humans is one group being subjugated by another, then, when the current powers are usurped, the new elite go right ahead and start to subjugate someone else. You would think as a collective group humans would grow out of this, but look at israel. For thousands of years, a subjugated group is nearly exterminated by those that wield power. They are granted a sovereign nation after WWII. what are they doing now? Subjugating and killing those they deem unworthy. Pessimism abounds. |
YES, which i why i spend most of my time learning what i want to learn. that and plotting the demise of the "system". |
this is how it's done Quote:
learning = intelligence |
You're a bit late with this thread, gast. You are missing out on the fun you get by observing idiots trying to be smart and intelligent.
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