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!@#$%! 03.25.2007 10:03 AM

why 300 is a shit movie & i was bored
  • it's a fascist movie
  • it quotes george bush: "freedom isn't free!" -- please motherfuckers
  • freaks are bad people! we should kill them all!
  • it's full of historical lies, it doesn't mention the other thousands of greeks that fought, nor the naval battles, nor the spartan slaves.
  • there's this fucking narrator that won't shut up. shut the fuck up! don't tell me the fucking movie i'm seeins in front of my eyes!
  • speeches! for glory! for freedom! tonight we die! every fucking 5 minutes. i don't mind 1 speech but don't give me like, 7, and all repeating the Same Boring Shit. tonight we die! for glory! for reason! for freedom! we die! tonight! like spartans! for glory! tonight! ...
  • "no retreat, no surrender" is a martial arts movie from like the 80's
  • it lasts too fucking long for a thin plot.
now don't get me wrong, visually it was wonderful at times, but only AT TIMES. you can't make a movie out of movie stills. the first 1/2 of the movie was going well then ran out of steam & dragged along & i was happy to have some chocolate in my pockets because i was ready to walk.

and the fucking speeches! freedom isn't free! no it isn't!

oh yes and most ridiculous:

traitor! traitor! traitor!

cmon, motherfuckers...

nicfit 03.25.2007 10:07 AM

Well, please, while seeing this movie you should remember that it's based on a 80 pages comic book and not on a 500 pages script. Hell, all the lines in the graphic novel would fill, like, 3 pages in Word.

!@#$%! 03.25.2007 10:10 AM

well that's no excuse-- sin city was also based on comic book & was a good movie one could actually get into

i even liked constantine better than this. at least it had a plot.


oh and it didn't have people saying "freedom isn't free"

i fucking snorted loudly when she said that shit. bushiites!

nicfit 03.25.2007 10:12 AM

Aaaaaaaaaargh Sin City Is 800+ Pages long!!!!

!@#$%! 03.25.2007 10:14 AM

yes man but it's the responsibility of the film makers to make the movie work.

why they could have made this a short film. why do they have to make it a long-ass movie. if they wanted long they could have written a decent screenplay-- adapt, you know.

it's like saying "sorry, my roast beef didn't turn out well, it's made of rice grains!" well hm you should have made good risotto instead!

nicfit 03.25.2007 10:21 AM

Btw, I'm not saying that this is a great movie, I just don't get why people should complain when it's exactly what it claims to be, an almost perfect trasnposition of the comic book. They added some snippets of "plot" to make it longer/more "classic" (that whole queen+"traitor" thing isn't in the grafic novel),and they failed in making it more interesting with these changes.
Tip: go check the graphic novel, then decide wheter or not seeing the movie in theaters (sp?)

atari 2600 03.25.2007 10:25 AM

why 300 is a shit movie & i was bored

why your topic is superfluous:


& while we're asking "why?"...

why would you expect it to be any good?

ALIEN ANAL 03.25.2007 10:26 AM

as i said before

what are you expecting though, this movie isnt supose to be about a deep and meaningfull story, its about 300 tough shit blokes going to fuck some people up. Its a fucking battle action movie, you got SFX, boobs, violence and tough dudes... your not there to watch Atticus Finch teach his kids about racism

atari 2600 03.25.2007 10:44 AM

You can't catch a break, !@#$%!.

First, you go see Inland Empire for "substance" and of course, get let down and are bored.

Then, you gamble on 300, thinking surely it must be at least entertaining...oops, you're bored again.

I'll ask the same question I did in the "NNCK are the best in the world" music thread.

When are the intelligent among you people going to inevitably start to feel ripped-off?

Alex's Trip 03.25.2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
(that whole queen+"traitor" thing isn't in the grafic novel).

I laughed out loud when she took off her dress and he said "This isn't going to be short, and you won't enjoy this."

!@#$%! 03.25.2007 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
sorry, what lies you mean?
i think overall in the battle 5000 greeks participated, but leonidas with his men stayed till the end. film doesnt have serious inaccuracies, the killing of messenger at the beginning been told that didnt happen.


well there were overall 5000 greeks including slaves, but the movie shows only 300 spartans and a handful of acadians. plus the naval battles. there was a lot more going on which *would have been fun to see* instead of more boring, repetitive speeches.

then they skip all the way to the battle of platea while ignoring salamis where xerxes was crushed at sea


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
as i said before

what are you expecting though, this movie isnt supose to be about a deep and meaningfull story, its about 300 tough shit blokes going to fuck some people up. Its a fucking battle action movie, you got SFX, boobs, violence and tough dudes... your not there to watch Atticus Finch teach his kids about racism

well no, your assumptions are wrong. i don't expect atticus finch in an action movie, but i don't expect an action movie to be boring.

take for example blade II - that was an awesome action movie. why? because of the director-- guillermo del toro kicks ass. blade II was non-stop action, awesome shots, and yet it was fantastic and a little absurd but it kept your attention & it was exciting & all. zack snyder however is no guillermo del toro. he's better off doing zombie movies.

