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atsonicpark 11.26.2006 09:19 AM

bad religion appreciation thread
no control
against the grain

four of the best punk albums ever. this band is amazing. peace.

Jico 11.26.2006 10:50 AM

curb your enthusiasm, they are not that great.

atsonicpark 11.26.2006 10:53 AM

Haha.. what? Thought provoking lyrics, amazing harmonies and melodies, fast as fuck and well written punk songs. Despite the occassional shitty guitar solo, their shit always slays.. on those albums.

porkmarras 11.26.2006 11:00 AM

Yeah,i love them muslims.

atari 2600 11.26.2006 11:03 AM

I cannot stand this band.

Once when I was living in this large house with my girlfriend (we had a separate entrance, thank goodness), the adjoining room was occupied by the bass player in this band and he would always play Bad Religion. At least the drummer was cool. He liked Sonic Youth, but his favorite band was The Fall and he turned me on to them.

Norma J 11.26.2006 06:41 PM

They get old really quick. They say the same thing over and over, musically and lyrically.

stenson 11.26.2006 07:22 PM

never heard em.

TheDom 11.26.2006 07:30 PM

I used to know a priest who liked Bad Religion (no joke). Irony at its best.

They're ok in small doses, but listening to them for over 10 minutes gets old really fast

Pookie 11.26.2006 07:45 PM

There were a few bands around at the time that, as a punk, I just didn't get.
In particular Descendents and Bad Brains. Not that they're bad, but, well...I just didn't "get" them.

Pookie 11.26.2006 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
I agree with what you're saying about Descendents, I've never heard Bad Brains though.

I don't know where that came from, I meant to say Bad Religion. But it does go for Bad Brains as well. There were much better hardcore bands in my opinion.

nature scene 11.26.2006 08:50 PM

I like them for a while, but quickly got tired of their pretentious, pseudo-intellectualism.

dietzer123 11.27.2006 12:40 AM

being a fan of all that dumb punk shit such as nofx *gasp* i still find bad religion to be pretty lame.

Norma J 11.27.2006 03:12 AM

NOFX are one band I've never liked. Irritate(d) me to the max, infact.

nature scene 11.27.2006 11:47 AM

I enjoy nofx but not bad religion. It's hard to enjoy bands that take themselves too seriously.

Savage Clone 11.27.2006 12:14 PM

For a band who like to flaunt their big vocabularies, their lyrics still sound like they were written by a 14 year old to me and their songs are uninteresting. I didn't like them way back and I like them even less now. Oh, did I mention the awful guitar tones?
Yeesh. I never understood how a bunch of intelligent academics with 42 years of schooling could come up with such unimaginative and caricaturish music.

porkmarras 11.27.2006 12:16 PM

Might as well throw Green Day and Offspring into the bin too .Hated them then and i hate them now.

Trasher02 11.27.2006 03:05 PM

Dear god I absolutely hat bad religion, totally unlistenable. (spelling? whatevah)

lucyrulesok 11.27.2006 03:47 PM

yah, i never got into bad religion.
i remember when i was about 13 or 14 at school, and i changed classes, and i got all excited 'cause there were some kids in that class that didn't listen to whatever shit they played on capital fm, and i thought 'finally i can talk to someone about music'.....

and they all liked bad religion and other rubbish punk. i was disappointed.

CHOUT 11.27.2006 10:57 PM

OK, so not alot of Bad Religion fans here (I was a fan until Recipe For Hate, which was pretty awful). Listened to Generator a while back and I enjoyed it.

But Bad Religion fans and non-fans alike should really check out Into The Unknown!


It is their album erased from existence - they are ashamed of it, and usually won't even talk about it. It is their 1983 hardrock keyboard driven epic album and it's really funny. A total anomaly - pretty interesting in how far off they veered from their usual formula.

