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_slavo_ 03.20.2015 03:54 PM

Any skilled VJs around here?
If yes, I'd need a helping hand.

I need a visual projection for my gigs to accompany me while I'm playing my live music. As some of you may know, I play ambient music, so a visual is something that might take the whole experience into a whole new level and, other than that, distract the people from staring at me :)

Anyone interested and capable of making a +/- 30minute visual set for me? It could be anything: collages from cut images, live graphics, 3D vectors, psychedelic stuff, just anything that comes to mind. the more creative/non-cliche, the better.

If anyone was interested, I'd be happy to send snippets of my audio set for you to understand the general mood of the music.


!@#$%! 04.09.2015 08:34 AM

i noticed this didn't get a lot of responses and i think why-- it's a lot of work

greenlight 04.09.2015 09:42 AM

(well there's plenty of source material) yeah, good skill in a good soft.

!@#$%! 04.09.2015 10:17 AM

i've made videos for a living. currently on hiatus.

the main job here is to gather the source material wherever it may be available and make it conform to your desired format.

so you need to start from the end

i.e. figure out if you're going to be projecting SD or HD or 4K then work backwards.

there are also various aspect ratios like 1.33, 1.66, 1.78, 1.85 etc (that's the shape of your frame)

always start from the end. which really is your projector. why make a 4K widescreen movie if it's going out through an old VGA port with on a 4x3 screen.

as for free open source clips you might want to start here:

i can send you pointers if you wanna do the labor

Phlegmscope 04.09.2015 12:22 PM

A fairly simple way, I imagine, would be to create some video feedback with a video cam live feed into a monitor/tv screen. You could then put it together afterwards in an editing software.

like this:

Never tried it myself though, but it looks like you can get pretty interesting results.

I've been meaning to look into 3d modelling / animation, but god damned there's lot to learn before you can even do anything useful.

!@#$%! 04.09.2015 12:52 PM

speaking of animations, plips makes some pretty great ones, and is always looking for work...

Toilet & Bowels 04.09.2015 01:47 PM

As Bernard stated this is a lot of work. Probably the most realistic thing is to do it yourself on iMovie our some similar software. At 30 mins long even a modest abstract film is potentially weeks of work.

greenlight 04.09.2015 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i've made videos for a living. currently on hiatus.

the main job here is to gather the source material wherever it may be available and make it conform to your desired format.

so you need to start from the end

i.e. figure out if you're going to be projecting SD or HD or 4K then work backwards.

there are also various aspect ratios like 1.33, 1.66, 1.78, 1.85 etc (that's the shape of your frame)

always start from the end. which really is your projector. why make a 4K widescreen movie if it's going out through an old VGA port with on a 4x3 screen.

as for free open source clips you might want to start here:

i can send you pointers if you wanna do the labor

what soft. do you use? just curious..

greenlight 04.09.2015 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by PLips
i have to get my work ethic back first. figuring out how to work without smoking and drinking is peering back to my college days when i both loved work and pain.

nice one.

greenlight 04.09.2015 02:19 PM

slavo why not to use Stan's Brakhage ones. he got some nice ones. like this for example.

Dog Star (1:14:45) - no sound


Anticipation Of The Night (40:32) - no sound

I don't know, what is the story with copyright when you get originals. can you screen them publicly (ah feck it, no one is going to find out :-)

!@#$%! 04.09.2015 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
what soft. do you use? just curious..

my favorite is AVID but more recently i used Premiere Pro due to it compatibility w/ the whole Adobe suite. Avid media management can't be beat though. never had an "offline media" problem with it. and rock solid, no weird crashes, etc. if you get the right hardware, and have the money for plugins etc, which is quite significant, AVID rules all.

these days you can rent AVID for a month i think for $50. for the same price you can rent the whole Adobe Creative suite which includes... eeeeeeevertying.

still have a copy of FCP7. did not like fcX aka "imovie pro". premier was based off FCP or developed in parallel so they are pretty much the same except adobe is not abandonware. FCPX would be good for a project like this one though.

_slavo_ 04.13.2015 02:32 AM

thanks for response everyone.

oh, indeed it looks like it's a lot of work to be done. I didn't quite realize that. damn.

seems like I'd have to learn some of the aforementioned tools myself...

_slavo_ 04.13.2015 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
slavo why not to use Stan's Brakhage ones. he got some nice ones. like this for example.

Dog Star (1:14:45) - no sound


Anticipation Of The Night (40:32) - no sound

I don't know, what is the story with copyright when you get originals. can you screen them publicly (ah feck it, no one is going to find out :-)

I like the Anticipation one more than the other one.

