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Brett Robinson 03.16.2007 07:12 PM

"Books about UFOs"
Anyone have any UFO books they'd like to part with? I've got a pretty extensive library of 100+ titles but I'm always looking for more.

Anyone ever see any weird anamolous phenomena, lights in the sky, little blue doctors at the foot of their bed, shadow people, etc.? I haven't, but I'm fascinated by the literature and people of this sub-culture. I thought the musical underground was cool, until I discovered this.

Here are five crucial books I suggest for people who unfamiliar with the facts of the overall phenomenon and think it's just wacky people making tabloid claims. All these are available relatively cheap through Amazon and well worth the read!

1. UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan (
This book is the best modern history of the phenomenon up until the mid-1970s. Excellent documentation of the US governments cover-up, proving there is something to the situation, whether alien or not.

2. UFO Briefing Document by Don Berliner
This book is short, but contains a wealth of credible evidence, including some fascinating reports of air force pilots' enconters with UFOs. This study was funded in part by the Rockefeller foundation, so it can be reasonably viewed as the "establishment"'s perspective on the phenomena.

3. Forbidden Science by Jacques Vallee - This book is excerpts from Vallee's journals. Vallee is a French scientist involved in high-technology with a personal interest in UFOs. He has written numerous other books, all of which I reccomend, but this book is a valuable insight into the research of the phenomena in the 1960s during the period of the US Air Force "Project Blue Book," which even Peter Jennings reported in a 2005 prime-time TV special was a PR front designed to manipulate public interest away from the UFO phenomenon. Vallee was a close friend and associate of Allen Hynek, arguably the most important UFO researcher of the 20th century, and this book documents much of their interaction.

4. ABDUCTION - Human Encounters with Aliens by John Mack; THE THREAT by David Jacobs
These two books are the forefront of the "Abduction" aspects of UFO experiences. While I do not feel there is reason to believe the abduction phenomena is of ET origin, these two academics sure do. Mack was a Harvard professor until his tragic and untimely death a couple years ago, and Jacobs is a history professor at Temple. Mack espouses a more positive and spiritualist view while Jacobs sees a hostile ET presence on Earth.

5. Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs
Marrs is a well-known conspiracy theorist, having authored one of the books (CROSSFIRE) that Oliver Stone's movie JFK was based on, as well as recent books on secret society histories and 9/11 conspiracies. The Alien Agenda book is available very cheaply in mass-market paperback form at Barnes and Noble and is an incredible overview of various aspects of UFO research. Topics range from moon anamolies to crop circles to government involvement to ancient astronauts and tons more. It was one of the first books on the subject I read nearly 10 years ago and it was a great primer on the material.

Sonic Youth's SISTER album was inspired by Philip Dick, a sci-fi writer who claimed to have had an experience with an otherworldly intelligence. I think there's also some other UFO-related references to SY work, but they're escaping me at the moment. I like this topic, let's discuss!

Oh and I'd be happy to trade some of my rare Sonic Youth DVDs for UFO books...

floatingslowly 03.16.2007 08:49 PM

I'll give up my UFO books when you can pry them from my cold dead fingers!'

yr crucial list is missing Erich von Daniken! :p

CHOUT 03.16.2007 09:12 PM

I don't, but I do really love that song.

Brett Robinson 03.16.2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'll give up my UFO books when you can pry them from my cold dead fingers!'

yr crucial list is missing Erich von Daniken! :p

Any favorites, Floatingslowly?

While I do have several von Daniken books, and Bramley's "Gods of Eden", that book is a bit much for people first getting into the subject. I was probably first made aware of Chariots of the Gods via the Marrs book I cited above.

Also, a lot of von Daniken's theories have been discredited. Perhaps if there were to be an updated version of his book, it would make the list, but I still fail to see things like Nazca lines being evidence of ET from outer space coming here to Earth. A lot of his evidence comes from the assumption that humans are incapable of great feats, when surely we are not.

I do reccomend the work of Immanuel Velivkovsky if you're not familiar with his books Worlds In Collision, Earth In Upheavel, etc. Not the easiest stuff to track down but even Albert Einstein was a fan.

Sonic Youth DVDs for UFO books, folks!

ZEROpumpkins 03.16.2007 10:06 PM

Aww non Husker related...

Brett Robinson 03.16.2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Aww non Husker related...

Uh yeah, did you forget which forum you were browsing?

floatingslowly 03.16.2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Brett Robinson
Any favorites, Floatingslowly?

not so much. I just like Daniken because he's obviously insane. :cool:

k-krack 03.16.2007 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Brett Robinson
Uh yeah, did you forget which forum you were browsing?

