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screamingskull 02.19.2007 07:37 AM

Whats your favourite era of Sonic Youth?
Poll to come.
so whats your favourite era??? It's a shame you can't yote for more than one but...try to pick between these.

1. Sonic Youth/ Confusion is sex
2. Bad Moon Rising/ Evol/ Made In USA
3. Sister
4. Daydream Nation
5. Goo/ Dirty
6. Experimental Jet Set Trash & No Star
7. Washing Machine
8. A Thousand Leaves/NYC Ghosts & Flowers
9. Murray Street/ Sonic Nurse
10. Rather Ripped

sonic sphere 02.19.2007 08:00 AM

early sonic is my favourite. the ep and confusion gets my vote

Concept7or8 02.19.2007 09:15 AM

Statrted off with Dirty, over the years I've gotten more into their more recent stuff. Think its because I've lost that young adult angst.

Bal 02.19.2007 10:41 AM

early and mid 80s stuff.
dark vibes get my blood going!

Trasher02 02.19.2007 11:12 AM

Ugh that's a really hard choice.
I went with Goo/Dirty.

Magic Wheel Memory 02.19.2007 12:45 PM

I once heard Evol, Sister and Daydream Nation described as "The Holy Trinity," and it's hard to disagree. I would keep those three consecutive albums before anything else they've done.

screamingskull 02.19.2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Magic Wheel Memory
I once heard Evol, Sister and Daydream Nation described as "The Holy Trinity," and it's hard to disagree. I would keep those three consecutive albums before anything else they've done.


HaydenAsche 02.19.2007 02:20 PM

While CIS is my favorite record I voted for BMR and EVOL. Two great fucking records.

jon boy 02.19.2007 02:31 PM

bad moon, confusion and sister all strike notes with me but i love a thousand leaves/nyc ghosts and flowers era especially.

against_the_grain 02.19.2007 04:51 PM

kinda tough....era's as in string of consecutive albums....for me....

Goo-A Thousand I guess that'd be the 90s. But that's not to discount there earlier or later material....I spose I'm considered a commercial sellout admirer, huh ?

youthoftomorrow 02.19.2007 06:43 PM

basically BMR through DDN.

Sonic Youth 37 02.19.2007 06:57 PM

Daydream Nation.

This album started it all for me and it was the soundtrack for one of the best and most fun times in my life. Times that I will never forget.

LittlePuppetBoy 02.19.2007 07:25 PM

Daydream nation

musicfallinglikesnow 02.19.2007 07:44 PM

Evol, Bad Moon Rising, Sister.
I don't know why, I got trouble to really get into Daydream Nation, always have. It's like too tidy for me.

sevenveils 02.19.2007 08:28 PM

i think you're on crack to put thousand leaves and nyc ghosts and flowers together!! they are SO different. i looove thousand leaves and really dislike nyc ghosts (except for lee's song). thousand leaves and murray st i will pop in as regularly as any sy record, but nyc ghosts and sonic nurse, almost never. probably never.

ps. i voted for daydream, but it's hard to think of a flaw between evol and thousand leaves!

ZEROpumpkins 02.20.2007 12:11 AM

But I voted for Sister.

Concept7or8 02.20.2007 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Daydream Nation.

This album started it all for me and it was the soundtrack for one of the best and most fun times in my life. Times that I will never forget.

good way of looking at it - the last few years have been better for me than my twenties, I guess they're noughty albums are the soundtrack to my best times. Basically WM onwards is what I listen to most.

noumenal 02.20.2007 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Concept7or8

What a great word.

king_buzzo 02.20.2007 06:41 AM

1. Sonic Youth/ Confusion is sex
2. Bad Moon Rising/ Evol/ Made In USA
3. Sister
4. Daydream Nation
5. Goo/ Dirty

demonrail666 02.20.2007 08:02 AM

I voted for sister but generally would go for the BMR thru to DN era. There are later and earlier albums that I might prefer (CIS for example) but as a period the Blast First era is what I instinctively think of when I think of the band.

The earlier Geffen era (Goo, Dirty, EJSTNS) is probably my least favourite. It seems to me that during that period they weren't sure where to go and as a result were too keen to respond to developments taking place in the Grunge and Riot Grrl scenes. In a sense, this was a period where they became followers rather than leaders. They wanted to hang with 'the kids' a little too much and at times it got a little embarrasing.

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