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luckynumber9 03.02.2007 04:48 PM

Favorite post-Y2K albums
List your favorite albums that have been released 2000-present. Don't include re-issues or deluxe editions, they don't count.

Sleater-Kinney - All Hands on the Bad One
Radiohead - Kid A
At the Drive-in - Relationship of Command
Tool - Lateralus
The White Stripes - White Blood Cells
The Strokes - Is This It
The Moldy Peaches - s/t
Ben Kweller - Sha Sha
Enon - High Society
The Distillers - Sing Sing Death House
Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
Sonic Youth - Murray Street
The Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium
Cat Power - You Are Free
The White Stripes - Elephant
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever to Tell
Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
Giant Drag - Hearts and Unicorns
Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped

the ikara cult 03.02.2007 05:10 PM

Shins - Oh inverted world
Strokes - Is this it (not so much anymore, but i was young)
Trail of dead - everything
Sonic Youth - NYC G and F, Murray street and Nurse
Elliott Smith - Figure 8
Beans - Tomorrow Right now
65daysofstatic - one time for all time
At the drive in - relationship of command
Ikara Colt - Chat and Business
Mclusky - everything
Idlewild - 100 broken Windows
Les savy fav - everything
Maximo Park - a certain trigger
Explosions in the sky - Those Who tell the truth shall die...
The Fall - Country on the click
Liars - They were wrong so we drowned and drums not dead
Oneida - Happy new year
Bonnie prince billy - letting go
white stripes - white blood cells

and more

Massassinated 03.02.2007 05:35 PM

Nels Cline – Destroy all Nels Cline
Nels Cline Singers – The giant pin
Dälek – Absence
Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Yanqui U.X.O.
Toby Driver – In the l..l..libray loft
Gang Gang Dance – God’s money
Venetian Snares – Rossz Csillag allat szuletett
Sonic Youth – Sonic nurse
Radiohead - Kid A
Sonic Youth – NYC ghosts and flowers

And also :
Gutbucket – Insomniacs dream
Autechre – Draft 7.30
Colleen – Everyone alive wants answers
Mars Volta, The – De-loused in comatorium
Björk – Medulla
Blonde Redhead – Misery is a butterfly
Madvillain – Madvillainy
Lightning Bolt – Hypermagic mountain
Liars – Drum’s not dead
Carla Bozulich - Evangelista
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Enablers – Output negative space
Deerhoof – Halfbird
Radiohead - Amnesiac
Yo la Tengo – And the nothing turned itself inside-out
ATDI - Relationship of command

timtimtim 03.02.2007 07:41 PM

Adam Green - Jacket Full of danger
Kimya Dawson - Hidden Vagenda
Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
Ben Folds - Rocking the Suburbs
White Stripes - Get Behind me satan
Pearl Jam - Riot Act
Polyphonic Spree - Together We're heavy
thats' a hard question because I have trouble realizing that we're 7 years into the decade.

Cardinal Rob 03.02.2007 07:45 PM

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Levez Vos Skinny Fists Comme Antennas to Heaven!
Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye
Junior Senior - Move Your Feet
maudlin of the Well - Choirs of the Eye

whorefrost 03.02.2007 07:57 PM

off the toppa my drunken head,..

Magik Markers - NxCxHxC
Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped
Wolf Eyes - Burned Mind
Mouthus - Loam
Sonic Youth - SYR6
Dead Machines - Dead End At Olsen Street
Prurient - Black Vase
Weird War - s/t
Hotogisu + Prurient - Snail on a Razor
Mouthus - Slow Globes
William Basinski - Disintegration Loops
Mirror/Dash - I Can't Be Bought
Thurston Moore - Flipped Out Bride
Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain
Yo La Tengo - And then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out
Lee Ranaldo + Birchville Cat Motel - live December 2004
Deerhoof - Runners Four
Jim O'Rourke/Thurston Moore/New Blockaders - The Voluptuist
Magik Markers - I Trust My Guitar etc
Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
Dead Machines - Human Brain Wasting Syndrome
Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts and Flowers
Magik Markers - Feel the Crayon
Weird War - If You Can't Beat Em, Bite Em
Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid of You and I will Beat Your Ass
Double Leopards - Savage Summer Sun
Double Leopards - A Hole is True
Prurient - Pleasure Grounds
MV + EE - Green Blues
Black Dice - Beaches and Canyons
Shoup/Flaherty/Moore/Corsano - Live at Tonic
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style 9
Heathen Shame - Speed the Parting Guest
Sightings - Arrived in Gold
Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You
Wolf Eyes - Fuck Pete Larsen
Smegma + Wolf Eyes - The Beast
Wolf Eyes - Dead Hills
Sightings - End Times
Sightings - Absolutes
Dead Machines - Live at Tsompantli
Diskaholics Anonymous Trio - s/t
Diskaholics Anonymous Trio - Live in Japan vol 1
Weird War - Illuminated By the Light
Diskaholics Anonymous Trio - Weapons of Ass Destruction
Dream Aktion Unit - Blood Shadow Rampage

