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porkmarras 12.14.2006 06:56 AM

David Tibet curates festival in Donau, Austria
I am ecstatic to announce I have been invited to curate a festival in Donau, Austria on Friday 20 April and Saturday 21 April, 2007. I am even more ecstatic to announce that many of my heroes will be playing.
The following groups have confirmed they will be appearing; there will also be DJs after the last show on each night so people can twist. More information will be posted as soon as we have it. Schedule details and tickets will be available from next month on the official website for the festival

jon boy 12.14.2006 07:30 AM


A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:11 AM

cool dude, i´ll be there for sure.
Nurse With Wound, yeah
Current 93 ,hell yeah

Last year i was at the Donaufestival in Korneuburg, it was a blast.
How did you come to this honour?

porkmarras 12.14.2006 09:16 AM

ha.The message is from Tibet himself.

sonicl 12.14.2006 09:17 AM

There's a lot of good artists there. Larsen alone would be enough to get me there, if it wasn't so bloody far away.

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:20 AM

oh man.
sorry i´m dumb. i thought you are david tibet.
but your name is david, right?
or am i completly fucked up?

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:24 AM

isn´t David Tibet in Current 93?

porkmarras 12.14.2006 09:27 AM

Yes,i'm David Tibet and i'm in Current 93.Problems?

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Yes,i'm David Tibet and i'm Current 93.Problems?

no sir,
everthing fine, i just realized that i´d really need a bed and some sleep.

_slavo_ 12.14.2006 09:53 AM

you need a bong.

_slavo_ 12.14.2006 09:53 AM

But anyway, it's gonna be dark next year...NWW, Cyclobe, Current 93....

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:54 AM

that would make it worse

o o o 12.14.2006 09:59 AM

i have some (rather distant) family in Krems, i remember spending a week-end there (and in the Wachau valley) and there was a summer festival, but it was more about drinking the new white wine... certainly would have been better with those bands.

perhaps in April it's already warm enough to bathe in the Danube...

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 08:49 AM

hooray, UPDATE

Current 93, Nurse With Wound, Bonnie Prince Billy, Cyclobe, Matmos feat. Jay Lesser, Marc Almond, Baby Dee, Om, Pantaleimon, Simon Finn, Julia Kent, Little Annie & Paul Wallfish, Fovea Hex, Larsen feat. Johann Johannsson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Hush Arbors, Khan und JG Thirlwell….


_slavo_ 02.01.2007 08:57 AM

I'd love to see bonnie prince billy, six organs of admittance and probably Matmos.

Other that that, I'm not interested.

I won't probably see you there this year, Christoph.

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:05 AM

slow down, man.
This is only one of three weekends.
I´m sure there will be something for you, too

but damn,
i really like the line-up for this weekend so far.

Tokolosh 02.01.2007 09:09 AM

That's a great lineup. I'm seriously thinking of going.

_slavo_ 02.01.2007 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
slow down, man.
This is only one of three weekends.
I´m sure there will be something for you, too

but damn,
i really like the line-up for this weekend so far.

you sure you ain't got nothing mixed up, mate?

so many artists for one weekend only?

nah, I don't think so. :)

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:18 AM

yeah, you´re right
it seems a bit too much
"Yes, we have succeeded: David Tibet will curate a project as “artist in residence“, which will celebrate the world of the ingenious sound and word mystic with an amazing array of guest artists on April 20th and 21st. Among others with: Current 93, Nurse With Wound, Bonnie Prince Billy, Cyclobe, Matmos feat. Jay Lesser, Marc Almond, Baby Dee, Om, Pantaleimon, Simon Finn, Julia Kent, Little Annie & Paul Wallfish, Fovea Hex, Larsen feat. Johann Johannsson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Hush Arbors, Khan and JG Thirlwell….

Apart from a number of performances, art plays and media art, spectacular guests, legends and newcomers are expected…more to come soon…."

porkmarras 02.01.2007 09:27 AM

Lucky gits.Go and enjoy the pagan festivities.