Nooo, silly. "Huskers on A Rocket/Plane."
But Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes fame) put it best. "The best proof of alien life-forms existing is that they haven't contaced Earth."

Brett Robinson 03.16.2007 11:06 PM

Calvin obviously has not talked to Stanton Friedman or Whitley Strieber!

max 03.17.2007 09:34 AM

yeah I was gonna name him, Whitley Strieber. COMMUNION (both book and movie, with a killer soundtrack by Eric Clapton) is a fucking milestone.

i have the very same interest in this kinda stuff. no shit. some of the most interesting things i've ever read about. this interest really get filtered thru my lyrics somehow. Brett, do you have any opinion regarding William Cooper and his theories... and his death? I can't clear my mind about him.

I think the guy knew something HEAVY but sometimes I wonder... was it really so? there's a youtube clip floating around with him showing Greer driving the presidential car and then "sticking out a pistol and shooting JFK". but I watched the best versions of the Zapruder film and they clearly show that the "pistol" was just a reflection on the driver's hair.

other than that, i dunno. Majestic 12, people. and the bullshit about that UFO flying near the WTC before 9 11? that was a big fake. as was the alien autopsy b&w movie (released by FOX, somehow).

what about the moon theories?

i have this huge theory in my mind about this all...

Pookie 03.17.2007 09:38 AM

Why do aliens only contact stupid people?


Brett Robinson 03.17.2007 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Why do aliens only contact stupid people?

Feel free to share your contact experiences with us.

Max- I've read Cooper's book and seen some of his lecture videos. I don't know what to think either. I don't know that his death is all that "suspicious" but I do think it is tragic. I wouldn't be surprised if he fired the first shots and sealed his own fate that way. His bit about the JFK assassination is pretty bad and definitely discredits his other material. Regardless of what people think of him, Behold A Pale Horse has been in print for a long time, is readily available at Barnes and Noble, and features some pretty interesting documents and statements within it. My favorite part is the "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" document. His stuff about Michael Acquino is important as well I think.

Cooper is up there with John Lear in my mind, total enigmas who know more than they've been allowed to let on. Disinformation works best when it's a mixture of fact and fiction, mind you.

You've got people like Richard Doty and William Moore performing COINTELPRO-esque operations against UFO researchers, I have a feeling a lot of the "big names" in UFOLOGY are actually disinfo agents, especially those that promote the "alien agenda."

Whitley Strieber himself concedes he may have been the victim of mind control experiments a la MK-ULTRA rather than an "alien abductee."

The Majestic 12 stuff seems like it may as well be legit, but I think "big" cases like MJ-12, Roswell, Alien Autopsy are dead end roads that people can spend wayyyy too long researching when they could be delving into other aspects that are overlooked, such as the MILAB (read Helmut Lammar's book... if you can find it) phenomenon.

It seems pretty clear to me that as the decades drag on, more and more historical documentation is being released, but whether it is doctored or faked entirely is anybodies guess.

Lately I've been listening to the following podcasts a lot:: & and I reccomend them to anyone interested in this shit.

Brett Robinson 03.18.2007 10:48 AM

Ufo Books For Sonic Youth Dvds, Folks??????????

max 03.18.2007 09:15 PM

You've got people like Richard Doty and William Moore performing COINTELPRO-esque operations against UFO researchers, I have a feeling a lot of the "big names" in UFOLOGY are actually disinfo agents, especially those that promote the "alien agenda."

Right on man. Right on. That's EXACTLY what I think too. It's way too easy to get out there and say shit like that. I mean, who said TOTAL PARANOIA = PERFECT CONSCIOUSNESS? But then again, Cooper comes to mind. What about John Keel?

And what about the good ole Mark Phillips and his MK ULTRA stories? Mr Phillips seems to be one of those who really know what's going on. Maybe knows too much???

Oh there's lots to talk about. Today I saw SCANNERS (D. CRONENBERG 1982) for the 4th time and I'm reading FIRESTARTER (S. KING 1982) for the 3rd time again btw.

ZEROpumpkins 03.19.2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Why do aliens only contact stupid people?


That's a direct rip off of this far side comic

I know Gary Larson doesn't like his comics posted on the internet, but I had to do justice to this. For great justice.

Brett Robinson 03.19.2007 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by max
What about John Keel?

And what about the good ole Mark Phillips and his MK ULTRA stories?

Oh there's lots to talk about. Today I saw SCANNERS (D. CRONENBERG 1982) for the 4th time and I'm reading FIRESTARTER (S. KING 1982) for the 3rd time again btw.

