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Nefeli 12.01.2012 05:38 AM

discuss or post whatever you want about them.

Pelle 12.01.2012 08:30 AM


floatingslowly 12.01.2012 09:49 AM

my wife is 6 mo.s pregnant and it was planned!

evollove 12.01.2012 11:07 AM

I hate how they smell.

But it's always a hoot to dump the contents over the head of the lady. Always gets a laugh.

gast30 12.01.2012 11:15 AM

good good
i defenitivly see less humans on the planet as the solution to all problems
no poverty, no war

the more baby's there are going to be born the more poor and more war this will bring

if you want or like to accept this as an animal or not is not the thing
it is simpel and logical solution

overpopulation of homo sapian
not good

rubbers on
AIDS for belgium 2012 : 1200 people 80% of them GAY
80% of 1200 = 960 GAY infected with AIDS

defenetivly something for the gay scene
they can start some/more AIDS prevention
AIDS hits straight people too


Nefeli 12.01.2012 11:46 AM

i always keep at home just in case.

even if i was in a relationship, i wouldnt stop using them. sorry, but. trust noone.

gast30 12.01.2012 12:06 PM

that is the best prevention strategy nef

Nefeli 12.01.2012 12:24 PM

yep! :)

Nefeli 12.01.2012 12:29 PM

ah its astonishing how often you hear young, straight men not wanting to use condom. hello? where do you live???
soooo low iq. which extracts a gazillion attraction points. to zero.

on the other hand, you have the rise of herbal( aint sure, havent researched that) viagra alike pills usage among young men. there must be some correlation.
and it is preferable, than not getting any.

tripsk 12.01.2012 01:43 PM

i kind of hate them tbh

Rob Instigator 12.01.2012 01:59 PM

They need to makle an intermediate condom between regular and Magnum

!@#$%! 12.01.2012 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
discuss or post whatever you want about them.

minty fresh??

dale_gribble 12.01.2012 02:34 PM

they're ok, although i have only had sex with one girl and she was on birth control/insisted on not using condoms cause it feels SO much better. point being, i have no problem with them but if a girl wants me cum inside her how can i say no?

gast30 12.01.2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i could still be a lonely daughterless fuck-up if not for that.:)

you would have 1000 fantasy friends in your head like me

here online i have protection from the satellite king
his right hand rainbow of death who is operating from cybatraz

look and there fly's accidental hero together with the silver surfer
waauuww unbelieveable

EVOLghost 12.01.2012 04:29 PM

cybatraz.....I like that....I'll be using that Gast...

gast30 12.01.2012 04:36 PM

you haven't read my sf comic ESCAPE FROM CYBATRAZ ?

EVOLghost 12.01.2012 04:37 PM

I don't think so??

Maybe.....but I can recall at the moment.

gast30 12.01.2012 04:39 PM

crazy deep cyborg nation conflickt

gast30 12.01.2012 04:46 PM

experiments with human baby's of the poor who were tested for the influence of moderntechnology on the body and brainfunctioning
there was rainbow of death born
the experiment with the technology on his brain created a super IQ unseen in that time
while growing up as a child he slowly sees the evil of the experiment that is pushed down upon him
he makes a plan to ... escape


one of the rare pictures of rainbow of death


Nefeli 12.01.2012 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
on some random whore.

you know how bad this sounded, right? of course you do.

on the other hand, one is free to say whatever s/he wants.

also, all the best to your daughter.

floatingslowly 12.02.2012 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
dude. i have no idea what yr talking about but i feel confident about you being confident in what yr typing.

I understood every word. :confused:


Assuming that I'm not aiming to MAKE THE BABBY, I wear a condom. In my last (13 year) relationship, I can count the condom-less times on one hand; because, you know, without them, I MAKE THE BABBY.

Please, NEVER cum in my ass.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.02.2012 06:02 PM

what's a condom?

they're good for when yr not really serious with someone

SpaceCadetHayden 12.03.2012 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
mmmm, i've never used a condom except on some random whore. only had 3 girlfriends in my lifetime and never used 'em during any of those. the last one told me she had her tubes tied(which was bullshite and i knew it) and ...oops, now i'm a father of a beautiful 3 yr old girl. shit happens and i don't regret none of it.:p i'm on very good terms with the mother and i spend lots of time with her. so, i could still be a lonely daughterless fuck-up if not for that.:)

and i get to buy somebody something for christmas now.

i thought you were like 14 or 15 but maybe you were just too old to learn how to type like an adult?