Nef,it isn't so strange for Marc Almond to be on the line-up as he is a long term friend of Tibet and he also guests on their last abum.

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
sorry, marc almond as the marc almond of soft cell? that was slighlty odd, but if its for real it will be lovely.
dont have time to check his bio now- tomorrow.

yes, it´s Marc Almond from Soft Cell

_slavo_ 02.01.2007 09:29 AM

we'll see.

if it's in Korneuburg, I'll probably come just to share a beer with you, mate.

porkmarras 02.01.2007 09:36 AM

Interview: Current 93
Interview by Brandon Stosuy Despite the success of his Durtro label (original home of Antony) and Ghost Story Press (home of high-quality books since 1993), David Tibet remains best known as the mind and voice behind Current 93, his main project since he formed the group in 1982 with former Psychic TV bandmate Jhonn Balance (Coil) and Fritz Haaman (23 Skidoo). In May, Current 93 released Black Ships Ate the Sky, its first proper studio album since 2000's Sleep Has His House. It's a huge dose of apocalyptic gorgeousness peopled by Tibet's constellation of friends and musical associates. Regular collaborators Stephen Stapleton, Michael Cashmore, and cellist John Contreras are there, of course, as is the newest Current 93 mainstay, Ben Chasny. William Basinski, among a handful of others, also contributes to the instrumentation. For all the cooks, it's a surprisingly spacious recording, intensified by repetitions of the central hymn, "Idumæa", sung and scored variously by Marc Almond, Antony, Bonnie “Prince” Billy, Shirley Collins, Baby Dee, Cosey Fanni Tutti, and Tibet himself, among others.
I phoned Tibet at his home in Hastings, England. Mistakenly characterized as dark and foreboding because of his often dark and foreboding themes, Tibet proved a generous, thoughtful, and funny conversationalist, considering questions carefully, responding at length to anything I tossed his way. The discussion pleasingly wandered across various subjects, including his frustrations with James Joyce and jazz, his love of Shirley Collins, the death of Coil's Jhonn Balance, and why girl-group music reminds him of the apocalypse.
Pitchfork: Black Ships Ate the Sky took quite some time to complete. That, along with the number of collaborators, gives it the air of a magnum opus. Did you intend to for it be the biggest statement of your career?
David Tibet: Well, no I didn't. It was a really important album for me, and like a lot of Current 93 albums, it starts off with a conceptual idea, which is sometimes just a phrase. So with this album the phrase came to me, “Black Ships Ate the Sky”, then I started having a lot of very intense dreams and a lot of text would come in. It's difficult to explain-- it sort of falls into my head. I get the sensation that a hole, or like a slit, opens in the top of my skull, and colors and words started falling in. It happened before with other records or sometimes paintings, but this time it was particularly intense, and it just kept on pouring in with just so much material. The whole idea, it was revealed to me.
I don't mean that in a religious or pseudo-religious sense. If I say it came to me in a vision it sounds like I'm being really pompous-- I don't want it to sound like that. Bill Fay said to me, "Do you mean stream of consciousness?" Perhaps it's that, but it was very visual. I saw colors. Sometimes I get really bad migraines with big hallucinatory patterns, so there's that as well. It was a personal experience. What I mean is I got the phrase and I didn't quite understand its significance-- the explanations came afterwards.

The rest is here:

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
we'll see.

if it's in Korneuburg, I'll probably come just to share a beer with you, mate.

ha, yeah, let´s do that.

some pics to bring back the good memories of last year

Silver Mt. Zion - i was really surprised how good they were live

NNCK - i know you didn´t like their gig, anyway, i thought they were amazing

Andrey Bartenev - One of the weirdest things ever,

_slavo_ 02.01.2007 09:41 AM

Yeah, the Bertenev shit was weird as hell.

You remember the music? The 10-seconds long techno loop that just kept on repeating??

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Yeah, the Bertenev shit was weird as hell.

