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k-krack 11.26.2006 10:01 PM

Yearbook Top 20(+2): FINAL!
Most/least reputation
Best troll
Best forum in-joke
Best sig
Best avatar
Best username
Best gay
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous
Best board band/musician
Best looking Male/Female
Most congenial
Most Overrated/Underrated Member
Most Missed Member
Best record collector
Funniest thread
Biggest geek
Best dresser
best party animal
most obsessed with rather ripped
become a serial killerl
still be posting in 5 years
best 'emo' picture
Best Mixape-maker (only for mixtapers, please!)


And for the most attractive male/female, we should do a poll with 5 guys and 5 girls, and get people to vote for one guy and one girl, eliminating the need for two seperate polls. Dig?

RIPfrey05 11.26.2006 10:03 PM

i cant remember what congenial means

k-krack 11.26.2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by RIPfrey05
i cant remember what congenial means

In a nutshell, it means nice, agreeable.

RIPfrey05 11.26.2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
In a nutshell, it means nice, agreeable.

fucking shit thats me.

finding nobody 11.26.2006 10:06 PM

Think Ms. Congeniality

So, were doing this by PM?

k-krack 11.26.2006 10:09 PM

I don't know how to do that, but if it works better, than yes.

How do you do this by PM?

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 10:12 PM

We need people nominated first. 5 or 10 people nominated for each catagory, then we have a poll everyday for each catagory.

k-krack 11.26.2006 10:14 PM

Yes, we will. But how do you do it via PM? I think it would be easier just to do polls, no?

finding nobody 11.26.2006 10:16 PM

Like Alex said we need 3-5 people nominated for each catagory.

If you did it by PM we would just PM our votes to you, and then you count them

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 10:17 PM

We don't do a poll to nominate people.

I suggest that everyone copies and pastes your list then puts names 1 person as a nominee for each catagory, then you take the 5 most nominated people for each catagory and we do a poll from there.

No PMs involved.

k-krack 11.26.2006 10:18 PM

Ooooh, sounds tedious!
Ok, we'll start with the Best troll:
Vodka Goblin

k-krack 11.26.2006 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
We don't do a poll to nominate people.

I suggest that everyone copies and pastes your list then puts names 1 person as a nominee for each catagory, then you take the 5 most nominated people for each catagory and we do a poll from there.

No PMs involved.

This could take forever, and I'd like it to be done for New Years.

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 10:44 PM

It won't take forever. You can start the polls on tuesday probably. I'll start.

Most/least reputation
Best troll Porkmarrass
Best forum in-joke Huskers on a Plane
Best sig Crypto
Best avatar Savage Clone
Best username Felicia Funbags
Best gay They are all pretty unimpressive, if you ask me
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous ???
Best board band/musician Small White
Best looking Male/Female ???
Most congenial Kegmama
Most Overrated/Underrated Member Porkmarras/ScreamingSkull
Most Missed Member I don't miss anyone
Best record collector gmku
Funniest thread ??
Biggest geekLuxinator (for the Harry Potter stuff)
Best dresser Cantankerous
best party animalCrypto
most obsessed with rather ripped Day Care Nation

(Don't pay attention to the ones where I didn't nominate, I didn't put much thought into these)

There. Now let everyone do this up until tomorrow night. Take 3-5 of the nominees for each catagory and start putting up polls. Easy.

k-krack 11.26.2006 10:48 PM

You can't have the same person twice! That's one rule!

Alex's Trip 11.26.2006 10:50 PM

We'll run out of people to put up once you start the polls. I think we should have people be able to be nominated twice, but they can't win twice because personally, I don't care. You do whatever you want though.

Everyneurotic 11.26.2006 11:00 PM

Most/least reputation: porky
Best troll: doesn't post anymore
Best forum in-joke: ask spookie or hüsker on a plane (still reigns supreme)
Best sig: Glice
Best avatar: pass for now
Best username: vodka goblin
Best gay: hayden
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous: that dude who looks like ross from friends
Best board band/musician: Monosodic
Best looking Male/Female: schizo
Most congenial: hip priest
Most Overrated/Underrated Member: schizo
Most Missed Member: no one
Best record collector: savage clone
Funniest thread: any with australia bombing posts
Biggest geek: !@#$%!
Best dresser: cantankerous
best party animal: diesel
most obsessed with rather ripped: that moron
become a serial killer: me
biggest party animal: sorry, but diesel again.
still be posting in 5 years: atari

finding nobody 11.26.2006 11:38 PM

Best troll- vodka goblin
Best forum in-joke- huskers on a plane
Best sig- Glice
Best avatar- king cofee
Best username- cosomokramer
Best gay- Hayden
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous- Hayden (Jandek)
Best board band/musician- Spectral Presence
Best looking Male/Female- screamingskull
Most congenial- Pookie
Most Overrated/Underrated Member- TheDom
Most Missed Member- noumenal
Best record collector- gmku
Funniest thread- Sonic Youth
Biggest geek- atari 2600
Best dresser- Lee is Free
best party animal- Deisel
most obsessed with rather ripped- Daycare
become a serial killer- everyneurotic
still be posting in 5 years- marleypumpkin

Alex's Trip 11.27.2006 09:21 AM


_slavo_ 11.27.2006 09:26 AM

I still think we'd need like 5 nominees for each category to choose from.

k-krack, why don't you do that?