another action movie i recently saw & loved was "curse of the golden flower". that was a bit of chinese opera and a lot of high drama that wasn't 'enough" perhaps for a movie, but it looked so fucking great and the action was so awesome, 300 doesn't even measure up.

plus-- "freedom isn't free"??


cryptowonderdruginvogue 03.25.2007 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
  • it's a fascist movie
  • it quotes george bush: "freedom isn't free!" -- please motherfuckers
  • freaks are bad people! we should kill them all!
  • it's full of historical lies, it doesn't mention the other thousands of greeks that fought, nor the naval battles, nor the spartan slaves.
  • there's this fucking narrator that won't shut up. shut the fuck up! don't tell me the fucking movie i'm seeins in front of my eyes!
  • speeches! for glory! for freedom! tonight we die! every fucking 5 minutes. i don't mind 1 speech but don't give me like, 7, and all repeating the Same Boring Shit. tonight we die! for glory! for reason! for freedom! we die! tonight! like spartans! for glory! tonight! ...
  • "no retreat, no surrender" is a martial arts movie from like the 80's
  • it lasts too fucking long for a thin plot.
now don't get me wrong, visually it was wonderful at times, but only AT TIMES. you can't make a movie out of movie stills. the first 1/2 of the movie was going well then ran out of steam & dragged along & i was happy to have some chocolate in my pockets because i was ready to walk.

and the fucking speeches! freedom isn't free! no it isn't!

oh yes and most ridiculous:

traitor! traitor! traitor!

cmon, motherfuckers...


Savage Clone 03.25.2007 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

well there were overall 5000 greeks including slaves, but the movie shows only 300 spartans and a handful of acadians. plus the naval battles. there was a lot more going on which *would have been fun to see* instead of more boring, repetitive speeches.

then they skip all the way to the battle of platea while ignoring salamis where xerxes was crushed at sea

So let me get this straight...
You went to see a COMIC BOOK MOVIE and you are upset with its cheesy and grandiose language and historical inaccuracies and lack of attention to certain details?
Pardon me while I laugh at you.

!@#$%! 03.25.2007 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
So let me get this straight...
You went to see a COMIC BOOK MOVIE and you are upset with its cheesy and grandiose language and historical inaccuracies and lack of attention to certain details?
Pardon me while I laugh at you.

oh, mr. academic, there are good action & comic book based movies that don't suck. i recommend you watch blade II (which i already mentioned in my post); that should put a sock on it.

atari 2600 03.25.2007 01:37 PM

!@#$%! went to see Silent Hill and he's "surprised" haha.:( :)

C'mon, it's a #1 blockbuster, of course it appeals mostly to the least common denominator!


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

Exactly, Hollywood sure knows how to reel them in...

But seriously, I just think !@#$%! wanted to report back how offensive this thing truly is.

Alex's Trip 03.25.2007 01:40 PM

Silent Hill was hilarious. Half of it didn't make sense either.

That one chick got raped by barb wire, and then split in half. My friends and I were laughing our asses off.

!@#$%! 03.25.2007 01:40 PM

i went to see 300 because i was quite take by the visuals in the trailer, and because i was excited that someone cared to talk about the battle of thermopylae.

i did not expect a twisted love letter to george bush.

Savage Clone 03.25.2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, mr. academic, there are good action & comic book based movies that don't suck. i recommend you watch blade II (which i already mentioned in my post); that should put a sock on it.

I like comic book movies and I like action movies. I have not seen this one and as such I cannot comment, but I do know that when I go to a movie of this type, I am expecting mindless entertainment and I am not expecting historical accuracy or an "artistic statement." It's a nice surprise when an action movie is artistic, well-written and has some consideration to its setting, but it is rare. Almost every action movie will have some painfully cheesy dialogue and unintentional humor, and I have learned to suspend certain standards in these areas in order to enjoy movies of this type.
Anachronisms are still hard to swallow though, like hearing current slang or fad jokes in a Sword-and Sorcery cheese epic set in the Middle Ages.

It does look like an exceptionally cheesy movie though. I did love Sin City, with the exception of Alexis Bledel's completely unconvincing performance. You know you're in trouble when Brittany Murphy outshines you in a movie.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 03.25.2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
!@#$%! went to see Silent Hill last year and he's "surprised" haha.:( :)

C'mon, it's a #1 blockbuster, of course it appeals mostly to the least common denominator!

Exactly, Hollywood sure knows how to reel them in...

But seriously, I just think !@#$%! wanted to report back how offensive this thing truly is.

actually, im pretty sure this was an independent film or something? i think i remember hearing that Hollywood was pissed at the success it had

!@#$%! 03.25.2007 01:44 PM

well yes i don't expect perfection in comic book movies, but after loving sin city i was expecting something of better quality than this bloated dumb crap.

i blame the director.

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