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Anngella 04.21.2006 07:32 PM

Comment On t'Avatar Above You
If this has been done before I'll feel incredibly stupid~

PunkerViolence 04.21.2006 07:35 PM

Random....a woman.....looks a bit like the drummer from the white stripes.

Danny Himself 04.21.2006 07:36 PM

Picture of self with inverted colors for added cool. Right?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.21.2006 07:37 PM

A photo negative of a face, is that a girl or a guy? The facial structure gets lost in all the blue.

Edit: Skeleton holding a soda can, Danny and I wrote our post's simultaneously.


Finding Nobody- its a big pipe organ that I googled.

finding nobody 04.21.2006 07:37 PM

looks like a chapel of some sorts

Danny Himself 04.21.2006 07:38 PM

Someone awesome. I think.

PunkerViolence 04.21.2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Picture of self with inverted colors for added cool. Right?


Anngella 04.21.2006 07:44 PM

Funny how when you invert colours it always turns out to be blue-ish~

(Mine is Kat Bjelland)

finding nobody 04.21.2006 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Someone awesome. I think.

yes. johnny cash is a pimp

Danny Himself 04.21.2006 08:03 PM

Oh, it's the Cashmachine? Awesome.

noumenal 04.21.2006 08:04 PM

Looks like a Fanta can being held by something un-natural.

Danny Himself 04.21.2006 08:05 PM

Girls aren't unnatural, noumenal. :P Yeah, its Fanta and my friend.

Yours is Thurston.

Pablitzen 04.21.2006 08:11 PM

my avatar is taken from the MBV video "soon"...i found it on the web. it's an animated gif, but i don't know why doesn't move on this board :confused:


Anngella 04.21.2006 08:12 PM

Woah.. I thought the finger was an arm and was wondering where in the world you get such a large Fanta can ..or such a small friend~

Tss .. I posted too late.
Pablitzen - From first glance it looks like a mouth moving if licking t'guitar.

marleypumpkin 04.21.2006 08:16 PM

I see a beautiful young woman. It's that simple.

Pablitzen 04.21.2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Anngella
Woah.. I thought the finger was an arm and was wondering where in the world you get such a large Fanta can ..or such a small friend~

Tss .. I posted too late.
Pablitzen - From first glance it looks like a mouth moving if licking t'guitar.

jajaja....this is like when you see a big spot and you have to say what do you see...evereybody see different things :D

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 08:25 PM

Tis thurston, hes freakin out like a noise god should!

Its kevin shield's hand

mine is tricky

samuel 04.21.2006 08:30 PM

Looks like a hat, perhaps belonging to some grand detective.

Pablitzen 04.21.2006 08:47 PM

it's a jaguar...

(not the animal, of course...jejeje)

marleypumpkin 04.21.2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by RIPfrey05
Tis thurston, hes freakin out like a noise god should!

"Now your telling it like it is"
-Howard Cossel

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