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The Soup Nazi 02.24.2016 03:27 PM

Brian Eno covers The Velvet Underground's "I'm Set Free" on his next album

Even though his (impossibly high) peak creative era is behind him, I find this really interesting. Eno has said The Velvet Underground is his favorite album of all time, and that he doesn't even own a copy for fear of getting overfamiliar with it.

noisereductions 02.25.2016 09:30 PM

I feel like every VU album is my favorite, but for different reasons.

Severian 02.26.2016 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by pepper_green
yes! but I want someone to comment on "I'm Set Free" too.

It's my favorite song on that album after "The Murder Mystery." I think. It's a great song, often overlooked. Like "Murder Mystery" it feels like it could fit on one of the first two albums, which kinda sets it apart from the more poppy VU material in my opinion.

Gotta love a good Lou Reed slow burner. Few things in life are as awesome as an LRSB. :cool:

Severian 02.26.2016 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi

Eno has said The Velvet Underground is his favorite album of all time, and that he doesn't even own a copy for fear of getting overfamiliar with it.

I get this. I'm always trying not to desensitize myself to my favorite music, so I try not to listen to the same album too much. But I find that if you take breaks that are too lengthy, the music sometimes sounds only relevant to the past, and becomes almost irrevocably connected to another time.

It's happened to me with a lot of albums. Neutral Milk Hotel and Broken Social Scene NEVER get play in my car anymore. Unless I'm just feeling super masochistic and want to rip the stitches on some old wounds.

The Soup Nazi 03.16.2016 06:37 PM

Reed's solo on "I'm Set Free" is some of the most heartbreakingly gorgeous music he ever played, the flipside to (and as powerful, though not as groundbreaking as) "I Heard Her Call My Name". You haven't really heard it until you give the "closet mix" version a spin, by the way. I'm even willing to forgive Brian for a lot of the turdness he's done with U2 if he tackles this one in an enthralling way.

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