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k-krack 12.12.2006 03:21 PM

Best record collector? YRBK
You know the drill.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:21 PM

Ahem... Allow myself to nominate, er, myself...

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 03:26 PM

eh, these popularity contests are balls--wtf? are you trying to incite these people to fling poo at each other or something?

k-krack 12.12.2006 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
eh, these popularity contests are balls--wtf? are you trying to incite these people to fling poo at each other or something?

Well, d'uh.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
eh, these popularity contests are balls--wtf? are you trying to incite these people to fling poo at each other or something?

& how would this be different from the rationale for 90 percent of everything else that goes on around here?

scott v 12.12.2006 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Well, d'uh.

er better yet boost their egos in a virtual reality zone...
now for that i think you all need to get a life.

porkmarras 12.12.2006 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Ahem... Allow myself to nominate, er, myself...

Yes you are.In 1789.ha!

king_buzzo 12.12.2006 03:29 PM

post your collections here so i can see them

CHOUT 12.12.2006 03:30 PM

Surprised I was even considered. I'm sure the other guys blow me away.
Here's my sy collection you all have surely seen by now, but fuck it

Rob Instigator 12.12.2006 03:30 PM

I am the greatest!!!!!

gmku 12.12.2006 03:31 PM

So you can then come break into my house and steal them?

gmku 12.12.2006 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Surprised I was even considered. I'm sure the other guys blow me away.
Here's my sy collection you all have surely seen by now, but fuck it

you win

and btw, the winner is required to donate his Sonic Youth albums to the first user who shouts dibs.


k-krack 12.12.2006 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Surprised I was even considered. I'm sure the other guys blow me away.
Here's my sy collection you all have surely seen by now, but fuck it


I envy this so hard...

porkmarras 12.12.2006 03:32 PM

Of course i am the greatest record collector.I listen to them too,which is a bonus.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.12.2006 03:32 PM

why isnt rob up in that list?

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 03:33 PM

see, if i voted here, i would vote for djrick simply because of the kickass radio show

anybody else may have great records, but i've never heard them

but you can buy my vote by sending me samples, actually.

k-krack 12.12.2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
why isnt rob up in that list?

My thoughts exactly... some fuckers didn't nominate him... sorry, Rob.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Of course i am the greatest record collector.I listen to them too,which is a bonus.

Mine speak to me everyday. I listen, and I obey.

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 03:34 PM

and if i wasn't clear enough, i'm asking for bribes.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
My thoughts exactly... some fuckers didn't nominate him... sorry, Rob.

Ohhh, RROoobbbb.... (whiny Laura Petri voice)

gmku 12.12.2006 03:36 PM

Maybe I should point out a subtlety here. This has nothing to do with the size of one's collection. This has to do with one's "record collector-ness." One's essence as a record collector.

porkmarras 12.12.2006 03:40 PM

In which case(and i voted for him),Fat Queen gives you a good,long and sweaty run for your money,Mr 1960s.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:40 PM

I do not know this, er, Fat Queen. Please enlighten me.

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 03:41 PM

he means savage cape

porkmarras 12.12.2006 03:41 PM

Savagette city.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:42 PM

& I of course am not saying, necessarily, that I have the most "record collector-ness." I leave that to the people to decide.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:42 PM

Savage is a queen?

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 03:43 PM

not a queen, a FAT queen.

porkmarras 12.12.2006 03:44 PM

CALL 058958757575757575757575


jon boy 12.12.2006 03:46 PM

there are not enough choices and are we talking just sy records or records in general?

gmku 12.12.2006 03:46 PM

Porn will get you everywhere.

gmku 12.12.2006 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
there are not enough choices and are we talking just sy records or records in general?

Neither. We're talking Public. As when a reporter makes a public records request.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.12.2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
CALL 058958757575757575757575



!@#$%! 12.12.2006 03:48 PM

damn, porkie, that's quite a cheeseburger there

porkmarras 12.12.2006 04:25 PM

Cloinodrenous NOW!And we'll replace your genitals with those of a camel!NOW!

gmku 12.12.2006 04:27 PM

This is sort of like something we have in the states called negative political ads, Porkie. You might be doing your candidate more harm than good by going this route.

porkmarras 12.12.2006 04:29 PM

Who cares,man.I think you're both good but i prefer Clone and i never vote.

gmku 12.12.2006 04:32 PM

Agreed. Clone is a good man. He's a most excellent collector of records. I have nothing against him.

!@#$%! 12.12.2006 04:33 PM

the clone of course i know better, and he is a fine citizen, but the fact is that i've never HEARD his record collection, whereas to this guy i owe a few happy road trips: 008

i don't know if he OWNS any of the records he plays, but who cares? i get to download whole shows into mp3 player. sweet.

Savage Clone 12.12.2006 04:41 PM

gmku needs to post some pix of his archives.

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