I was gonna actually post a thread about it and copy my bootleg of it so you guys could check it out (the other side is a Descendents live show...still dig them (pre-reunion mostly) and have for years).

here's an article about it:
First off this album is the punkest thing you'll ever hear in your lifetime... But really, I know you were just pleading for someone to review it weren't you? Since there's been much hype around the new Bad Religion album, I've decided there should be a review of the "outcast" album: "Into the Unknown"
As a matter of fact, some Bad Religion fans don't even know this album exists, it's out of print, rarely mentioned by the band, and hasn't been played live (ever?) maybe because some of the members of Bad Religion would like if the album never did exist.
Synthesizers, Acoustics, and keyboards oh my. Back in 1983 this album was a sin to the punk community. I don't know if releasing it was a joke or what, but it caused almost all of BR's fan base to leave in an instant, even members of the band left after this album.
Sure BR redeemed themselves with Back to the Known ('84) a amazing punk album, but to this day, Into the Unknown leaves an rather sour memory. As a punk album, this album is complete and utter crap, but it's not a punk album, so it's unfair to say that.
When I listen to it, I actually think early-mid 70's arena-rock. To tell you the truth, damn good 70's arena rock. Boston, Kansas, Yes, Peter Frampton all come to mind whenever I hear this album.
"Time and Disregard" a 7 minute keyboard, 70's powerchord, radio friendly chorus infested song, makes me want to pop on some Frampton comes alive. "Billy Gnosis" makes me think of the late 60's somewhat of a Buffalo Springfield or Crosby Stills Nash and Young vibe. If this album came out in 1973, I'm telling you Bad Religion would be as big as Led Zeppelin. "You give up" has a creepy piano hook running through it, into blazing riffs and more synthesizer action, I think I love this album.
Again if Bad Religion was a 70's arena-rock band like Boston, I'd give this album a 10, but this is a punk board so I'll judge it by that. And so I end my review... Who says Bad Religion always sounds repetitive?

loubarret 08.24.2010 04:33 AM

Generator, suffer and again the grain are great albums. A bit monotone yeah, but it doesn't really irritate. But yeah, fun band but not something amazing. Their later albums are way preachier and flatter

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.24.2010 10:37 AM


Derek 08.24.2010 11:23 AM

Bad Religion are awesome. What's wrong with you people?

An album like Against the Grain is just melody after melody of brilliance.

GeneticKiss 08.24.2010 11:28 AM


Rob Instigator 08.24.2010 11:42 AM

bad religion is boring. never got into them. hated that "melodic hardcore" sound, like gorilla biscuits and shit, without the humor.


and bad brains were among the FIRST hardcore bands, and they were awesome and they are awesome. and go buy BLACK DOTS motherfuckers, and listen to some hardcore and throw away the bad religion.

gualbert 08.24.2010 12:03 PM

Good band in the early 80's.
Then they split, reunite and turn very bad (like most band who reunite)

Derek 08.24.2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
bad religion is boring. never got into them. hated that "melodic hardcore" sound, like gorilla biscuits and shit, without the humor.


and bad brains were among the FIRST hardcore bands, and they were awesome and they are awesome. and go buy BLACK DOTS motherfuckers, and listen to some hardcore and throw away the bad religion.

I think Bad Religion is way more interesting than Bad Brains or whoever.. brilliant melody after melody of guitar interplay and fantastic vocals that don't just follow the guitar at all times. Many hardcore bands never had that, you should stop being a purist.

atsonicpark 08.24.2010 02:11 PM

Early Bad Religion are brilliant, unless you only like simple tired generic boring 3 chord punk crap. They're fantastic, one of the few punk bands I can listen to besides Wire (who got over the "punk" thing very quickly), Misfits, and Descendents. I guess I can see someone not into Bad Religion if they don't like melody, or aren't into interesting songwriting.


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson


atsonicpark 08.24.2010 02:12 PM

ALL AGES is probably the best greatest hits collection EVER.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.24.2010 04:13 PM

The coolest thing about Bad Religion is their logo. But even that's sorta lame, due to it being associated with them.

I bet you think Alkaline Trio is pretty bitchin' too, eh? :rolleyes:

atsonicpark 08.24.2010 04:19 PM

No, I don't, and they don't sound anything alike, so what's your point? I'm sitting here, trying to think of any association whatsoever they have with each other, and the only conclusion I can come up with is you've probably never bothered listening to any of the classic Bad Religion albums.

Anyway, Bad Religion straight-up has some of the best harmonies EVER; beautiful 3 part harmony vocals.. amazing. Melodically creative, great riffs, fast-as-hell, intelligent lyrics (and I don't care about lyrics); most bands will never write a song half as good as Walk Away, the Generator and Against the Grain title tracks, I Want Something More, etc.

Here's All Ages (46mb): ...

