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pantophobia 03.30.2007 08:14 AM

new t-shirt designs in the SY store


about 6 new designs, mostly flyers they put on tees, but also a nice DV 69 shirt as well

hell, they even used the flyer that Chris uses for his chronology site


Washing Machine 03.30.2007 08:25 AM

Cool...I've always wanted them to make a Daydream Nation or Bad Moon Risng Tshirt, with the album covers on...a burning pumpkin would look so cool on a Tshirt.

sonicl 03.30.2007 08:27 AM

I like this one:


And the "Dunceteria" tote bag is rather sexy too


nicfit 03.30.2007 08:33 AM

I don't like the ones made with flyers design :) . the "I'd give my soul" one would be much better looking as a simple BW design.

sonicl 03.30.2007 08:45 AM

Agreed - that striped t-shirt is gross. To save myself time, I will take an immediate dislike to anyone I ever see wearing one of those.

I like the "Blam" one, but I'm not sure about the colour.

_slavo_ 03.30.2007 08:59 AM

The Blam one is okay

Mustard colour is sexy. :)

Tokolosh 03.30.2007 09:11 AM

Quite nice, but I don't like the flyer shirts either. Don't see the purpose of putting the venue and dates on them.

screamingskull 03.30.2007 09:54 AM

oooh, nice, but i have tooo many already. I'd like for them to make a whitey album shirt with the face design over the entire shirt, like on the sleeve as well as the body.

atsonicpark 03.30.2007 10:14 AM

wow those are fucking terrible.

greenlight 03.30.2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
oooh, nice, but i have tooo many already. I'd like for them to make a whitey album shirt with the face design over the entire shirt, like on the sleeve as well as the body.

that would be sweet.

I'd like SYR5 motive.

Everyneurotic 03.30.2007 10:36 AM

the sy store is a rip off.

and those shirts are hideous.

screamingskull 03.30.2007 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
that would be sweet.

I'd like SYR5 motive.

yeah!, they could make the shirt look kinda worn out, stressed too that would be nice :D

scott v 03.30.2007 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
yeah!, they could make the shirt look kinda worn out, stressed too that would be nice :D

heh, its like what i see all hipsters wearing today, brand new clothes bought at urban outfitters that look worn out and bought at a thift shop.


Trasher02 03.30.2007 12:53 PM

The striped one is so fucking stupid.
Love the pink one though

GrungeMonkey 03.30.2007 12:55 PM

Yeah the pink one's amazing.

screamingskull 03.30.2007 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by scott v
heh, its like what i see all hipsters wearing today, brand new clothes bought at urban outfitters that look worn out and bought at a thift shop.


I just hate that starched clothing look and feel its not nice. LAME!

hirsute_biped 03.30.2007 03:52 PM

i want to make a daydream shirt w/ the four "runes", maybe subtley tie die it; go deeply into SY as 70's road dog band... actually the DDN symbols would make a good tattoo, i imagine someone has done that, no?

PAULYBEE2656 03.31.2007 03:42 AM

ok, i rarely bad mouth the youth but the teeshirt designs are brutal. it seems they (whomever they are) took flyers and bits of inlay cards and just straightforward copied them onto the shirt prints. they are hideous. its pointless having 17th february 1986 on a shirt or something, especially when its obvious that the shirt aint 20 years old........

here is a couple of ideas, restock old shirts. there is an awesome daydream nation candle shirt on wine a mate has. its gorgeous. AN OLD ECSTATIC PEACE, OR ANY ECSTATIC PEACE SHIRT!!!! an str design shirt. keep designs simple..... maybe im talkingout of my ass or getting too old but i wouldnt be seen dead in any of the above!!!! sorry sonic, change yr shirt designer as they have been getting progressivly worse!

PAULYBEE2656 03.31.2007 03:46 AM


restock that design as a shirt. that sold out ages ago and its one of the nicest shirt designs the youth ever had! nyc g&f era i think.....

screamingskull 03.31.2007 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656

restock that design as a shirt. that sold out ages ago and its one of the nicest shirt designs the youth ever had! nyc g&f era i think.....

i bought that in green years ago, it fell apart and i had to sew it back together again.

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