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fluxequalsrad 03.06.2007 02:25 PM

Neon Bible: Now that its out.
am I the only person in the world who thinks its a total flop? Hooks are predictable where there is any.

Neon Bible - this song sounds like a mediocre 'Kettles"', no emotion

Black Waves/Bad Vibrations
- worst song(s) on album. Bad Vibrations has some Bad lyrics.

Keep The Car Running - best song on album, still nothing like any of the Neighbourhoods.

No Cars Go - 2nd best song on album, but written like 5 years ago, kind of disheartening.

Black Mirror
- low grumble - kind of boring. doesn't have much of a drive to be an opener. Plus if you replace every time he says 'Black Mirror' with Jack Sparrow it becomes the crappy pirate anthem i imagined first time i heard it.

maybe I just don't get the whole dark 'reverb by the ocean' thing. The instruments just sound like they're not their.. and not in a cool way IMO. Any other opinions?

Onani Nic 03.07.2007 02:57 AM

I thought their first album was a total flop, couldn't be bothered listening to this one.

fishmonkey 03.07.2007 05:43 AM

i think its fuckin brilliant, although i downloaded it some time ago and didnt like it, then when it came out i bought it and gave it a good listen.
its a grower where Funeral was a hit at first listen, i think you need to give it more time.

Tanzende Schauspieler 03.07.2007 06:04 AM

Funeral was such a fucking blast,....

think I´m gonna go to the store today to get the new one.

or maybe I'll just steal it.

fluxequalsrad 03.07.2007 11:30 AM

Whats AIR like? Aren't they playing coachella?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 03.07.2007 02:39 PM

air's new album is INCREDIBLE

RanaldoNecro 03.07.2007 03:01 PM

Air is a fantastic band. I highly recommended them. They use all analogue synths...

fluxequalsrad 03.07.2007 04:12 PM

Any album recommendations? I snagged the new one on my universities local network downloading service thing (DC++) :)

I've gotta listen to a shit load of music before coachella!! Air is on third day I think.

Any other artists on Coachella lineup worth checkin out?
I'm going to see:

Sonic Youth
Tapes n' Tapes
Grizzly Bear
Blonde Redhead
Arcade Fire
Toyko Police Club

Everyneurotic 03.07.2007 05:04 PM

only hipsters who like to dismiss music once the novelty wears off don't like neon bible.

schizophrenicroom 03.07.2007 05:11 PM

i think it's amazing.

Norma J 03.07.2007 05:46 PM

Nick Launay is a fine producer/engineer. He worked with Silverchair on their new album but half way through mixing they parted ways for him to go do this Arcade Fire album. Apparently mr Johns was not happy with what Launay wanted to do. So they got David Bottril back in. Which is a silly move in my opinion. I've always really liked the work Launay has done.

k-krack 03.07.2007 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
only hipsters who like to dismiss music once the novelty wears off don't like neon bible.

Word up... I think...
I haven't got my copy (pre-ordered) yet, sooo stoked. Seeing them in May!!! Also, I've heard about half the album, and it's fucking awesome (including most of the songs you shrug of up there).

By the way, Air have like... one good song... and even it is questionable... "Cherry Blossom Girl."

Alex's Trip 03.07.2007 06:37 PM

My English teacher burned it for me, haha...

I really enjoy it. Some (1 or 2) slow (in a bad way) songs. But for the most part, I think it's great. I want to go out and actually buy the CDs (note the plural, I need Funeral too).

fluxequalsrad 03.07.2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
only hipsters who like to dismiss music once the novelty wears off don't like neon bible.

thats not true. Every hipster source is on board with Neon Bible , pitchfork, stylus, you name it. Not a bad review of that album I've read.

I'm really not trying to be dissmissive of it, I love funeral. I just think neon bible is neon cack.

Alex's Trip 03.08.2007 12:33 AM

I don't think he means Pitchfork-hipster. I think he means the I'm-too-good-for-hipster-sites hipsters.

fluxequalsrad 03.08.2007 01:08 AM


Everyneurotic 03.08.2007 11:32 AM

i meant people who don't listen to music but spew band names and express likeness to certain bands and albums just so they look cool.

i haven't read pitchfork since 2006.

ED: actually, i know why i like neon bible. they didn't try to play it safe and try to repeat the songwriting process or the sound of funeral, they actually went out of their comfort zone and wrote and recorded songs with better songwriting skills, making it not sound like funeral; that's what good bands do, trying new things in their sound and write better songs in the process and that's what the arcade fire did. i'm glad they put out an album instead of a product.

fluxequalsrad 03.08.2007 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic

ED: actually, i know why i like neon bible. they didn't try to play it safe and try to repeat the songwriting process or the sound of funeral, they actually went out of their comfort zone and wrote and recorded songs with better songwriting skills, making it not sound like funeral; that's what good bands do, trying new things in their sound and write better songs in the process and that's what the arcade fire did. i'm glad they put out an album instead of a product.

Whats all that different from Funeral? Muddy mix + chamber reverb. Its just a little darker, no real aesthetic changes other then that. I mean you can't honestly say the song 'Neon Bible' doesn't sound like 'Neighbourhood#4 or 'Un Annee Sans Lumiere'.

'Keep the Car Running' gallops just like 'Wake Up'.

Everyneurotic 03.08.2007 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
...they didn't try to play it safe and try to repeat the songwriting process or the sound of funeral, they actually went out of their comfort zone and wrote and recorded songs with better songwriting skills...that's what good bands do, trying new things in their sound and write better songs in the process...

...i never said they changed their sound completely, and it does sound different to me, from a production point of view, not a whole lot different but different.

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