SpaceCadetHayden 12.03.2012 01:04 AM

i generally don't use condoms like i don't use condoms at all now because i'm in a committed relationship with a guy and we're both clean. condoms are uncomfortable and i am allergic to latex AND petroleum based lubricants so it's an expensive annoyance.

dale_gribble 12.03.2012 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
idk if I'll ever have sex hello

just go to a really high class brothel, that was my plan until i somehow found a girl to bang. however, now that i've had sex i don't care if i ever do again...i'm not going to lie it's pretty AWESOME but not worth the effort most people put toward it.

EVOLghost 12.03.2012 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden
i am allergic to latex AND petroleum based lubricants so it's an expensive annoyance.

Lol seriously? What are the chances...

Nefeli 12.03.2012 06:28 AM

and then its this story that proves me right and i dont like to be proven right in situations like this:
boy and girl live together for years.
so dunno, they are 'serious' about eachother. (?)
then the boy snaps one day and has sex with someone else. without condom.with a prostitute. and gets aids. and then he goes and transmits it to his girl.

!@#$%! 12.03.2012 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
and then its this story that proves me right and i dont like to be proven right in situations like this:
boy and girl live together for years.
so dunno, they are 'serious' about eachother. (?)
then the boy snaps one day and has sex with someone else. without condom.with a prostitute. and gets aids. and then he goes and transmits it to his girl.

i have another one:

a boy gets into an argument with an old man on the road and kills him. later, he goes to another city and marries a cougar widow. years later he finds out the man he killed was his own father and the cougar he married was his own mother. his wife/mother hangs herself and the boy PULLS OUT HIS EYES.

pull out his eyes, apologise,
apologise, pull out his eyes...


dale_gribble 12.03.2012 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
and then its this story that proves me right and i dont like to be proven right in situations like this:
boy and girl live together for years.
so dunno, they are 'serious' about eachother. (?)
then the boy snaps one day and has sex with someone else. without condom.with a prostitute. and gets aids. and then he goes and transmits it to his girl.

this story would make more sense if the girl had "snapped" and fucked a random aids ridden man-slut.

!@#$%! 12.03.2012 01:07 PM

in truth, he didn't pull out his eyes, but poked them with a pin. joyce is the onw who pulled them. the anxiety of influence and what not.

ANYWAY, another story (this from cortázar):

nah, i'm tired right now, vewy vewy tywed.

and i gotta make some phone calls.

Nefeli 12.03.2012 02:14 PM

perhaps i didnt use the word snap correctly.
that story is true.

!@#$%! 12.03.2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
perhaps i didnt use the word snap correctly.
that story is true.

no yeah you did.

in africa, the majority of women get HIV infections from their husbands btw

as far as i know

Genteel Death 12.03.2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
and then its this story that proves me right and i dont like to be proven right in situations like this:
boy and girl live together for years.
so dunno, they are 'serious' about eachother. (?)
then the boy snaps one day and has sex with someone else. without condom.with a prostitute. and gets aids. and then he goes and transmits it to his girl.

Also, a lot infections occur because often a person is unaware they have the virus. This contributed to a massive increase in new infections amongst heterosexuals, perhaps because of the sort of smugness we've seen on the previous page of this thread.

Rob Instigator 12.03.2012 04:20 PM

agreed on the smugness

the rate of AIDS infection in young teens and adults is rising in USA. Education is minimal. What they do know is usually wrong, or just severely misinformed.

condoms should be used by anyone having sex with someone who they are not partnered up with, and maybe some that are.

I know of herpes-laden fuckos who refuse to use condoms with their girlfriends, guaranteeing them a lifetime of the Herp, and who knows what else.

an AIDS test every month is no way to live through life.

!@#$%! 12.03.2012 04:48 PM

speaking of invisible STDs, most people who have HPV don't even know they have it.the infection can degenerate into a nasty, deadly fucking cervical cancer. **shudder**. they have vaccines now for some varieties of HPV, but unfortunately not for all.

for more background on this, google: michelle bachmann hpv (the fuckign ignorant bitch)

floatingslowly 12.03.2012 05:31 PM

I would like to take this moment to personally thank jesus for condoms.

you kids who feel your dick-feels are better than, sho' gonna learn.

floatingslowly 12.03.2012 05:49 PM

Shut up. Yr butt cum is leakin'.

Rob Instigator 12.03.2012 05:53 PM

My younger bro was a case worker at a free clinic in Austin TX. The stories he tells of the ignorance these high school juniors and seniors had are appalling and frightening.

floatingslowly 12.03.2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss

you might want to bottle that up and test it.:p

Walker told me. You got AIDS.

EVOLghost 12.03.2012 07:23 PM

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