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evollove 03.21.2013 04:13 PM

Bradley Manning's Voice
"Yesterday Freedom of the Press Foundation published a full, previously unreleased audio recording of Bradley Manning's speech to the military court about his motivations for leaking the Apache helicopter video, Afghanistan and Iraq Wars Logs, and the State Department Diplomatic Cables to WikiLeaks. In this recording he says in his own voice that he wanted to 'spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan." He "hoped that the public would be as alarmed as me about the conduct of the aerial weapons team crew members,' and he 'wanted the American public to know that not everyone in Iraq and Afghanistan are targets that needed to be neutralized, but rather people who were struggling to live in the pressure cooker environment of what we call asymmetric warfare.'"

dead_battery 03.21.2013 04:39 PM

there is a left wing argument that 'as bad as american foreign policy is, at least there are debates on torture, some freedom of the press etc." the argument says that in a really bad fascist state, manning would have simply been killed a long time ago and we'd never hear about him, and any journos that tried to break this story would be killed themselves.

this argument reeks of comfortable rationalizing. its obvious the american state would resort to these things if it was in dire enough straits. maybe not with obama in charge but when cheneys cyborg clone takes over then its going to happen.

what manning did exposes the fact that we, the good omnipotent liberals who exorcise death away through our hollywood remakes of reality, are actually brutal murdering animals who invaded a country and then shot up innocent journalists for fun.

i think most intelligent people get this on some level and walk around trying to repress or deny it rather than face their despair. or else they angrily deny this fact with arguments so full of logical holes they can't present them calmly.

Keeping It Simple 03.22.2013 07:26 AM

Have you heard Bernard Manning's voice?

evollove 03.22.2013 08:08 AM


He addressed his military court. For about an hour. Someone recorded it. Uploaded it.

You can download the speech directly. You can torrent it.

You can even mash it up with your favorite Black Eyed Peas song if you want.

Or you can not give a fuck.

dead_battery 03.22.2013 10:22 AM

He was remarkably lucid and intelligent, which is a good sign since the isolation they put him through can easily drive people insane

evollove 03.22.2013 10:52 AM

That, to me, was the most interesting thing.

I needed to change the picture I had of a slightly imbalanced, pissed-off homosexual living under the pressures of don't ask, don't tell. He's clearly a sharp and principled person.

What's bullshit is he fessed up to the leak and got twenty years.

What he's doing now is defending himself from charges of "aiding the enemy," an additional twenty-five years.

This doc is two years old (I think), and one can argue with some of the parts, but it's really worth a watch:

evollove 03.22.2013 10:54 AM

Here are a bunch of excellent, up-to-date, must-hear radio shows:

!@#$%! 03.25.2013 06:31 PM

wanted to say, the other day, thanks for posting this. i heard it on the amy goodman show, but deserves more exposure.

Keeping It Simple 03.26.2013 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by evollove

He addressed his military court. For about an hour. Someone recorded it. Uploaded it.

You can download the speech directly. You can torrent it.

You can even mash it up with your favorite Black Eyed Peas song if you want.

Or you can not give a fuck.

The Bernard Manning I'm talking about addressed crowds in working men's clubs all over northern England. Here's a taster of one of his addresses. :D

I have a pakistani who lives next door to me,
He said the other day to me "I'm a better man than you"
I said "I never said you fucking wasn't, but what makes you think you're a better man than me?"
He said "I don't have a fucking Paki, living next door to me.


evollove 03.26.2013 09:36 AM

Hm. Well, BRADLEY Manning isn't nearly as important a figure as BERNARD, but the fellow I meant was the US Army Private who leaked a bunch of diplomatic cables and other things to wikileaks.

I have to say, listening to his speech, I didn't laugh once. I'll have to check out more of Bernie.


Good on Amy Goodman, but what the fuck American media? Fucking cowards. This is a really good, important and even interesting story. But no tits or violence, I guess. Can't split the story down partisan lines. Fox can't bitch slap the president, MSNBC can't bitch slap Republicans in Congress, so it ain't a story worth "reporting." Uhg. I'm getting all worked up.

