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truncated 03.08.2007 11:47 AM

Herbal Energy Supplements
Anyone ever tried them, or have any recommendations?

I'm a coffee addict, but I'm aware that this is entirely mental, and that caffeine eventually depresses your nervous system. Do natural energy supplements exist, or are they all bastardized chemical conglomerates like HydroxyCut?

afterthefact 03.08.2007 12:01 PM

I don't know, but I've heard good things about TrimSpa. I mean, look at Anna.

fishmonkey 03.08.2007 12:23 PM

no but i took hebal ecstacy once, i can safely say it was the only time i was completely off my face while eating KFC chicken

!@#$%! 03.08.2007 12:44 PM

ha ha @ kfc chicken

those herbal energy things, diet pills etc are usually ephedra-- not a good thing to consume daily.

best drink all around is green tea-- makes your nervous system "hard" (ha ha) yet keeps you calm and focus throughout the process, unlike coffee. plus excellent health benefits etc.

truncated 03.08.2007 12:46 PM

I've tried green tea before, and while I do generally feel better if I drink that rather than coffee, it hasn't got enough kick to it.

Doesn't hoodia supposedly have some kind of energy-boosting property? Where are all the skinny bitches on this board?

Toilet & Bowels 03.08.2007 12:48 PM


Tokolosh 03.08.2007 12:49 PM


Guaranine get me going, but don't be mistaken, it's caffeine.

!@#$%! 03.08.2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
I've tried green tea before, and while I do generally feel better if I drink that rather than coffee, it hasn't got enough kick to it.

Doesn't hoodia supposedly have some kind of energy-boosting property? Where are all the skinny bitches on this board?

nonsense, depends on how much you drink. obviously a little cuppa is not going to do it if you're hooked on espressos. i drink a small teapot with 4 bags for breakfast and then 4 more at mid morning-- brewed like it should be. or i'll make 8 bags of english breakfast instead. now estimate 6-8 oz of water per cup. that takes care of thirst too for the most part.

but if you're just looking for something to make your kidneys bleed, just say it :D


ps of course guarana has caffeine, that's the whole point. same as with yerba mate.
pps - in the long term ginseng will give "da ladies" a nice fuzzy moustache. but the female equivalent (minus the undesirable increased testosterone production) is dong quai, available in many a hippy market.

Toilet & Bowels 03.08.2007 12:55 PM

you could always try cocaine as that is derived from plant matter

truncated 03.08.2007 01:01 PM

Cocaine makes your nose run. Never good in social situations.

Tokolosh 03.08.2007 01:04 PM

Physical exercise will ensure that your blood circulates properly, which in turn feeds your brain the oxygen it needs.

floatingslowly 03.08.2007 01:05 PM

I would never dream of exchanging coffee for something else.

I don't really care WHAT it does to me in the long run, but it's hard being a caffeine-junky when the coffee pot is right by yr desk (I don't even have to get up).


screamingskull 03.08.2007 01:08 PM

i took fiber pills from Holland & Barrats for a while, totally fucked up my stomach though. Made me feel sick when i did actually eat real food and you had to take like 6 to get them to work. Thats the only herbal type thing ive ever taken. I try to avoid coffee and red bull etc, caffeine makes me anxious, really really anxious.

Toilet & Bowels 03.08.2007 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Cocaine makes your nose run. Never good in social situations.

just get some kleenex and you'll be fine.

an aside, i think one of my friends is on her way to developing a coke problem, so children please remember, always use illegal drugs responsibly and in moderation.

truncated 03.08.2007 01:11 PM

I've got a bit of an issue with sharing a snorting apparatus with others (does such a thing have a proper name?).

Not that I have a coke problem. Just sayin'.

Toilet & Bowels 03.08.2007 01:16 PM

they're called snorter-uppers, you luddite.

!@#$%! 03.08.2007 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
an aside, i think one of my friends is on her way to developing a coke problem, so children please remember, always use illegal drugs responsibly and in moderation.

hm, there's something of an oxymoron there but i can't quite put my finger on it...

oh yes, but of course-- it's the "illegal drugs" and "responsibly" bit that is really just wishful thinking. :D

Toilet & Bowels 03.08.2007 01:31 PM

glad you're keeping up

!@#$%! 03.08.2007 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
glad you're keeping up

ha ha, well, just clarifying for some fools who might take these things seriously... the things i've read in this board, over the years! makes you worry about the future of the species.

but anyway, let's carry on with truncky's vegetable treats, or whatever she's looking for.

OOOH-- i just thought of something (serious this time)

fatigue can be caused by depleted adrenal glands-- instead of overstimulating them (like coffee does) you can restore/replenish the little shits with things such as licorice root or licorice tea. obviously im not talking about disney products here but good herbal exctracts etc.

well i'll need to make breakfast soon. have fun.

SynthethicalY 03.08.2007 01:38 PM

Just drink monster or rockstar. Yes is loaded with sugar, but that is why you keep many cans by your side.

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