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toxic johnny 03.22.2006 10:25 AM

Which SYR gets yout juices flowing?
Ok this is my first poll ever...

Partly inspired by Hip Priest's marvelous poll usage and some chit chat about the SYR's.

Also as far as I know there hasn't been a poll about them before so this should be interesting.

Go for it.

Isoflurane 03.22.2006 10:30 AM

I say. You only let us choose one.
I like multiples. As far as getting my juices flowing, I've only fucked to 1-3.

Hip Priest 03.22.2006 10:35 AM

Thanks, toxic. I've had practice on the Fall forum though, so I'm an old hand really!

I think SYR6 is a stupendous piece od work. It's certainly equal to if npot better than the best improvised work by other artists. At times it feels almost scored, but I suspect this is because the group were performing along to a selection of Stan Brakhage films and therefore had something to guide them.


Toxa 03.22.2006 10:39 AM


Anagrama is the best instrumental ever made by SY imo :)

Inhuman 03.22.2006 10:48 AM

I haven't heard them all, but some of my favorite Sonic Youth songs are on SYR 5.

!@#$%! 03.22.2006 04:50 PM

haven't got a hold of syr6 yet. anyone care to review?

krastian 03.22.2006 04:54 PM

Voted....1-3 are my favorite. SYR 6 is better than I expected it to be.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 03.22.2006 04:58 PM

I've only heard 1-4. So far SYR 1 is my favorite.

noisemachine 03.22.2006 05:01 PM

I only have SYR4...not a fan. I want to try some of the other ones though. I'll probably get whatever one wins this vote wisely.

toxic johnny 03.23.2006 01:18 PM

A bump for more votes

screamingskull 03.23.2006 01:24 PM

GOD, i dont have any of the SYR series yet. ive thought about buying then a few times before but havent because they are so expensive everywhere.
guess ive gotta save up some money.

IntoTheGroovey 03.23.2006 02:31 PM

I like SYR 1 the best.

stirling 03.23.2006 02:48 PM

Ponce de Leon never found
the fountain of youth
Blessed in Zion
Yout' Juice

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.23.2006 02:56 PM

I've only got the first SYR so I can't be sure. Heard parts of all of them though. Maybe SYR5 because its more noisey, Kim's SYR I call it.

Fox 03.23.2006 03:53 PM

Invito al Cielo is my favorite one...

I'd say:

1) SYR3: Invito al Cielo
2) SYR1: Anagrama
3) SYR6: Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui
4) SYR4: Goodbye 20th Century
5) SYR5
6) SYR2: Slaapkamers met Slagroom

But they are all great (I gave them all 18/20 in my reviews)

Bal 03.23.2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Toxa

Anagrama is the best instrumental ever made by SY imo :)

thats deffinetly not true imo.
anagrama is one of sy's finest for sure but there are soooo many other good instrumentals - tremens for example on the same ep.
that tune makes me wet. ;)

golden child 03.23.2006 06:27 PM

SYR 1 the first one i heard and still my fav

(but ive only heard 1-3)

HaydenAsche 03.23.2006 06:28 PM

Never heard them. I'd probably like them.

o o o 03.23.2006 06:52 PM

the last time i was asked this on the old board, i chose syr3... now i don't know, i would have to listen to them again.
alas, the majority of my record collection - including all syrs but one - are far away from me at the moment... so i just cannot vote right now...

plus i still haven't managed to listen to syr6 because i could not find it in a shop... (and i don't want to order it, because i still assume i should be able to find it in a "real" record store)

Kannibal 03.24.2006 12:35 PM

yes, 3 also.

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