Toilet & Bowels 04.13.2015 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
thanks for response everyone.

oh, indeed it looks like it's a lot of work to be done. I didn't quite realize that. damn.

seems like I'd have to learn some of the aforementioned tools myself...

Do you have any video editing experience? I've never used Avid or Premier Pro but I use FCP on a daily basis and it's not intuitive and also may more complex than you probably need to make something like a what you're doing. I used to make abstract arty videos on iMovie when I was a student and it's easy, intuitive and perfectly serviceable. I'm saying this as I think you might save yourself time and a headache by going to something like iMovie first then moving on to something at a professional level later if you need to.

!@#$%! 04.13.2015 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
seems like I'd have to learn some of the aforementioned tools myself...

learn just one and make sure it's simple.

the challenge of your project is not editing per se. you likely don't need effects or compositing or even color correction.

splicing clips together and adding some transitions is a piece of cake.

the difficulty here is the labor involved in:

a) getting a nice collection of clips, which is librarian work

b) conforming all your clips to the same format-- cropping, resizing, etc.-- so that they fit in the same timeline. these are, technically, "effects", but they are so common nearly every app has them. still, there will be some trial and error and waiting around.

learning is easy if you go step by step.

here's an easy article on aspect ratios

that's the #1 thing you have to understand. there's a bit of technical stuff on how different video codecs achieve those aspect ratios (as pixels *also* have aspect ratios in themselves, ha ha) but if you get that basic framework then all the rest will make more sense.


ps-- what software do you use to make music? what OS?


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
something like iMovie first .

that would be great for something like this project if he has a mac-- you can make a normal regular movie in imovie.

the natural upgrade would be final cut X-- reviled by editors but great for prosumers-- "imovie with pro features". but i suspect highly unnecessary unless he's ready to get crafty.


appears current version is shit and people are complaining:

forget about it.

i have this painter friend who made a whole art movie (animated paintings) with imovie HD and got pissed at apple when they discontinued that version, which was great. so yeah. current version is too stupid/useless/fuckit.

maybe check ADOBE PREMIERE ELEMENTS? i believe it's platform agnostic. i use the pro version which is overcomplicated and at times glitchy (used to be worse but it's improved tons) but plays nice with photoshop, adobe audition, etc.

Toilet & Bowels 04.14.2015 02:24 AM

"b) conforming all your clips to the same format-- cropping, resizing, etc.-- so that they fit in the same timeline. these are, technically, "effects", but they are so common nearly every app has them. still, there will be some trial and error and waiting around."

Another thing to look out for is whether your footage is interlaced or progressive

!@#$%! 04.14.2015 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Another thing to look out for is whether your footage is interlaced or progressive

oh, holy shit, yes, i had forgotten that annoying problem. capturing footage from old VHS/Beta/U-matic tapes is a nightmare on its own-- best done with a DV bridge, which not sure are still made? but otherwise can be recorded on a camera with cable inputs. otherwise, a non-issue with already digitized footage. even if poorly deinterlaced, it makes for a nice old-timey look (kinda like max headroom or videodrome). time base correction becomes a non-issue since no need for audio sync.

dammit, it's a nice project to think about, this video background. it's the execution that's a pain!

greenlight 04.14.2015 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

the difficulty here is the labor involved in:

a) getting a nice collection of clips, which is librarian work

b) conforming all your clips to the same format-- cropping, resizing, etc.-- so that they fit in the same timeline. these are, technically, "effects", but they are so common nearly every app has them. still, there will be some trial and error and waiting around.


Toilet & Bowels 04.14.2015 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
even if poorly deinterlaced, it makes for a nice old-timey look

I don't know, poorly deinterlaced footage makes me feel like my retinas are being scratched out

!@#$%! 04.14.2015 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
I don't know, poorly deinterlaced footage makes me feel like my retinas are being scratched out

holy shit, by "poorly deinterlaced" i meant some unavoidable combing, not THAT broken eyesore, which is the first time i ever witness. that's not poor that's bankrupt.

really deinterlacing on a progressive timeline/display is pretty much impossible. there will always be lines. you can reduce them but never get rid of them completely, particularly with fast motion... unless you use an old CRT TV where interlacing operates as it should.

maybe this is a roundabout way to say most footage this days should be conformed to progressive... since computers and HDTVs are progressive in nature... but of course there's still 1080i broadcast TV, ha ha ha ha-- just to give us headaches. but HDTVs can handle that with some electronic wizardry that's utterly beyond my comprehension.

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