You remember the music? The 10-seconds long techno loop that just kept on repeating??

yes, i remember,
and i also remember being drunk as shit and running around in one of those robot-costumes.
I think i still got one of those signs at home

the sign says: "Happy people don´t wear underpants"

_slavo_ 02.01.2007 09:54 AM

I thought the violin player from ASMZ was really pretty (the one, that smoked so much, on the picture in red T-Shirt)

porkmarras 02.01.2007 10:06 AM

I know that,thanks.

jon boy 02.01.2007 10:14 AM

that bartenev picture is nutso. looks like a great gig to be at.

porkmarras 02.02.2007 09:14 AM

OM/Current 93 - Inerrant Rays of Infallible Sun (Blackship Shrinebuilder) (Neurot 10") & OM/Six Organs of Admittance - Split (Holy Mountain 7")


As promised, this be the review of the two new splits from Al Cisneros and Chris Hakius' OM, one with David Tibet's Current 93 and the other with Ben Chasny's Six Organs of Admittance. Chasny also played on the last Current 93 record, but not on Tibet's side of the split so unfortunately I can't wrangle that angle of Six Organs/six degrees trivia to my journalistic advantage. The OM/C93 split has been in the works for quite some time now, at least I remember hearing about it near the beginning of the year (or maybe it just seems that long ago). I remember thinking, along with many others, "Current 93?! Sharing sides with OM?! That's just too zany!" but maybe it isn't, the more I think about it. After all, OM do work within that ritualistic mysterio headspace that Tibet seems aboard (especially after reading that recent Wire piece). So what if he didn't cut his teeth in filthy punk rock clubs playing heavy, down-tuned stoner metal riffs to strung-out teenagers in EYEHATEGOD shirts? Or...maybe he did! Maybe there's more to this story than we're privy too! I have it on good authority that David Tibet played in the early formations of Brujeria's lineup...all right I've completely lost track of what I was trying to say, so onto the music hmm?
OM's side is "Rays of the Sun/To the Shrinebuilder" and finds them exactly where you expected/hope they would be, still churning out their fabulous brand of post-Sleep fuzz and lurch. Al Cisneros' intonations are still kinda mile-a-minute in that galloping drawl he's taken as his own. I have to say sometimes I still think the music would benefit from the subtraction of a few wordy passages, but other times I do dig tumbling along with the prose (which are printed on the back sleeve along with Tibet's lyrics - handy!). A little less than halfway through the side the tempo switches up, which I guess explains the song's division into two titles. It's a bit slower but not by much, and it does let up enough for a heart-pounding bass solo before the duo bring that beast around full-circle and grind it to a halt.
Current 93's track is a sidelong effort by the name "Inerrant Infallible (Black Ships at Nineveh and Edom)", though the lyrical divisions on the sleeve suggest it's divided into tiers. It's interesting to note that the C93 lineup is shorn down to just David (on electric guitar, electric bass and voice) and Catriona MacAffer on bagpipes. Tibet works up a repetitive down-tuned guitar riff almost as quickly as he lends his unique voice to the fray, and although it's a bit offputting at first (particularly if you're not a Current diehard) it's very easy to be charmed by. It's kind of like Tibet is some kind of likeable goblin who regals you with epic tales of who knows what, and I really do mean that in the most complimentary way possible. Where else are you going to be serenaded with lyrics that reference both Jhonn Balance and Reese Witherspoon? Either way, the music serves as more of a kind of medium for Tibet to get out his poetry, which seems to me to be the opposite of OM, who sound like they work the onomatopoeic values of the words they choose around their rhythms. Whatever the case may be, it's just as easy to lose your head in the steam pressure cooked up by the guitar/bagpipe combo of Current as it is in OM's doomy funk, and for that I cry "success!".
Neurot have pressed this 10" on five different colors of vinyl, with green and blue being the domestic versions and clear, purple and red being the overseas (and more expensive) colors. Mine's green for the record, which I think is the "standard" one anyway.
The OM/Six Organs of Admittance split is only pressed on one color, onyx black, but why should you let that impede your enjoyment? OM's side is "Bedouin's Vigil", the bonus track found on the Japanese version of their "Conference of the Birds" album. It's nice for us non-Japanese to be able to hear the song without buying the LP all over again, so I approve of this little recycling job. Especially when the track is as ludicrously heavy as this one is. Talk about a bulldozer; Cisneros' bass strings must be literally hanging off his guitar while Hakius beats the everloving shit out of his mammoth-skinned kit. I wasn't sure if OM could work in the short format, but these 4 minutes prove it, hands down. Cisneros does some more rambling, but no lyrics this time around.

