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Genteel Death 04.28.2014 02:07 PM

As a doctor, I’d rather have HIV than diabetes
An interesting read.

Rob Instigator 04.28.2014 02:10 PM

cool read. The USA is rampant with diabetics, and new ones arise every day. It is equally deadly and actually can be far more debilitating.

Nefeli 04.28.2014 03:36 PM

i was waiting to see...and it is in his last paragraph - the social aspect and psychological impact on the HIV positive person.
so yes, a complete and great article. thank you.

!@#$%! 04.28.2014 04:59 PM

i read this earlier, thanks for the link, and a great read except for the usual first-world myopia-- HIV in africa is still a megamegamegabitch. but still, with new medications, maybe there's hope, just like we have enough food to feed the planet and nobody should starve, right?

anyway, impressive how much times have changed though. i grew up resentful of baby boomers-- they got to fuck all they wanted and left the next generations to pick up the shit and wrap themselves in plastic. but now, suddenly it's like nothing! (in rich countries anyway). i know a guy who got himself infected on purpose, actually (long story).

still, one potential unintended consequence of this epidemiological plateau could be that spread rates spike again and/or more virulent strains could mutate from that. being alive definitely fucking kills you.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.28.2014 05:26 PM


dead_battery 04.29.2014 12:16 AM

id rather have kfc than any of these diseases.

MellySingsDoom 04.29.2014 08:11 AM

Cheers Genteel - a really interesting and thought-provoking article. Agree w/Nefeli on the last paragraph as well.

Genteel Death 04.29.2014 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

still, one potential unintended consequence of this epidemiological plateau could be that spread rates spike again and/or more virulent strains could mutate from that. being alive definitely fucking kills you.

This is something I thought when I was reading the article. I still can't explain why I know people who have had full blown aids for years now and they are not only still alive but seem to have made major improvements to their health.

!@#$%! 04.29.2014 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
This is something I thought when I was reading the article. I still can't explain why I know people who have had full blown aids for years now and they are not only still alive but seem to have made major improvements to their health.

well, sure, the meds are working great right now, which is great for the people right now. that alone is GREAT.

problem is-- we might be breeding med-resistant viruses at the same time, just like we have been breeding antibiotic-resistant bacteria one can find on kitchen counters these days. the world is a very big lab, and as long as transmission continues, the virus will be with us. so the sense of danger must not disappear (as auden said).

this is just a truce in what's going to be a very long arms race.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.30.2014 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous




For those with HIV, providing they take their medication, there are very few problems.


Many people are complacent about diabetes in a way that would seem reckless with HIV. People consider type 2 diabetes an irritant — something that can be easily fixed with tablets. But this is wrong


Now compare this with HIV. Fixed-dose medications (multiple antiretroviral drugs in a single tablet) have meant that most of those infected simply take a tablet a day. While no one wants to have to take medication for the rest of their lives, it’s a lot easier ($22,000) than injecting insulin ($1,500) .

And this guy is a doctor? Probably one of those same kinds of "doctors" that are responsible for the 100,000 American deaths annually do to medical negligence or malpractice ;)

dead_battery 04.30.2014 02:18 AM

the future is going to be crazy. 3d printed organs, why not 3d printed wangs? they'll probably become as disposable as anything else. you could just inject flesh to numb it and remove and reattach them at will. you could turn your entire body into a walking hanging wang garden.

you could put a wang on your wang so you have a double wang.

there will be lots of wang art. probably fluorescent designs you can get on your skin. wang technology will accelerate us all into the post human future.

this post was brought to you by the 3d printed brain of the clone that google made of me which has killed me and is using my life to maximise financial opportunities and pay its operating costs back to google.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.30.2014 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
you could turn your entire body into a walking hanging wang garden.

you could put a wang on your wang so you have a double wang.

there will be lots of wang art.


Cunt 05.01.2014 05:31 AM

It’s important to address the social stigma attached to it and encourage people to get tested and seek treatment.
With proper care, HIV carriers are not only surviving but also no longer infectious and most people are not aware of that.

It's amazing and really telling about the lack of investment on prevention and research on other chronic diseases like diabetes.
Governments will, unfortunately and as per usual, learn this the hard way as NHSs drive their economies bankrupt.

Keeping It Simple 05.01.2014 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

This isn't the "post a picture of yourself" thread, buddy.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.01.2014 01:39 PM


It's amazing and really telling about the lack of investment on prevention and research on other chronic diseases like diabetes.
Governments will, unfortunately and as per usual, learn this the hard way as NHSs drive their economies bankrupt.

There are billions of dollars invested in developments of medicines and treatments, as well as education and public health campaigns across the country, from the street level to the school to the White House.. The bigger problem is that people are simply not caring. The "foods" that people eat that contribute to or cause diabetes are as addictive if not possibly more so than several "street" drugs. People are eating themselves into oblivion. The government then would be better suited to outright BAN most of the terrible imitation foods that we eat that cause this problem. Aids=condoms and cheap meds. Diabetes= sugar and bleached flour restrictions can solve these problems at the governmental level..

Rob Instigator 05.01.2014 02:31 PM

these processed "foods" are the reason the USA is the one country in the world where the poor are fat and the rich are thin. It really freaks out people that visit the USA from other countries.

Genteel Death 05.01.2014 02:34 PM

Poor people can't afford to buy ''the good food''. I thought this was obvious to you as it's obvious to me?

Rob Instigator 05.01.2014 02:37 PM

it is obvious, especially when you go to the grocery store and see that one lime costs $1, and one avocado costs $2. Insane shit.

Genteel Death 05.01.2014 02:40 PM

well so why is this even a point of discussion then? on this thread, of all threads?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.01.2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Poor people can't afford to buy ''the good food''. I thought this was obvious to you as it's obvious to me?

That is all market price manipulations, produce and "good foods" aren't actually that much more expensive than the crap imitation foods, and indeed, when you factor in the health costs the price is MUCH steeper for the cheap shit in the long arc..

The realer problem for poverty at least in the US is not just the price of foods, but what are called "food deserts" where people simply do not have logistical access to better food choices.

But even THIS is not the issue with the diabetes mentioned in the article. As !@#$%! already mentioned, this is a first world problem, in the developing world, and not just the stereotype of Africa but increasingly in East and South Asia, HIV/AIDS is NOT a fringe disease, it doesn't afflict gay and needle drug using communities, it affects EVERYONE. It has become as much a "familial" disease as cancer or heart disease. With diabetes, a sizable portion of folks who suffer from these preventable diseases got them from having too much money and making too many poor food choices, almost willfully diving off the cliff. Food is a powerful drug, because unlike drugs which have a minority population of active users, EVERYONE EATS.

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