youthoftomorrow 03.03.2007 02:38 AM

Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain
Sleater-Kinney - The Woods
Boris - Pink
Hella - Hold Your Horse Is
Isis - Panopticon
The Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium
Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf
Kinski - Alpine Static
Mastodon - Blood Mountain

wow, i've just realized that like 90% of the music i listen to was made before 2000.

sun city girl 03.03.2007 08:18 AM

animal collective - sung tongs
the fall - fall heads roll
flaming lips - yoshimi fights the pink robots
kemialliset ystävät - kellari juniversumi
kemialliset ystävät - alkuhärkä
paavoharju - yhä hämärää

Washing Machine 03.03.2007 08:48 AM

Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Radiohead - Kid A
Be Your Own PET - Be Your Own PET
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute
System of a Down - Toxicity
My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Muse - Origin of Symmetry
Muse - Absolution
Lily Allen - Alright, Still

Thats a very quick list off the top of my head....i'll think of more and post later

Yeah most of what I listen to is pre-2000, possibly only 2 of my all time favourite albums are listed above...sad I know!

max 03.03.2007 09:46 PM

king crimson - the power to believe
the raveonettes - whip it on
sadus - out for blood
sonic youth - ms / rr / sn / nycg&f

Dead-Air 03.03.2007 10:26 PM

Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Sonic Nurse
Black Happy Day - In The Garden of Ghost Flowers
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone
Legendary Pink Dots - Poppy Variations
Your Children Placate You from Premature Graves
Orbit Service - Twilight
Songs of Eta Carinae
Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You
Animal Collective - Feels
Jandek - Worthless Recluse
David Sylvian - Blemish
Christian Vogel - Rescate 137
Yo La Tengo - Summer Sun
Black Dice - Beaches and Canyons
Suicide - American Supreme
Rocket from the Tombs - Rocket Redux

drrrtyboots 03.03.2007 11:26 PM

Unwound - Leaves Turns Inside You

just to emphasize the perfection of this album. it changed my entire perception of music and artists within two listens.

_slavo_ 03.04.2007 07:51 AM

Nice thread, I'll try to do mine.

_slavo_ 03.04.2007 08:24 AM

That's about everything I could think of right now...I'm pretty sure there are many more of them though.

Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts&Flowers
Sonic Youth - Murray Street
Ghislain Poirier - Il N'y a Pas de Sud
Keith Fullerton Whitman - Lisbon
Phillip Jeck - Vinyl Coda IV
Phillip Jeck / Jacob Kierkegaard - Soaked
Phillip Jeck - 7
Cat Power - You Are Free
Merzbow / Jazzkammer - Live at Molde International Jazz Festival
Pan Sonic - Kesto
Black Dice - Beaches & Canyons
Fennesz - Endless Summer
Pita - Get Down
To Rococo Rot & I-Sound - Music Is a Hungry Ghost
Francisco López - Untitled #89
Mogwai - Rock Action
Mogwai - Happy Songs for Happy People
Mogwai - My Father My King EP
Bardo Pond - Ticket Crystals
Anti-Pop Consortium - Arrythmia
Coughs - Fright Makes Right
Taylor Deupree / Christopher Willits - Audiosphere
The Books - Lost & Safe
Tujiko Noriko - From Tokio To Naiagara
!!! - Myth Takes
Liars - They Threw us in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top
Liars - Drum's Not Dead
Mr.Lif - I, Phantom
Cornelius - Point
Lightning Bolt - Hypermagnetic Mountain
Low - Things We Lost In the Fire
Bonnie "Prince" Billy / Matt Sweeney - Superwolf
Ida - Will You Find Me
Mice Parade - Mokoondi
Erase Errata - Other Animals
Iron & Wine - Our Endless Counted Days
Sightings - Arrived In Gold
Radiohead - Kid A
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Paavoharju - Yhä Hämärää
Autechre - Draft 7.30
Arovane - Lillies
Hood - Outside Closer
Tim Hecker - Harmony In Ultraviolet
Es - Kaikkeuden Kauneus
McLusky - McLusky Do Dallas
Chris Clark - Clarence Park
At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command
A Silver Mt. Zion - Horses In the Sky
Fly Pan Am - N'Ecoutez Pas
Fly Pan Am - Ceux Qui Inventent N'ont Jamais Vécu
Fenn'o'Berg - The Return of Fenn'o'Berg
Birchville Cat Motel - Beautiful Speck Triumph
Birchville Cat Motel / Lee Ranaldo - Live 31 December 2004
Jesu - Conqueror
The Books - Lost and Safe
Labradford - Fixed:Context
New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It in People
Oren Ambarchi - Suspension

atsonicpark 03.04.2007 09:58 AM

Kid A
Vision Creation Newsun
anything by Secret Chiefs 3
No Kill No Beep Beep
Chat and BUsiness
Suicide Invoice

GrungeMonkey 03.04.2007 10:14 AM

In no particular order:

Tool - 10.000 Days
Beck - Sea Change
Sonic Youth - Murray Street
The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
Dead Meadow - Feathers

hmm... not my favourite era...

Torn Curtain 03.04.2007 10:57 AM

Blonde Redhead - Misery is a butterfly
Laura Veirs - Year of meteors
Radiohead - Hail to the thief
My Brightest Diamond - Bring me the workhorse
BjÖrk - Vespertine
Sigur Ros - Takk
Air - The virgin suicides
The Notwist - Neon golden / Lichter E.P
Lift To Experience - The Texas-Jerusalem crossroads
PJ Harvey - Stories from the city, Stories from the sea
Goldfrapp - Felt mountain

SYRFox 03.08.2007 10:16 AM

!!! - Louden Up Now
!!! - Myth Takes
Animal Collective - Feels
Double Leopards - Halve Maen
Explosions In The Sky - How Strange, Innocence
The Fall - Fall Heads Roll
Fly Pan Am - N'écoutez Pas
Gang Gang Dance - God's Money
Girls Against Boys - You Can't Fight What You Can't See
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
The Kills - No Wow
Liars - Drum's Not Dead
Liars - They Threw Us All In A Trench And Stuck A Monument On Top
Liars - They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
Mogwai - Mr. Beast
Mouthus - The Long Salt
Radiohead - Amnesiac
Radiohead - Kid A
Sigur Ros - Takk...
Sonic Youth - Murray Street
Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped
Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
The White Stripes - Elephant
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever to Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones
Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out

I'm sure I forgot a lot

fluxequalsrad 03.08.2007 10:23 AM

12RODS - Lost Time
Animal Collective - Sung Tongs
Animal Collective - Feels
Silver Jews - Bright Flight
Sonic Youth - Murray Street
Liars - Drums Not Dead
Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump
Grandaddy - Sumday
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Trail of Dead - Source Tags + Codes
Stephen Malkmus - Face the Truth
Matthew Good - White Light Rock and Roll Review
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Limblifter - I/o

sonicl 03.08.2007 10:32 AM

I am currently so blow away by this that I find it difficult to think of any other 21st century albums that have impressed me.


Wild & furious psychedelic madness by NANJO ASAHITO (High Rise/Mainliner) on bass, KAWABATA MAKOTO (Acid Mothers Temple) on guitar and YOSHIDA TATSUYA (Ruins) on drums. Ten new compositions from the exceptional trio. Extremely heavy psychedelia at its best!

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