porkmarras 02.02.2007 09:14 AM

Chasny's side is "Assryian Blood" and starts all kinda quiet and contemplative but you get the feeling that something ain't right when that big electronic synthy sound tears through your speakers/soul. But it reverts back to a gentle acoustic guitar and some ohhhmm (coincidence???) chanting and you think just maybe it'll be okay, if only you could shake those paranoid buzzes and squelches. But just then Chasny explodes out of who the fuck knows where and lays down an outrageously scorching electric solo that's sure to wilt all the daisies in your garden. Holy mother of pearl. Check your stool for blood after the groove runs out.
So the music is all well and super on this one, but my only small complaint lies in the packaging, which kind of makes the whole thing look like some radio-only promo 7" (what's with that typeface). Nevertheless, I'm picking nits again. They could've packaged this in my grandmother's coffin and I'd dig it up just to get at it. So I digress. I always do.

porkmarras 02.02.2007 10:09 AM

It's not my review unfortunately.I haven't got that yet but i will get it at one point.Did you get it?

A Thousand Threads 02.26.2007 05:40 AM

After a 25-year studio-abstinence, the British legends of industrial, Throbbing Gristle, will release their new album on April 1st. At the donaufestival 07, they will, with a two-day special project, set a monument of “Industrial Music For Industrial People“ together with zeitkratzer, Alan Vega (Suicide), rechenzentrum, KTL (Steven O’Malley of Sun O))) and Peter Rehberg/mego), Russell Haswell and Florian Hecker, Phill Niblock, Boredoms, and some other guest artists.


Spiritual Amnesia 03.02.2007 08:15 AM

more news :::

1st weekend:::

- Ryoichi Kurokawa
- Priestbird
- Fennesz
- The Notwist
- Addictive TV

- Matmos Feat. Jay Lesser
- OM
- Current 93

- Fovea Hex
- Larsen Feat. Johann Johannson
- Nurse With Wound
- Bonnie Prince Billy
- Six Organce Of Admittance
- JG Thirlwell

2nd weekend:::

- Parenthatical Girls
- Justice Yeldam
- Deerhoof
- Patrick Wolf

- Gang of Four
- Kids On Tv

- Zeitkratzer
- Alan Vega
- Throbbing Gristle
- Rechenzentrum

- Throbbing Gristle "In the Shadow Of the Sun"
- Phill Niblock
- Haswell & Hecker
- Boredoms

-------- see you there -----------

pokkeherrie 03.02.2007 08:31 AM

that doesn't look bad at all... have fun.
does anyone know if the boredoms are playing elsewhere in europe too?

_slavo_ 03.02.2007 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Spiritual Amnesia
more news :::

- Throbbing Gristle "In the Shadow Of the Sun"
- Phill Niblock
- Haswell & Hecker
- Boredoms

I'll be there this evening. Hell, Boredoms...I can't miss! Is it Krems or Korneuburg?

A Thousand Threads 03.02.2007 10:23 AM

It´s in Krems
about an hour from vienna

_slavo_ 03.02.2007 10:24 AM

Yeah, I was there last year to see Mogwai.

A Thousand Threads 03.02.2007 10:25 AM

oh yeah, i remember.
Well, i think i´ll go to both weekends

_slavo_ 03.02.2007 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
oh yeah, i remember.
Well, i think i´ll go to both weekends

make sure you get enough ottakringer, man.

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