!@#$%! 03.29.2013 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
there is a left wing argument that 'as bad as american foreign policy is, at least there are debates on torture, some freedom of the press etc." the argument says that in a really bad fascist state, manning would have simply been killed a long time ago and we'd never hear about him, and any journos that tried to break this story would be killed themselves.

this argument reeks of comfortable rationalizing. its obvious the american state would resort to these things if it was in dire enough straits. maybe not with obama in charge but when cheneys cyborg clone takes over then its going to happen.

what manning did exposes the fact that we, the good omnipotent liberals who exorcise death away through our hollywood remakes of reality, are actually brutal murdering animals who invaded a country and then shot up innocent journalists for fun.

i think most intelligent people get this on some level and walk around trying to repress or deny it rather than face their despair. or else they angrily deny this fact with arguments so full of logical holes they can't present them calmly.

there is a 90's documentary about chomsky that discusses how 'merica does not need force or censorship to distort the presentation of reality in the media. the "free press" is in fact heavily biased. (he probably wrote a whole book or books about it, which i haven't read). however, this was pre-internet days so not everything applies. regardless-- 'merica doesn't need censorship because OBLIVIOUSNESS is a national trait.

having said that, i don't regret being an immigrant. fuck going back to the fire! i mean the frying pan! i mean the fire! i mean...!

demonrail666 03.29.2013 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he probably wrote a whole book or books about it

He did:


!@#$%! 03.29.2013 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
He did:


yes! that was the same name as the documentary i think.

tesla69 06.05.2013 11:12 AM

The show trial is starting, from Julian Assange's statement

"The government has prepared for a good show. The trial is to proceed for twelve straight weeks: a fully choreographed extravaganza, with a 141-strong cast of prosecution witnesses. The defense was denied permission to call all but a handful of witnesses. Three weeks ago, in closed session, the court actually held a rehearsal. Even experts on military law have called this unprecedented"

"But what about "aiding" in that most serious charge, "aiding the enemy"? Don’t forget that this is a show trial. The court has banned any evidence of intent. The court has banned any evidence of the outcome, the lack of harm, the lack of any victim. It has ruled that the government doesn’t need to show that any "aiding" occurred and the prosecution doesn’t claim it did. The judge has stated that it is enough for the prosecution to show that al-Qaeda, like the rest of the world, reads WikiLeaks."

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2013 02:32 PM


The "Democrats" and the "Republicans" are just playing good cop/bad cop with the American people (shhh, don't tell !@#$%!) . Its a deception. "Republicans" pretend to have conservative social and religious values to manipulate the sentimentally religious people. The "Democrats" pretend to be concerned about "liberal" values when in reality they cave left and right, did we forget this was initially the pro-slavery party and those that chanted "Segregation now, Segregation forever" just recent enough that some of those who supported that mindset are alive and well. America is a farce. Then again, so is most of the rest of the world ;)

dead_battery 06.05.2013 03:05 PM

wow cynicism sounds so much more authentic and tolerable when spoken by a wigger.

tesla69 06.06.2013 08:08 AM

From July 2010 to April 2011 he was held as a maximum custody detainee* at Quantico marine base in Virginia, where he sat in a fluorescent-lit 6-by-8-foot cell with no window or natural light for 23 hours per day — guards checked on him every five minutes — and was stripped naked at night because authorities deemed the elastic on his underwear could be used to harm himself.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.06.2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
wow cynicism sounds so much more authentic and tolerable when spoken by a wigger.

That is cute and all, but again..


dead_battery 06.06.2013 10:59 AM

know thyself, wigger.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.06.2013 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
know thyself, wigger.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.06.2013 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
im not racist. im just saying what everyone is thinking but is too afraid to say out loud.


tesla69 07.30.2013 02:56 PM

Surprisingly, the judge made a rational decision.

Of course, now they can say to Snowden "See, its ok."

Which is bullshit. the feds are trying to get Russian mob to kidnap Snowden if he leaves the airport

tesla69 08.21.2013 02:40 PM

Manning is a hero, if the media wasn't the voice of the tyrannical state we might know that. Here's what he was sentenced to 35 years for revealig - you won't get this from the official government/corporate news

Here's what he revealed and why the traitors are so pissed off - anyone who bitches against Manning is a probably a fucking traitor.

