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k-krack 11.26.2006 01:36 PM

Sonic Gossip Year Book!
Will you take part, maybe send a picture in?
I got this idea from Punksud (The punk forum made for/by Sudbury; where I live).
Give ideas for the different catagories!!! We'll sort it out when all the ideas are in!

I have a few in my mind already:

Best joke poster...
Best forum in-joke...
Most likely to still be posting in 5 years...
Most reputation...
Least reputation...
Best sig...
Best avatar...
Best username...
Best gay...
Best mixtape... (For all you mixtapers)
Funniest thread...
Most posts in ____ thread...
Best board band...
Best looking Male/Female...
Most congenial...
Most Intelligent Post
Least Intelligent Post
Funniest Post
Most Overrated Member
Most Underrated Member
Most Improved Member
Funniest Member
Funniest Quote
Most Missed Member
Best/Most Loved Newbie
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous
Nicest Member
Member Who Has Contributed The Most To Sonic Gossip
Weirdest Member
Member Most Likely Be Molested
Member Most Likely to be a Molester

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 01:37 PM

Best gay! haha

k-krack 11.26.2006 01:43 PM

Hahaha, I figured since theres so many of 'em, it was cool, nay, necessary! to make it a catagory.

k-krack 11.26.2006 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
We did this last year. Me, artsygrll and Hot Eyed Bride took the lead on it and it kicked ass, but then it kind of fell through becuz we are all mama's who work full time. Anyway, we voted and had mulitple categories and it gave multiple people a chance to win. I think we made it so the same person could not win more then one time. We also had a pic page, it was cool. I would totally do it again.

Really? Awesome, I invite you to co-direct, then!

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 01:47 PM

fuck yeah, k-krack, the idea is amazing.

i'll post them later, i have a whole bunch of them

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 01:48 PM

we should have people to vote for the best ..... whatever thingy

k-krack 11.26.2006 01:49 PM

Alrighty, trime for me to take a shower, but I'll return, clean, and ready for anything!

k-krack 11.26.2006 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
we should have people to vote for the best ..... whatever thingy

Like, set judges? Either that, or create several poll threads... which would be quite a hassle, but it could work.

k-krack 11.26.2006 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
For sure man, I will help out. Basically we posted one category a day to vote on. PM me or something if you really want 'help'.

That's a much better idea than all at once, I think. This will be fun. D'you recall any other catagories you had?

k-krack 11.26.2006 01:58 PM

Best board band...!

jon boy 11.26.2006 02:03 PM

i remember it from the old board. it would be fun to see something like it again.

k-krack 11.26.2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Oh man, so many categories... Use this thread as a way for suggestions and then pick the top 20 or something from there. I know we had egotistical ones like- 'Best Looking Male/Female' and then ones like 'Best Username', 'Most Congenial' and shit. It took a couple days to pull everything together. Then we would post each category for a complete 24 hours before tallying and announcing the winner. I would have the polls be secret, so you can't see who voted for who too. We did it via PM's last year so the power of suggestion did not manipulate other peoples votes.

Sounds good, I like the top twenty idea and the day long polls.

Biggest ego... (ahem, *Hayden!)

Vodka Goblin 11.26.2006 02:18 PM

We hav lyke a goblin yeerbuk wher we have cattergorys lyke whos the mowst dodgi gnome an whos the mowst dodgi elf n wots the best way to annoy an elf an wots the best thing to thro at a gnome n all an lyke we kompyle all the ansers into a big book, an wonce ryte the gnome police berst into owr yeerly seremonny an me mayt heggi wos doin the speeches an he HIT THE FUKKIN GNOME POLICE RYTE ON THE FUKKIN HED WITH THE YEERBUK n ha ha ha it wos lyke ded gud cos they all went unkonshus so we wos throwin stuf at them an all, so the best way to piss off a gnome is to HIT HIM ON THE FUKKIN HED WIV A BIG BUK ha ha see yu gud ideya tho eh.

Danny Himself 11.26.2006 02:18 PM

I came up with a few more categories if you're interested:

Most Intelligent Post
Least Intelligent Post
Funniest Post
Most Overrated Member
Most Underrated Member
Most Improved Member
Funniest Member
Funniest Quote
Best Signature
Most Missed Member
Best/Most Loved Newbie
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous
Nicest Member
Member Who Has Contributed The Most To Sonic Gossip
Weirdest Member
Sexiest Member
Member Most Likely Be Molested
Member Most Likely to be a Molester
Best Musician

jon boy 11.26.2006 02:18 PM

so whats gonna be the first poll?

