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PunkerViolence 04.17.2006 05:24 AM

Sonic youth and drugs
Hmm i think its fairly obvious that they've experemented with hallucenegenics (sp?) and other sorts of shit. Seeing that hammered pic of Lee kinda confirms it....Does the word ciccone have anythin to do with cocane or?? Lisening to master dik...i get the impression that theyre Fawkd over........right?

So i guess my question is.....have sonic youth experemented with drugs? I can kinda guess what the answer will be...

noumenal 04.17.2006 05:27 AM

Ciccone is Madonna's last name.

Soundtrax 04.17.2006 05:32 AM

if i remember correctly, it was mentioned in their biography book Confusion Is Next, that thurston tried halluciogenics only once. someone on the board mentioned it that lee really was into halluciogenics before joining sonic youth :)

finding nobody 04.17.2006 05:40 AM

surley they smoke weed and drink occasionaly but i dont think theyre abusers. on the coporate ghost dvd mike is watt talking about sonic youth, and i think he says somthing like this "the sonics were never big drug users. you never really saw them trashed" im probably misquoting mr. watt a great deal. but he said somthing along those lines..

schizophrenicroom 04.17.2006 06:00 AM

i heard weird stories about shooting mayonnaise, but i think i believe mr. watt more. i don't think they're really drug folks, though.

screamingskull 04.17.2006 06:02 AM

theres the story about kim on LSD at disney world with her boyfriend when she was 17, thats a good one, she said that that was the first and last time she did acid.

fullchromelogic 04.17.2006 11:56 AM

in the pics of SY there's a pic of lee hitting a joint=priceless

DoubleNickels 04.17.2006 11:59 AM

isn't their footage of them doing coke in an EVOL tour documentary? But they never hit any stuff hard...

marleypumpkin 04.17.2006 12:03 PM

I remember the scene in 1991 TYPB, where Kim hands Dave Grohl that huge ass splif. That's my favorite part in the whole movie.

jack smiley 04.17.2006 12:10 PM

drugs are bad, mmmkay?

val-holla-ing 04.17.2006 12:18 PM

i haven't seen any pictures of them hanging out with pete doherty, so i'm guessing the drug use isn't too heavy, if at all anymore.

fishmonkey 04.17.2006 12:18 PM

yeah i saw that in the Year Punk broke and heard the coke Evol story, but after that i dont think they are that much into drugs

marleypumpkin 04.17.2006 12:22 PM

I agree w/ fishmonkey. & I'm sure they're done w/ the coke scene by now.

whorefrost 04.17.2006 12:44 PM

i think they've dabbled... i've heard thurston still likes to smoke up now and again.. beyond that i'm sure they've mellowed out a hell of a lot... but then again, who really knows? for all we know they might by on heroin..

krastian 04.17.2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
I remember the scene in 1991 TYPB, where Kim hands Dave Grohl that huge ass splif. That's my favorite part in the whole movie.

It was a ciggarette......sorry dude.

marleypumpkin 04.17.2006 12:54 PM

No way. Damn, it looked like she was holding her breathe in after she drew from that "cigarrette".

SecretGirl13 04.17.2006 12:55 PM

It seems like they aren't into heavy shit. I mean has anyone here ever been to a show where any of them seemed so out of it they could barely play? You can usually tell that certain bands are way too drunk or hyped up on god knows what at their shows. Maybe I haven't seen SY enough times (only twice alas) to notice.

thewall91 04.17.2006 01:07 PM

if you don't find the answer you're looking for, i'm sure someone will answer your question next month when someone new starts this thread again.

Pablitzen 04.17.2006 01:27 PM

do they like hash?

i have an audio bootleg in Lille, France 2002...
between 2 songs you can hear that someone threw hash to the stage, and thurston says: STEVE WILL SMOKE IT AFTER THE SHOW

that was funny :D

Fox 04.17.2006 01:29 PM


I got this bootleg (my uncle was at this concert :D), but it's a bad version and the passages between songs are cut :@

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