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dead_battery 09.27.2013 02:53 PM

whatever happened to this fucking toilet
so flossala is in australia takin care of bidness and setting up his new ranch. knox isnt coming back. where is derek? will atsonicpark ever return?


back in the dark days of 2011 when the mad king kinnik reigned he tried in vain to end the board with dignity by staging a mass cult suicide. unfortunately traitorous mods interrupted him and sold the messiahs soul for 3 pieces of silver wrapped in a day glo ecstatic peace! t-shirt. then his body was dragged through the streets and consumed by his followers in a final sacrament.


now that we are all too old can there really be any justification for keeping this penal colony of inanity going? are we doomed to die on this island, is there really no way out brother?


dead_battery 09.27.2013 02:56 PM




!@#$%! 09.27.2013 02:59 PM

you can always get on facebook!

dead_battery 09.27.2013 02:59 PM




dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:02 PM




dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:07 PM




dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you can always get on facebook!

burnt all my bridges.

as an alpha male, i only have room in life for my harem, all other males are threats to and i can not share location with them since they will try and seize my mountain.

better to wait until the neural mods allow remote access of drones. soon that day will come and i will smite my enemies, icarus extended by a thousand mechanical appendages.

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
burnt all my bridges.

as an alpha male, i only have room in life for my harem, all other males are threats to and i can not share location with them since they will try and seize my mountain.

better to wait until the neural mods allow remote access of drones. soon that day will come and i will smite my enemies, icarus extended by a thousand mechanical appendages.

good luck!

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:19 PM

i just realized

you made a post recommending a roth IRA

we're all old now.

there is prob zero or only a few posters with major post counts under the age of 20

never thought this day would come

there is probably some other place (not a board thats too old) with another band that we dont even know about where all the cool kids are

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:22 PM

joaquín is saving money and the bank rates are shit. so it makes sense.

also, you can open a roth while you're a minor.

it's all about self-interested instrumental reason and nothing else, yes?

btw i think cooley is a landlord. maybe. i don't know. he inherited a house, years ago.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:22 PM

whatever happened to gast?

did he kill himself or just a prostitute.

there i go again with my mean bullying.

seriously regret some of the trolling i did here over the years. not the funny stuff.

guess i am just a mean guy on a certain level

shout outs to emotions

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:25 PM

there is only so much irritation one can tolerate before turning into "a mean guy on a certain level".

mother nature understands.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
joaquín is saving money and the bank rates are shit. so it makes sense.

also, you can open a roth while you're a minor.

it's all about self-interested instrumental reason and nothing else, yes?

btw i think cooley is a landlord. maybe. i don't know. he inherited a house, years ago.

yes this is my mantra but i have moments of weakness.

one day we will have a hedge fund and will all meet up on a cruise liner.

kurt cobains corpse will be animated by the alzheimers in our brains and we will think he is performing

the ship will float aimlessly, powered by solar panels, until one day being salvaged by skynet drones for spare parts.

our mummified remains will crumble into dust and the dream of the alternative nation will finally be lost in the sands of time.

noone will remember the year punk broke.

memories lost, like tears in rain...

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:28 PM

ha ha ha

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:29 PM

"dude are you being sarcastic?" "i dont even know anymore"


!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:30 PM

nah, you need to keep writing. you make good sentences.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:38 PM

brah, without some to offer me money for it, i have neither the time nor the incentive. thats not completely true, but i wonder sometimes why the fuck i even try.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:42 PM

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!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:44 PM

there's this blog i found. maybe you like.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 03:49 PM

i know that right wing asshole already.

"narcissism." and then it turns out this contemporary media event is really about you because you are a narcissist. its one of the most transparent and stupid insight porn blogs out there.

i'll give him this - he has a unique voice. unique enough to carry itself and be 'something', but the actual content and quality of his stuff is minimal. its basically misogyny and sneering, he watches porn because he's such an authentic hedonist nihilist. except its sad posturing and he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. especially those godawful attempts to write about the economy, that was fucking embarrassing.

anyway, the only thing he really has to say is that truth value = zero and narcissism fills the void. except this is only a partial glimpse of the real picture. what he's really offering is just a kind of extreme relativism where you get to feel relief that NOTHING is about ANYTHING because its not about you. he thinks you can deconstruct everything to mean exactly what you want it to mean.

he thinks he's very clever tricking everyone with those articles, which aim to get you to identify as a narcissist and prove his point. you are a narcissist because you think you are??? most of it is gibberish.