Alex's Trip 11.27.2006 09:27 AM

That is what we are fucking doing.

sonicl 11.27.2006 09:32 AM

I'm only nominating for a few categories.

Best troll Vodka Goblin
Best forum in-joke Laila's daft questions
Best board band/musician Savage Clone
Most congenial Hip Priest
Most Overrated/Underrated Member Underrated = Moshe
Most Missed Member Laila
most obsessed with rather ripped haydenasche (no-one said it had to be a positively-based obsession)
Funniest thread Was Robin Hood a real person?

HaydenAsche 11.27.2006 09:32 AM

Most/least reputation - Truncated FTW
Best troll - Porkmarrass
Best forum in-joke - Huskers On A Motherfucking Plane)
Best sig - Glice
Best avatar - Fuck avatars.
Best username - Savage Clone
Best gay - Myself, of course
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous - Cantankerous
Best board band/musician - ADAM COOLEY
Best looking Male/Female - Porkmarras/Clone
Most congenial - Myself, yet again.
Most Overrated/Underrated Member - CHABIB
Most Missed Member - Truncated
Best record collector - Clone
Funniest thread - Was Robin Hood A Real Person
Biggest geek -
Best dresser - Myself
best party animal - Diesel
most obsessed with rather ripped - Diaper Nation
become a serial killer - Truncated
biggest party animal - Size-wise? Crypto's a big guy.
still be posting in 5 years - Myself.

Biggest Asshole.
Most annoying twat.

These should all be on this list.

Alex's Trip 11.27.2006 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Most Overrated Member Porkmarras


Watch out guys. Don't vote for Porky as most overrated. He doesn't like it.

porkmarras 11.27.2006 09:36 AM

Longest imaginary internet cock - Glice
Most obsessed with porkmarras - Alex's Trip
Most missed - Toilet & Bowels

Oh well,can't think of more right now.

HaydenAsche 11.27.2006 09:37 AM

Ha. Vote for porkmarras as Biggest Twat today!

porkmarras 11.27.2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

Watch out guys. Don't vote for Porky as most overrated. He doesn't like it.

You're obviously a little slow when it comes to acerbic sarcasm:rolleyes: .My,i'm feeling evil today.

Alex's Trip 11.27.2006 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Most obsessed with porkmarras - Alex's Trip

Haha, I made one thread and then I voted for you as overrated, and now I'm obsessed.

stenson 11.27.2006 09:41 AM

Best troll- vodka goblin
Best forum in-joke- The whole "phone Chris Habib" thing
Best sig- Slavo
Best avatar- Stenson
Best username- Everyneurotic
Best gay- Alex's Trip
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous- K-krack (Dr.Dre)
Best board band/musician- CHOUT
Best looking Male/Female- Cantanky
Most congenial- EmmaH
Most Overrated/Underrated Member- overrated: Diesel under: Inhuman
Most Missed Member- Laila
Best record collector- gmku
Funniest thread- Sonic Youth
Biggest geek- atari 2600
Best dresser- Lee is Free
best party animal- Deisel
most obsessed with rather ripped- Daycare
become a serial killer- Hayden
still be posting in 5 years- Porkmarras

porkmarras 11.27.2006 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Haha, I made one thread and then I voted for you as overrated, and now I'm obsessed.

Best person at winding people up on the internet to entertain himself at work - porkmarras

Alex's Trip 11.27.2006 09:44 AM

I'd hardly call myself wound up...

And now I'm off to school.

porkmarras 11.27.2006 09:46 AM


HaydenAsche 11.27.2006 09:47 AM

Queens! Stop fighting!

porkmarras 11.27.2006 10:14 AM


porkmarras 11.27.2006 10:16 AM

Least likely to get a shag outta porkfracas in 5 years time - Alex's Trip

king_buzzo 11.27.2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
How will we do voting?
Just a secret poll?

And for the most attractive male/female, we should do a poll with 5 guys and 5 girls, and get people to vote for one guy and one girl, eliminating the need for two seperate polls. Dig?

make a thread called yearbook 06 nominees?

can we have 30 things please?

20 is not a lot,

also, why isnt the porn one included?

we have the most common awards, we should put something random

Jico 11.27.2006 11:15 AM

Most Spanked Twat: Jico

sonicl 11.27.2006 11:17 AM

What have you done to upset someone this time???

Danny Himself 11.27.2006 11:18 AM

Best troll random homie
Best forum in-joke huskers on a rocket
Best gay static-harmony
Member Who Looks Most Like Someone Famous HaydenAsche (Ralph Malph)
Best board band/musician Chout
Best looking Male/Female Richard Pryor On Fire / Emmah
Most congenial Hip Priest
Most Overrated/Underrated Member Moshe (underrated)
Most Missed Member Laila
Best record collector Chout
Funniest thread Sonic Youth
Biggest geek schizophrenicroom :]
Best dresser Danny Himself
best party animal ...
most obsessed with rather ripped ...
become a serial killer porkmarras
biggest party animal ...?
still be posting in 5 years no idea

porkmarras 11.27.2006 11:35 AM

Most numerous mentions of one of the lamest bands around-Hayden and his incessant monologues about XIUfuckingXIU

porkmarras 11.27.2006 11:37 AM

Girl least likely to get pregnant in the near future - Savage 'Fat Queen!' Clone

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