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jon boy 03.05.2007 12:02 PM

do you talk to yourself?
i do but not as much as some people i know. do you? ever said anything outloud when you should not have?

screamingskull 03.05.2007 12:06 PM

I've never said anything out loud that i shouldn't have (touch wood). I have been caught talking to myself and looked strangely at a few times before.
Mostly when i talk to myself i am saying something that i need to remember to do.

!@#$%! 03.05.2007 12:13 PM

of course i do. everybody does. about 90% of language is used for self-talk, which kind of counters the hypothesis that language evolved for communication (communication might just be an extra bonus). some times saying something outloud is the only way to make something stick out from the cluttler of my attention-deficit inflicted mind.


also i talk in my sleep

and also i reportedly talk a lot when i'm in the shower-- yell, laugh, etc. however i have no recollection of these events.

sonicl 03.05.2007 12:14 PM

I do, yes, but I don't think I'm crazy. Generally I'm thinking out loud, discussing something with myself, or telling myself off for doing something particularly dumb.

king_buzzo 03.05.2007 12:30 PM

yes. i have only me to talk to.

gmku 03.05.2007 12:36 PM

Shh, I wanna answer this.

I didn't say anything.

You just did.

Did not.

Did, too.

You're driving me crazy.

You're driving me crazy.

Shh, you hear that?


You didn't hear that?

Green_mind 03.05.2007 12:44 PM

I sometimes think I'm saying something out loud that I'm thinking about, bit paranoid, think things up that I don't want to think about, usually end up biting my lip or something

floatingslowly 03.05.2007 12:50 PM

I don't talk to myself so much as I do random inanimate objects (ie: my car and my computer...especially my computer).

at my last job there was a girl who would constantly talk to herself and then answer. it's when you start responding to your self-talk that you know you are crazy (unless you are gleefully unaware like she was).

pokkeherrie 03.05.2007 12:53 PM

sometimes thinking out loud or telling myself off when i really need to do something that i am avoiding. when i have a conversation then it's usually just in my head though.... maybe just occasionally one or two words might come out loud, but i never said anything i shouldn't have said this way.

jon boy 03.05.2007 12:56 PM

ive held conversations with myself before. usually when i am either very happy or angry. i have been overheard as well and told to 'keep the godamn noise down' even though i was on my own.

jon boy 03.05.2007 01:02 PM

the crazy option is more abou the crazy people you see in the street who mumble away to themselves. i usually end up with one sitting next to me on a train or bus as i seem to attract them. also a friend i know who worked in a prison said a good way to spot the inmates that where going to totaly lose it was to see if they talked to themselves a lot.

i do not mean that you are crazy if you talk to yourself.

!@#$%! 03.05.2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
the crazy option is more abou the crazy people you see in the street who mumble away to themselves. .

a lot of those are actually people on cellphones

jon boy 03.05.2007 01:05 PM

with the invisible headsets. yeah they are annoying.

pokkeherrie 03.05.2007 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
the crazy option is more abou the crazy people you see in the street who mumble away to themselves. i usually end up with one sitting next to me on a train or bus as i seem to attract them. also a friend i know who worked in a prison said a good way to spot the inmates that where going to totaly lose it was to see if they talked to themselves a lot.

i do not mean that you are crazy if you talk to yourself.

i'm not like that, but i chose that oprion anyway.
by the way, i refuse to believe that the majority of the sonic youth board is completely sane.... plenty of nutters around here.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
a lot of those are actually people on cellphones

haha... i remember a few years ago when i first saw someone using a mobile phone headset. for a minute i thought the guy had completely lost it, not just having a conversation out loud, but even a phone conversation with himself!

edit: yes, what jon boy said.

foxforce5 03.05.2007 01:22 PM

I get caught singing to myself frequently.

kat~topia 03.05.2007 06:23 PM

yes i do & i don't care if that makes me crazy...

drrrtyboots 03.05.2007 06:34 PM

i figure when you're thinking about something, you're talking to yourself. and then maybe you decide to carry out conversations. and MAYBE you decide to murmur them at a barely distinguishable level. all in good fun right?

Hip Priest 03.05.2007 06:38 PM


schizophrenicroom 03.05.2007 06:42 PM

i talk to myself, but it's usually "what the fuck is this/where is that damn page" kind of stuff during school.

kat~topia 03.05.2007 06:42 PM

sometimes i am the only one who will listen to myself...& sometimes i don't even bother listening to myself...

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