Derek 08.24.2010 04:22 PM

Against the FUCKING GRAIN! One of the best punk albums ever.

Everything up to Recipe For Hate is essential, I can't believe the hate this band gets from people on this forum. Fuck the fans, fuck the 'image', fuck the 'scene', fuck the history; it's just GREAT music.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.24.2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
No, I don't, and they don't sound anything alike,

Really? They both sound like complete shit to me!


atsonicpark 08.24.2010 04:25 PM

Derek, there's no reason to get upset about it; a lot of people just flat out write off good music because they don't like their fans, and they heard one random song on some skateboarding game and now associate the entire band with that one song and their annoying fanbase. That's not just this forum, it's the entire internet; it's people, in general. I just don't personally understand why people unfamiliar with a band bother replying negatively to an appreciation thread. I am critical of certain bands -- boring ass Deer Hunter, wankfest Mars Volta, and whatever -- but I actually listen to their albums, often multiple times, before I make an informed opinion about their work. And in cases where I simply can't get through an album (see In Rainbows, which I've made it through, but I found it nearly impossible to sit through it in one sitting -- it's their shortest work and fels like their longest), I make a point to mention that to. I don't honestly believe most of the people writing off BR have actually sat down and listened -- really listened -- to any of their work, but that's okay. If they don't want their lives enhanced by melodically complex and brilliant music, that's their loss. Either way, you can tell which people haven't really even bothered listening to their work, because it's the ones who can't even form an opinion beyond "they suck." I think it's a lot more interesting to break down why a band sucks. For example, In Rainbows -- the most overrated album to ever exist -- sucks because the vocals are shockingly bad (and there's a lot of them; I am starting to think the only reason Kid A and Amnesiac are so great is becuase Thom didn't sing too much, and when he did his voice was usually buried or effected), there isn't any creativity (songs that aren't even as good as the worst songs on Hail to the Thief, some tired boring electronics with some boring midtempo Pablo Honey-esque rockers; what the fuck?!), and ... well, jsut the lyrics.. it's Thom Yorke's sexy album... he's trying to be romantic.. it's almost like a Radiohead parody... anyway... that's a lot more interesting, and can open up further avenues of discussion, than just saying "OH THEY SUCK"

atsonicpark 08.24.2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Really? They both sound like complete shit to me!

I know they're not as melodically pleasing and rifftastic as the latest Twitzid joint, man, but they're trying. Give 'em a break!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.24.2010 04:27 PM

No need for the link, Adam. I have Rhapsody, and am giving All Ages a shot right now. I'm only on the first track, but his voice is wretched...I don't know how much more of this I can take.

PS: The latest Twiztid cd is awful.

atsonicpark 08.24.2010 04:33 PM

His voice is melody-tastic, and I love melodies. He has great control over it. And all those harmonies.. man.

The best songs on All Ages are You Are the Government, The Answer, Against the Grain, Generator, Anesthesia, No Control, Atomic Garden, No Direction, Automatic Man, Change of Ideas, Walk Away. The guitar interplay in Generator is amazing. Is that finger tapping?

Glice 08.24.2010 04:33 PM

I saw BR a week or so ago. Honestly one of the dullest shows I've ever been to. I listened to some of their stuff afterwards - utterly shite. But, on the other hand, I think there's something very wrong with British people getting it. IMO and all that.

ann ashtray 08.24.2010 04:36 PM

I never was one of those that looked for strong melodies within punk rock, which isn't to say there isn't some stuff out there that I dig (Wipers...)

Bad Religion WERE ok...but never one of my favorites. There's just so much better stuff from that era of punk rock.

SONIC GAIL 08.24.2010 05:04 PM

I was obsessed with them for a few years. Went to 2 of their shows back in the 90s. Grew out of it and back into the youth. I bought generator a few months ago cause it reminds me of hangin with ryan my senior year.

Pax Americana 08.24.2010 05:24 PM

Man, I don't get the hate. Bad Religion are fucking awesome! Against the Grain is one of the greatest punk rock albums of all time. That record has some of the most inspired an inspiring punk songs I've ever heard. I mean c'mon, Walk Away, Against the Grain, Faith Alone, Modern Man!? Classics.

The last awesome album they put out was The Empire Strikes First. That one came out at the height of the Bush regime's insanity, and the band sounds so fucking pissed off. The drumming on that album is fucking awesome.

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