I've corresponded with Mark Philips and/or Cathy O'Brien via e-mail. They sent me a bunch of DVDs and videos, completely for free. They seem genuine as far as I can tell but there's been a bunch of shit written about them. I don't feel Cathy's story is very well documented (in terms of being raped by presidents) but it's clear that her daughter is/was in some shitty situations.

John Keel is one of the best UFO researchers for sure. Tons of original content. I wish I could find copies of his older books. I've only read Our Haunted Planet and Mothman Prophecies.

Should I read Firestarter? I wonder what King's motivation for that book was. Apparently it's about a government test subject gone awry, no?

I'm glad to see at least someone else here knows what's remotely going on. Fun times!

Aren't there any other conspiracy buffs at this website??? Has all that feedback just melted your brains to mush?????

max 03.19.2007 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Brett Robinson
I've corresponded with Mark Philips and/or Cathy O'Brien via e-mail. They sent me a bunch of DVDs and videos, completely for free. They seem genuine as far as I can tell but there's been a bunch of shit written about them. I don't feel Cathy's story is very well documented (in terms of being raped by presidents) but it's clear that her daughter is/was in some shitty situations.

John Keel is one of the best UFO researchers for sure. Tons of original content. I wish I could find copies of his older books. I've only read Our Haunted Planet and Mothman Prophecies.

Should I read Firestarter? I wonder what King's motivation for that book was. Apparently it's about a government test subject gone awry, no?

I'm glad to see at least someone else here knows what's remotely going on. Fun times!

Aren't there any other conspiracy buffs at this website??? Has all that feedback just melted your brains to mush?????

Definitely fun times Brett! I mean... once you oncover two or three things it's like a whole new dimension. King's motivation for that book was none other than the same for all of his books: pure, true, genuine inspiration and the will to write a story.

I would'nt say King has a hidden agenda at all ...but I'd say he is far from being uninformed about two or three things regarding the US govt. Surprisingly there is a pattern in some of his best books - I know about 5 of his big things (DESPERATION - THE REGULATORS - IT - DREAMCATCHER - TOMMYKNOCKERS) that actually involve UFOs and alien lifeforms.

It's a weird world. He also wrote a pair of very interesting things regarding the whole approach to... conspiracy theories and paranoia... in his SKELETON CREW stories.

I really like S. King, so yeah go pick it up and just expect nothing but a good read.

John Keel, well I know I loved the movie taken from the book. I have to find that book yet, but I found out about that interesting MOTHMAN death list. Pellington did a hell of a job on that movie and the soundtrack is one of my faves ever. I read some of his things online (Keel) and yeah he came up with rather interesting things. It was rather bizzarre for me to check out MOTHMAN at the cinema back in 2002, it really gave me goosebumps.

COMMUNION was another of those movies, and with Chris Walken onstage you can't pretty much go wrong at all. One of the most incredible and brave movies I ever saw. Mora was a psycho to go on with a plot like that!!!

I know most of the people around here will start it out badly when I'll speak it out, but actually I can't help but tell it like it is: I saw a UFO back in 1991.

I was with my father, coming back from a lot he has in the outskirts of my town. It was around 5 pm. The sun was about to set, I think it was april. We saw this damn fast thing going all the way from left to right at a speed that was totally impossible. My father was driving and for a reason we ended up sighting it at the same moment. He started screaming out, "LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!!! DID YOU SEE IT???" and kinda lost control of the car. We were totally puzzled, I couldn't believe what I witnessed.

When we got back home... the same thing we saw was on a special edition of italian TVs: same object was spotted in the skies of Tuscany around 30 minutes before and a crew occasionally on place filmed it.

My father, I'd like to add, is probably one of the MOST non vulnerable persons I know, regarding sci-fi themes and shit like this. I mean, he truely has no fantasy at all, really a straight person.

Kinda weird.

Just wondering, how did Mark send you those files? I mean it has to be costy for them to produce that material, how the heck can they send them for free???

(PS: conspiracy buffs... ahah yeah... dammit. I enjoy these talks! :D)

ZEROpumpkins 03.20.2007 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Brett Robinson

Aren't there any other conspiracy buffs at this website??? Has all that feedback just melted your brains to mush?????

Right here

Rob Instigator 03.20.2007 09:21 AM

do you have BEHOLD A PALE HORSE?

The writer was killed by the police (government) just as he predicted.

book freaked me out
The author, former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Member, reveals information kept secret by our government since the 1940s. UFOs, the J.F.K.. assassination, the Secret Government, the war on drugs and more by the world's leading expert on UFOs.

max 03.20.2007 12:26 PM

that's William Cooper's book, and yeah we were just talking about him before, up there.

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