INSIGHT PORN - theory for people too self conscious to be intellectuals. lots of "fuck" and "shit"'s thrown in there just so you know its real and not like nerdy or anything.

in particular his 'partial objects' blog was hilarious. these ultra entitled upper middle class and above college educated assholes with most unbelievably condescending attitudes thinking they were 'enlightening' everyone else. the unmerited self belief of those guys, and their arrogance was jaw dropping. an interesting experiment in replacing reasons with shit you make up and argument with sneering.

they were all VERY convinced that they could pass off hip theory words and dazzle the lower orders who would be ignorant of what they really meant. except they didn't even know what the words they were saying meant. "foucault was telling you there is nothing but power, and you must seize it for yourself!"

i have read one book by foucault and don't even pay attention to him. the guy who wrote that sentence has definitely not read as much as that. yet he felt confident in so brazenly saying that, even though it's so wrong it would be a seriously humiliating thing to say in front of anyone with a clue.

really amazing testament to what one of the cleverer commenters called "the post modern dark age".

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 03:55 PM

i've seen him say that he's writing a book about porn but i haven't ready anything he's written about porn.

now no offense but he kind of sounds like you ha haha. the way he makes connections.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:00 PM

oh yeah i know.

im not even going to pretend the shit i write here [edit]or anywhere else[edit] is any better.

at least he got a book deal.

i can at least legitimately claim i only come here to finger paint on the walls with faeces and nothing i ever say here is remotely serious or is anything i would ever even dream of presenting seriously as something important.

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 04:02 PM

im in the middle of the guinness article and it's kind of engrossing.

but my add sends me back here at intervals.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:03 PM

just remember that narcissism is not a bad thing and only wounded narcissism complains about narcissism.

will not type that word again.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:04 PM

trick question - can you do a post here when you've finished and sum up his point in 2 sentences or less?

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
trick question - can you do a post here when you've finished and sum up his point in 2 sentences or less?

the fun of reading him is that he doesn't make "a point" but rather a bunch of ones. he's basically trying to rein in his perpetual digression. which is how my brain works too. which is why i laugh. one reference latching onto another.

his final point, sort of, seems to be that self-hating men project their hate onto women, and the ad is here to massage your pain.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:16 PM

id be surprised if thats what he was saying because in the past it was just bizarre right wing rants made all avant garde to make them look like they were in some sort of 3rd space - like too cool to be either left or right.

but whatever.

he's not part of syg, he's not getting on the cruise liner.

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 04:18 PM

that's what he says in the end.

You're going to be infuriated at this blonde Hooters Waitress for only being attracted to chiseled abs and a commanding phallus, but even if she miraculously chose to come under your umbrella, you'd see suddenly she was only a brunette, huh, and you still wouldn't do anything about it. And off she goes, a missed opportunity. And before that ignites your amygdala into a blinding self-hatred, you will remember that it's all the cunt's fault, and besides, never mind all these girls, the fact that you're a good friend to your less fortunate friend is what makes you a man; but since you are not actually a good friend, indeed, you don't even have any friends, well, this ad will signal to yourself that you are. Message received.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:24 PM

thats good.

if only the mens rights activists took note, they might not have to resort to self immolating.



!@#$%! 09.27.2013 04:27 PM

anyway, looking forward to your future blog/book/wall scrawlings/whatever.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:29 PM

not being able to finish it is probably preventing me from having some sort of total psychic collapse. or maybe im just lazy. or better yet, totally fucking untalented!

yes, i am that asshole who talks his own game and never delivers.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:29 PM

lets stop talking about this now before it gets anymore pathetic. thx.

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 04:35 PM

self-immolation is ridiculous and laughable. so yes.

dead_battery 09.27.2013 04:39 PM

it was a good marketing campaign move up to like 1980. now nobody cares.

malachai ritscher is pounding vodka with donald rumsfeld up in heaven...

floatingslowly 09.27.2013 08:09 PM

I'm sorry. It's just not much fun anymore. Besides, I have a shit, non-cellular, wifi-dependent telephone, and the internet sleeps while my sun is shining.

My batt'ry is almost dead. I believe that I'll use the few femaining electrons to delete both facespace and unstagram.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.27.2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
"dude are you being sarcastic?" "i dont even know anymore"



"..I've been Rastafari-ying since before you were born.."


Originally Posted by dead_battery

guess i am just a mean guy on a certain level

shout outs to emotions


Trama 09.28.2013 03:50 AM

You shoe'd away the 17 y.o. with lactating breasts, you prick.

EVOLghost 09.30.2013 09:33 PM


EVOLghost 10.01.2013 08:10 PM


!@#$%! 10.10.2013 10:24 PM

it still flushes

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