" the existence of “Frago 242,” an order implemented in 2004 not to investigate allegations of abuse against the Iraqi government.

Helpless prisoners are blindfolded, bound, thrown into dungeons and tortured, they are beaten with “wire cables, metal rods, rubber hoses, wooden stakes, TV antennae, plastic water pipes, engine fan belts or chains,” burned with cigarettes, electrocuted, sodomized, some as young as 16 years of age. Some prisoners are summarily executed. (this frm
DynCorp — a powerful defense contracting firm that claims almost $2 billion per year in revenue from U.S. tax dollars — threw a party for Afghan security recruits featuring boys purchased from child traffickers for entertainment. DynCorp had already faced human trafficking charges before this incident took place. According to the cables, Afghan Interior minister Hanif Atmar urged the assistant US ambassador to “quash” the story.

Guantanamo prison has held mostly innocent people and low-level operatives.

Between 2004 and 2009, the U.S. government counted a total of 109,000 deaths in Iraq, with 66,081 classified as non-combatants. This means that for every Iraqi death that is classified as a combatant, two innocent men, women or children are also killed (4).

cables show that in 2009, the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince pushed then-Haitian President Rene Preval to come out in support of powerful textile manufacturers who sought to block a popular minimum wage increase. These factory owners, who produce apparel for large brands like Nike and Nautica

Known Egyptian torturers received training from the FBI in Quantico, Virginia.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.21.2013 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Surprisingly, the judge made a rational decision.

Of course, now they can say to Snowden "See, its ok."

Which is bullshit. the feds are trying to get Russian mob to kidnap Snowden if he leaves the airport

Just kidnap? Is that a euphemism?

Rob Instigator 08.22.2013 03:44 PM

Now the disinformation/distraction campaign is in full swing. Instead of the national media discussing whether this was a bullshit trial or whether this was a breach of trust or whether he is a hero, they will waste time on this bullshit. With no access to Manning, how can anyone say this is real?

tesla69 08.22.2013 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

Now the disinformation/distraction campaign is in full swing. Instead of the national media discussing whether this was a bullshit trial or whether this was a breach of trust or whether he is a hero, they will waste time on this bullshit. With no access to Manning, how can anyone say this is real?

once you start to recognize their tactics, they becomes painfully obvious to see.

Snowden probably didn't want to have to stand at attention naked for days at a time, or not be allowed to sleep, or have his glasses taken away, or all the other forms of torture and harassment the US Government has perpetrated against one of our citizens.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.22.2013 03:55 PM

Y'all mean Chelsea right?

Rob Instigator 08.22.2013 04:19 PM

I used to have a geocities page called "Eatin' Chelsea Clinton's Pussy," which just had pics of CHelsea Clinton.

I got a notice from the Fed Govt telling me to shut it down, and they somehow managed to delete TONS of Chelsea Clinton pics off the net, and this was back in mid-late 90's.

Rob Instigator 08.22.2013 04:23 PM

NASAQ shut down for 3 hours cuz of a computer "glitch" and not a word about it on CNN front page, Yahoo news front page, Fox News Front Page.....

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.22.2013 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I got a notice from the Fed Govt telling me to shut it down, and they somehow managed to delete TONS of Chelsea Clinton pics off the net, and this was back in mid-late 90's.

So were Courtney Love's lawyers involved then?

Rob Instigator 08.22.2013 04:28 PM

people do not like it when you say you wanna eat the president's daughter's pussy. I bet Chelsea keeps a full bush.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.22.2013 04:32 PM

Bill Clinton will have revenge sex with your wife AND moms at the same time like he was fucking Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate and then email you the video just to crush you, in payback, for the comments and the website. See, he could have went Kosovo and sent in an air-strike, but Pimpin Bill Clinton learned early that his dick was a more powerful weapon than anything in the Department of Defense. Only JFK and Thomas Jefferson had half as much swagger, in fact, I read an article this week about Clinton's birthday which said, "He invented swag" with a picture of him playing sax on Arsenio Hall. I dare say they are right ;)


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