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pony 11.10.2014 05:07 AM

Genteel Death is a living legend
I met him (and MellySingsDoom, obviously also a legend) on friday.
IT WAS THE BEST. He gave me hugs and shit, now all you go feel sad cause you aren't one of us (except if we love you, then don't feel sad, feel happy)

jennthebenn 11.10.2014 11:56 AM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.10.2014 02:11 PM

Wait you let genteel actually touch you? Youre infected now, did you realize you only have 3 days to live before the virus mutates to it a lethal form

Nefeli 11.11.2014 03:44 AM

oh yeah

we are lucky human beings, although luck has very little to do with most of things.

Genteel Death 11.12.2014 02:04 PM

Hey! It was lovely meeting you and Michael. Let's do it again soon.

pony 11.14.2014 04:31 AM

that will probably happen pretty soon :-)

Keeping It Simple 11.15.2014 10:21 AM


pony 11.15.2014 11:33 PM

27.12-4.1 ! LET'S HANG OUT

Genteel Death 11.16.2014 12:55 PM


!@#$%! 11.16.2014 03:42 PM

michael michael
wake up we're going back to chelmsley wood

Genteel Death 11.16.2014 04:53 PM

gIRLS ONt druuuugs. they love me,

pony 11.18.2014 02:56 AM

everyone loves you
if someone doesn't love you, they are wrong

_slavo_ 11.18.2014 03:43 AM

Genteel is probably the only one out of y'all Sonic Gossip people that I haven't met yet, though I'd truly LOVE to.

Actually, no. Also MellySingsDoom. And ink(phoenix).

pony 11.20.2014 04:00 AM

ooh, yes I wanna meet ink!!!!

pony 11.20.2014 04:01 AM

(and floaty)

(and their little human)

pony 11.22.2014 10:25 AM

Last night I decided that I would do my masters degree in the UK!
Seemed like a good idea when I was drunk and still seems like a good idea now and I am sober.

STU, GABE, SACHA!! I'll be one of you soon!!!

Severian 11.22.2014 03:10 PM

As long as you're not going into a health profession, it probably is a good idea. But if you're going for, say, a clinical psych. or counseling degree, or a P.A., MPH, or even an MD/DO, then it probably isn't a great plan unless you plan on being a UK resident for the rest of your life.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.22.2014 05:59 PM

Stay the fuck out of American universities, the costs will steal your soul

pony 12.04.2014 05:48 PM

I'll do american lit or screenwriting, yooooooo
this weekend we're gonna check stuff out and see what stuff i have to do for that
i am excited

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.06.2014 02:48 AM

I've met and partied with rob and dave

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