Danny Himself 11.26.2006 02:20 PM

It's best to have a nominations thread, then a voting thread, then a final yearbook thread.

CHOUT 11.26.2006 02:51 PM

You're in highschool again...

k-krack 11.26.2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I came up with a few more categories if you're interested:

Most Intelligent Post
Least Intelligent Post
Funniest Post
Most Overrated Member
Most Underrated Member
Most Improved Member
Funniest Member
Funniest Quote
Best Signature
Most Missed Member
Best/Most Loved Newbie
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous
Nicest Member
Member Who Has Contributed The Most To Sonic Gossip
Weirdest Member
Sexiest Member
Member Most Likely Be Molested
Member Most Likely to be a Molester
Best Musician

These are great!

finding nobody 11.26.2006 04:02 PM

Best in forum joke: Huskers On a (Motherfuckin) Plane

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Will you take part, maybe send a picture in?
I got this idea from Punksud (The punk forum made for/by Sudbury; where I live).
Give ideas for the different catagories!!! We'll sort it out when all the ideas are in!

I have a few in my mind already:

Best joke poster...
Best forum in-joke...
Most likely to still be posting in 5 years...
Most reputation...
Least reputation...
Best sig...
Best avatar...
Best username...
Best gay...
Best mixtape... (For all you mixtapers)
Funniest thread...
Most posts in ____ thread...
Best board band...
Best looking Male/Female...
Most congenial...
Most Intelligent Post
Least Intelligent Post
Funniest Post
Most Overrated Member
Most Underrated Member
Most Improved Member
Funniest Member
Funniest Quote
Most Missed Member
Best/Most Loved Newbie
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous
Nicest Member
Member Who Has Contributed The Most To Sonic Gossip
Weirdest Member
Member Most Likely Be Molested
Member Most Likely to be a Molester

Best record collector
Most Random thread
Best Noisemaker
Most perverted
Biggest geek

finding nobody 11.26.2006 04:07 PM

Im better be nominated for best geek!

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:12 PM

Best dresser
Most used word
best emo lookalike (from the emo picture thread)
biggest Cam whore
Most likely to become porn actor/actrice
most likely to become a serial killer
most likely to become a cop
Most multiple accounts
Best spammer

Savage Clone 11.26.2006 04:13 PM

Worst speller/Worst grammar

static-harmony 11.26.2006 04:14 PM

for most Random Thread I nominate King_Buzzo.


king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:15 PM

EGHRM!!! queen buzzo that is

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
Im better be nominated for best geek!

Or worst grammar...;)

And besides, if any one gets biggest geek it is me or Lux purely based on this.

jon boy 11.26.2006 04:20 PM

worst dressed.

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy

catanky wins again

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:23 PM

best/worst sense of humour
best/worst spelling & grammar
best/worst cook

static-harmony 11.26.2006 04:24 PM

best/worse sex storyteller.

king_buzzo 11.26.2006 04:26 PM

best sex toy invention. *insert rodent here

Glice 11.26.2006 04:35 PM

The award for most consistently unimaginative, unexciting, self-referential threads?
Best swearing?
Most cursory awareness of 16th-century crop rotation cycles?
Best use of diacritics?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 11.26.2006 04:45 PM

best party animal
best drunk
best drug addict
most obsessed with rather ripped
least obsessed with rather ripped
most prude
etc. etc.

towelie 11.26.2006 05:15 PM

Hi everybody! Can I be the one most likely to get high? Because if I am, that means I'm getting high alot. And I like to be high alot.

finding nobody 11.26.2006 05:36 PM

Towelie, you can be up for the Best Troll award!

k-krack 11.26.2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
Towelie, you can be up for the Best Troll award!

I don't know, I believe that position is rightfully Vodka Goblin's...

towelie 11.26.2006 05:41 PM

No! YOU can be up for Best Troll award!

I'm just here to help everybody with proper towel usage, that's all. It's very important you know. I was at the secret base where they created me and then I got high for the first time and wandered off and somehow ended up here.

EMMAh 11.26.2006 05:50 PM

This is a great idea :D

k-krack 11.26.2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
This is a great idea :D

Thanks, m'dear.

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 05:58 PM need to pick twenty catagories, so we can nominate...

(you should try get this started by December 1st, any later and people will stop showing up for christmas and shit)

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