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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.28.2007 11:54 AM

Should I be on happy pills?
You guys know me enough. . .

_slavo_ 03.28.2007 11:59 AM

I would have said no a couple of weeks ago,
but now I say yes.

king_buzzo 03.28.2007 12:00 PM

Definately man, I want some ritalin!

jon boy 03.28.2007 12:04 PM

i would say no. if its anti depresants your talking about then avoid them unless your suffering from very acute panic/anxiety or having a very acute depression. otherwise seek cognitive therapy.

floatingslowly 03.28.2007 12:06 PM

take a handful and call me in the morning.

jon boy 03.28.2007 12:07 PM

if its e then its entirely upto you.

truncated 03.28.2007 12:18 PM

If you're asking us, then yes.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.28.2007 12:26 PM

It was a little tongue in cheak deer.

I voted no.

The thing with cognitive therapy Jon Boy is I'm pretty sure I know what my problems are and how to defeat them. I just have a really hard time doing it. One of these days I'm just going to have to kick my ass into gear and do what I really need to do.

I think once I have the freedom of a car and reliable income I'd have a lot less problems.

atari 2600 03.28.2007 01:59 PM

ssri antidepressants are not "happy pills."
...more like "zombie pills"
that disallow any preoccupation of thought
so that one simply cannot ruminate on their woes in a prolonged manner.

If you want "happy pills," then go for Adderall (Ritalin, part 2)...dextroamphetamine sulfate (sugar and pure speed compound). Of course, "speed kills," but these are just kiddie speed. Sorta like the speed version of St. Joseph's chewable asprin.
Or some opiate narcotics...they'll make you happy until you build up a tolerance and then you're hooked and you're fucked and most unhappy.
It's est to do these in minute amounts...never even more than 1/4 a pill per day. Besides, if you overdo prescription narcotics, they'll justput you to sleep anyway. They cause "brown outs" when mixed with alcohol, but not as badly as psychoactives like Xanax or Klonopin. Psychoactives have a scientifically unknown action and are, in my opinion, not only dangerous, but quite unnecessary. That's huge pharmaceutical companies for you.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.28.2007 06:05 PM

You know. . . I decided I'd be a lot happier if I log into facebook and myspace less.

Norma J 03.28.2007 06:15 PM

No. You should not be on 'happy pills'. You should deal with the problem instead of masking it with sedatives.

The 30s had nothing on todays depression it would seem.

Danny Himself 03.28.2007 06:16 PM

Happy pills are for losers.

You're a winner!

Norma J 03.28.2007 06:17 PM

haha. I pictured you as a highschool PE teacher saying that, Danny. Preferrably with an American accent and a flat-top haircut.

Danny Himself 03.28.2007 06:18 PM

That's how was imagining it when I typed it.

something 03.28.2007 07:06 PM

get all wacky on goof balls

SynthethicalY 03.28.2007 08:42 PM

Smoke pot, ask Kegmama about this.

drrrtyboots 03.28.2007 09:11 PM

Clonopin fucking sucks, it'll make you pass out at a deerhoof show. By this I don't mean me, but my sister.

Richard Pryor on Fire 03.28.2007 10:15 PM

I was on an anti-anxiety/depression meds. I asked my doctor for them but after taking them for a few weeks I realized that they made absoultely bat shi t nuts after a few cocktails, not just real drunk but fucking weird and nuts. I called up a friend once when I was drinking to wishing them a happy birthday, she called me back the next day, I guessed to thank me or whatever. She started calling me "A drunk asshole, and a fucking scumbag. Blazie blach..." Apparently instead of saying happy birthday I called her a bitch, a whole bunch. Was screaming at her and yadaya yadada, the odd thing is I had absoultely no malice in my heart to her. SO yeah it makes you nuts, and it makes you these things too... for me at least I felt all these side effects.
Sexual Problems Severe Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse Severe Drowsiness Less Severe Abnormal Trouble Sleeping Less Severe Loss of Memory Severe
Low Energy Less Severe
Aggressive Behavior Severe
Change in Mental State Severe

Alex's Trip 03.28.2007 10:18 PM

Recently, I've been wanting to take some pills (not any in particular), just some that'll hurt me or help me. Both are fine with me right now. I don't know why really.

!@#$%! 03.28.2007 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Recently, I've been wanting to take some pills (not any in particular), just some that'll hurt me or help me. Both are fine with me right now. I don't know why really.

take some vitamins, fool.

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