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k-krack 11.29.2006 08:57 PM

Earthquake last night! Here!
That's right, I experienced my first earthquake (a 4.1 on the Richter scale) last night... this morning. Around 2:30AM. I woke up immediately, freaked to shit, thinking it was 6AM. After the tenth second or so, I thought it was the end of the world, I was scared shitless! I shot out of bed, worried my huge cd shelf would fall, destroying all my precious musical artifacts, etc... no such happenings occured, thankfully. As soon as it was over, I crept into the main part of the house, where my dad was arriving as well, we were both pretty freaked, and peeked outside and stuff... then we went back to bed (but for me, not to sleep).

static-harmony 11.29.2006 08:59 PM

Ah 4.1 I should point at you and laugh. That's not a big one. but yeah Earthquakes are fun.

k-krack 11.29.2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
Ah 4.1 I should point at you and laugh. That's not a big one. but yeah Earthquakes are fun.

Hey! Shush! I live up north in the mainland where earthquakes never happen! I'll laugh in YOUR face for living in an area that will be underwater within 20 years!!!! HAH!

static-harmony 11.29.2006 09:02 PM

Sorry I am moving to New York. But my condolences to you for such a shock.

k-krack 11.29.2006 09:04 PM

Ahaha, thanks muchly. When are you moving there?

static-harmony 11.29.2006 09:05 PM

When I finish with my photojournalism degree here in California, I don't want to move yet cause I don't want to pay out of state tuition fee and all that crap that goes with out of state students.

k-krack 11.29.2006 09:10 PM

Right, right. I know nothing about it or anything, but I'm assuming it's a pain in the ass.
I gotta jet now, man, sorry to cut off like this, haha. Have a nice night/day, whichever it may be in LA. See ya!

static-harmony 11.29.2006 09:12 PM

Night later, don't worry about quakes they are nothing.

Inhuman 11.29.2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Hey! Shush! I live up north in the mainland where earthquakes never happen! I'll laugh in YOUR face for living in an area that will be underwater within 20 years!!!! HAH!

Quoted for truth. We barely have earthquakes here in Ontario, so we're not used it. I've experienced 2 in my life, but one was a 3.something so I didn't wake up. The other was a 4.6 or something around there and I was with my girlfriend and she got really freaked out, and I just laughed. I was scared myself, but it only lasted a few seconds

k-krack 11.29.2006 10:51 PM

I was so frikkin' scared man. That shit freaked me right out. And since it was 2:30 and it woke me, I was even more frightened (confused, etc). I literally thought it was apocalypse-time for a few seconds.

Cantankerous 11.29.2006 11:11 PM

my cat knocked my TV off the stand in my bedroom at 7 AM a couple weeks ago and i thought we were getting bombed. now the corner of my TV is purple.

John Violence 11.30.2006 12:07 AM

A few years ago my area had a six something earthquake. It fucking cracked my TV.

Hip Priest 11.30.2006 04:38 AM

Just occaisionally, we have one of those little earthquakes/tremors.

Proper earthquakes, like proper tornados and volcanoes, are things I'd really like to witness for the interest, but I'm very glad I live somewhere where they won't happen.

sonicl 11.30.2006 04:43 AM

My mum and dad experienced an earthquake while on holiday once, about a 4 on the richter scale. I say they experienced it, what actually happened was my mum stirred and thought it was my dad turning over in bed, and it was only the next morning they learned it had actually been an earthquake.

I know that story doesn't add much to the thread, but it always makes me smile.

jon boy 11.30.2006 04:43 AM

i have never experienced one. i was hoping for a tremor or at least something when i was in LA both times but nothing, not even a slight wiggle.

Hip Priest 11.30.2006 04:47 AM

Not even a slight wiggle? That must have been a dissappointment.

When I was about ten, there was one at about eight in the morning that made the snooker cues fall from their rack. I think it was centered around Wrexham.

jon boy 11.30.2006 04:53 AM

well there was a slight wiggle in LA but thats another story.

i was in san francisco as well and didnt even get a slight rumbling. no matter how many times i threw rocks at the fault line.

o o o 11.30.2006 05:00 AM

i have only experienced one in my life, in vienna 2 or 3 years ago, when i was at the 21st floor of a tall building... I can't remember the scale, but it was a small one, whose epicentre was in Slovakia… I barely noticed it: I just sat there in front of a computer, suddenly felt a bit funny as if my head was spinning, and then noticed that the venetian blinds were slowly starting to tap against the window… but I did not really have the time to understand why. before I got to get scared, it was actually over.

