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Florya 03.02.2007 05:24 AM

So who's going to see NWW tomorrow?
Apart from me?:)

sonicl 03.02.2007 05:27 AM

Porky and Pookie are. There are five seats left, I could be tempted too.

You're quite the little industrial music freak, aren't you? :)

sonicl 03.02.2007 05:43 AM

I'm going. There are now only four seats left, and you have to be in a wheelchair to buy them.

sonicl 03.02.2007 05:46 AM

But Porky may not be going after all. I'm going to have to work on him.

sonicl 03.02.2007 06:02 AM

I hope I can at least meet up with him - part of the reason I booked is that he and Pookie have said they are going and I wanted to see them (although I've arranged to meet up with Pookie tomorrow anyway).

Florya 03.02.2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
You're quite the little industrial music freak, aren't you? :)

You don't know the half of it!
I've just set up a myspace site for my old industrial band from the 80's.
Search under 'Organs of Battle'
It's a shame there's only space for 4 tracks, I was hoping to use it as a kind of archive of our old material. There's 3 albums worth, if I can find the tapes.

Florya 03.02.2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Shoot some video (anything will do) and use the songs as a soundtrack. Then you can post it on youtube for us all to enjoy......enjoy the show guys, sure wish I could see the Wound Crew! We are all looking forward to a great review.

That's a damn fine idea!!:)

scott v 03.02.2007 04:21 PM

I wish I was going, Steven Stapleton rules.

the ikara cult 03.02.2007 04:32 PM

where is this gig?

Florya 03.02.2007 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
where is this gig?

In London. At the Queen Elizabeth Hall, part of the South Bank complex.

the ikara cult 03.02.2007 06:23 PM

it seems to be sold out ahwell, im going home for my birthday this weekend

Cardinal Rob 03.02.2007 07:49 PM

Will it kill NWW to go to Manchester one day?

Florya 03.04.2007 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Rob
Will it kill NWW to go to Manchester one day?

This was the first time they played in London as well.

And it ROCKED!!

Savage Clone 03.04.2007 01:38 PM

Pictures, Mr. Photog?

jon boy 03.04.2007 01:52 PM

so yes pics please someone. sonicl check your pm's.

Florya 03.04.2007 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Pictures, Mr. Photog?

Of what exactly?

It was just 5 (sometimes 6) old geezers fiddling with stuff on some black clad pickernick tables.

The stage presence of NWW is legendarily lackluster.

It's all about the music Maan!!

I really hope someone recorded it.

Pookie 03.04.2007 04:43 PM

OH MY GOD! I wanted to like NWW, I really did.

Let's just say, I didn't stay to the end (and I was not the only one!).

Dull, dull, dull.

(And I'm not just saying that because I was snubbed by David Tibet.)

sonicl 03.05.2007 04:04 AM

Oh thank you, Pookie. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one. I was pretty underwhelmed by them as well. The show at ATP was many times better.

I liked Christoph Heenan though.

Florya 03.05.2007 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Oh thank you, Pookie. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one. I was pretty underwhelmed by them as well. The show at ATP was many times better.

I liked Christoph Heenan though.


If I hadn't seen you in the foyer beforehand (nice to meet you btw:)), I'd be assuming you'd been to a different performance!

IMHO that was one of the most moving and atmospheric performances I have ever heard, and I've heard a few.

OK so the visuals weren't much to write home about, but that didn't really matter cos I spent most of the performance with my eyes closed. I let the music transport me to all kinds of strange places in my head, and went through a whole range of emotions, which isn't something I normally do at concerts.

At one stage I felt as though I was in the dark cavernous hold of an old wooden sailing ship, slowly creaking as it rocked from side to side. I opened my eyes briefly, and the lighting effects on the walls of the QEH confirmed the illusion.
It was amazing, and will stay with me for a very long time - even the cover of Sheen Easton's '9 to 5' although initially bordering on the absurd, was used to great effect as treated vocals later in the performance.

I'm not sure what you guys were expecting, but for me NWW more than lived up to expectations.

Christoph Heenan was slightly disappointing - I didn't really understand why he felt the need to be onstage.
His performance seemed to consist mainly of changing CDs and turning the volume up and down.

I guess, if it was live, the feedback frequency manipulation was OK, but nothing new, and it masked everything that was happening beneath it.

I was really hoping that his field recording of traffic sounds was from an ambient live microphone in the street outside the venue, that would have given a bit of credence to the performance, but even that was a disappointment - just a pre-recorded loop.

Oh well.

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