_slavo_ 11.30.2006 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by o o o
i have only experienced one in my life, in vienna 2 or 3 years ago, when i was at the 21st floor of a tall building... I can't remember the scale, but it was a small one, whose epicentre was in Slovakia… I barely noticed it: I just sat there in front of a computer, suddenly felt a bit funny as if my head was spinning, and then noticed that the venetian blinds were slowly starting to tap against the window… but I did not really have the time to understand why. before I got to get scared, it was actually over.

That's weird mate, aren't you making this shit up?
I've been living in Bratislava for past 6 years and I know there was NEVER an earthquake with epicentre in Slovakia.

o o o 11.30.2006 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
That's weird mate, aren't you making this shit up?
I've been living in Bratislava for past 6 years and I know there was NEVER an earthquake with epicentre in Slovakia.

haha, no, i'm definitely not making this shit up... but maybe i made a mistake and the epicentre was not in Slovakia, but in another neighbouring country of austria... i don't know, it must have been between april and july 2004, i think. but as i said, it was a small one, and i reckon i would have not felt it, if i was not on the 21st floor of this building.

o o o 11.30.2006 05:45 AM

i actually posted about it on the old board: if i could find my old message, i might find out where the epicentre was...

A Thousand Threads 11.30.2006 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by o o o
i have only experienced one in my life, in vienna 2 or 3 years ago, when i was at the 21st floor of a tall building... I can't remember the scale, but it was a small one, whose epicentre was in Slovakia… I barely noticed it: I just sat there in front of a computer, suddenly felt a bit funny as if my head was spinning, and then noticed that the venetian blinds were slowly starting to tap against the window… but I did not really have the time to understand why. before I got to get scared, it was actually over.

are you sure?
i live in this area and haven´t heard of this story.
how would that happen, i mean with the epicentrum in slovakia?
There´s nothing that could create an earthquake.

o o o 11.30.2006 05:58 AM

ok, i guess it was this one: id=178

5 on richter's scale... and the epicentre was actually in slovenia, sorry...

A Thousand Threads 11.30.2006 06:02 AM

dude !
i have never heard about that.
But thanks, now i´m looking forward to the next one,
maybe i´ll notice it then.

o o o 11.30.2006 06:05 AM

i had a japanese friend back then, who was on the same floor, but did not notice anything (he was the the only one not to notice anything): he said he was so used to it in japan that he would often not notice small ones anymore, somehow his mind and body just gets used to it... well, that's what he told me.

lucyrulesok 11.30.2006 07:25 AM

Heh, one of the best things about living in Britain is that nature isn't really out to get you. Adders? PAH!

jon boy 11.30.2006 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
Heh, one of the best things about living in Britain is that nature isn't really out to get you. Adders? PAH!



_slavo_ 11.30.2006 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
Heh, one of the best things about living in Britain is that nature isn't really out to get you. Adders? PAH!

you sure?


jon boy 11.30.2006 08:08 AM

lucy, didnt anyone ever tell you to stay of the moors and keep to the roads?

Pacafeliz 12.02.2006 12:16 PM

the view here...

yeah that's the Popocateptl volcano... we got quite a lot of "tectonic movement" down here, the last BIG one being around 2000 or so.
i don't have that much probs with the quakes, but getting REALLY worried if this thing ever blows up... *urgh*


Пятхъдесят Шест 12.03.2006 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Just occaisionally, we have one of those little earthquakes/tremors.

Proper earthquakes, like proper tornados and volcanoes, are things I'd really like to witness for the interest, but I'm very glad I live somewhere where they won't happen.

Going through tornado season is horrible Hipster! One of the only things that will get me in a true panic is when I hear sirens.

jon boy 12.03.2006 03:32 PM

i actually saw a mini tornado in nebraska earlier this year which was amazing. alright it was very tiny and would hardly cause anyone to get into a panic but a tornado nontheless.

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