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The Soup Nazi 12.20.2020 09:19 PM

Best new/most anticipated albums of 2021
Kinda weird to start this thread without having listed my favorites from 2020 yet, but I felt I hadda do it. Sorry Sev! ;):)

- Is This Desire? Demos - PJ Harvey (January 29)

- 1970 - Bob Dylan (February 26). No, it's not a cover of the Stooges song (that would be awesome, by the way); it's the Bob + George Harrison seshs from that year.

Skuj 12.20.2020 09:49 PM

Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club.

Moshe 12.21.2020 09:29 AM

Arab Strap - As Days Get Dark
Ka Baird - Vivification Exercises I
Courtney Barnett
Big ‡ Brave
Big ‡ Brave & The Body
Black Country, New Road - For The First Time
The Body - I've Seen All I Need To See
Bonnacons of Doom
Daniel Bachman
Meg Baird
Melvins - Working With God
Cult of Luna - The Raging River
The Cure
Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Dinosaur Jr.
Duran Duran
Bob Dylan ‎- 50th Anniversary Collection: 1970
Danny Elfman
Fiery Furnaces
Fire! - Defeat
Elephant9 - Arrival Of The New Elders
Gazelle Twin & NYX - Deep England
Steve Gunn
Kendrick Lamar
Lingua Ignota
Mogwai - As the Love Continues
Kacey Musgraves
My Bloody Valentine
Mythic Sunship
New Bums - Last Time I Saw Grace
Ozzy Osbourne
Jo Quail - The Cartographer
The Ruins Of Beverast - The Thule Grimories
Todd Rundgren - Space Force
Emma Ruth Rundle
Senyawa - Alkisah
Six Organs of Admittance
Soft Cell
Sonic Youth
Sum Of R
Sunburned Hand of the Man
Teenage Fanclub - Endless Arcade
TeNniS bAFra
Thumbscrew - Never Is Enough
Vapour Theories - Celestial Scuzz
The War on Drugs
Weezer - Van Weezer
The Wrens
Weyes Blood
Wolf Eyes
Wolves in the Throne Room

Severian 12.21.2020 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Kinda weird to start this thread without having listed my favorites from 2020 yet, but I felt I hadda do it. Sorry Sev! ;):)

- Is This Desire? Demos - PJ Harvey (January 29)

- 1970 - Bob Dylan (February 26). No, it's not a cover of the Stooges song (that would be awesome, by the way); it's the Bob + George Harrison seshs from that year.



choc e-Claire 12.21.2020 06:07 PM

Clearly you have to start the 2022 thread now, so nobody fucks with you :D

_tunic_ 12.22.2020 06:00 AM


Anyway, I wish for a new Silver Mt. Zion album in 2021!! No idea if it will come or if they even still exist, but the world needs a new Silver Mt. Zion album!!

Moshe 12.22.2020 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_

Anyway, I wish for a new Silver Mt. Zion album in 2021!! No idea if it will come or if they even still exist, but the world needs a new Silver Mt. Zion album!!

Yes Please!

Severian 12.22.2020 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
This is only the first time I beat you to it, and it was because I was thrilled about those two titles (Moshe then posted a kalamazillion! :)). The previous occasions are the responsibility of other motherfuckers.

I don’t really care, I mean I’m almost never here.

Anyway, I’m hoping for new Fuck Buttons, new Thought Forms, Kim Gordon, KidKanevil, DJ Koze, Aphex Twin and Portishead (LOLOLOLOL) and, um, so on and so forth.

Obviously new Kendrick would be great. New Frank Ocean, too.

I am hoping for NO new Kanye and that Kanye is absent entirely from the music scene and any and all news cycles for many many years

Severian 12.22.2020 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Anyway, I wish for a new Silver Mt. Zion album in 2021!! No idea if it will come or if they even still exist, but the world needs a new Silver Mt. Zion album!!

This would be nice. It has been a minute.

d.sound 12.22.2020 08:47 PM

There should be a new SALEM album. The woman in the band isn't on it though.

The Soup Nazi 12.23.2020 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I don’t really care, I mean I’m almost never here.

Well I see you here regularly. Where are you most of the time then? ;):D


Originally Posted by Severian
Anyway, I’m hoping for new [...] Kim Gordon [...]

Y'know what, Kim, Lee and Thurston have done tons of stuff post-Sonic Youth (count not only the "big" releases but all them limited-edishs and shit), so now I want... a Steve album! Songful or abstract or both, but one full album credited to STEVE SHELLEY, boom. (Just don't invite Kozelek nor Oldham to the proceedings, Steve. Sorry. :o)

_tunic_ 12.23.2020 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
but one full album credited to STEVE SHELLEY, boom.

I suggest a covers album, by artists such as:
Scout Niblett
Neil Morgan
Thor Harris

etc etc
(but I wouldn't know any other artists that use vocals and drums or percussion besides the first two)

Severian 12.23.2020 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Well I see you here regularly. Where are you most of the time then? ;):D

I think I probably posted once a week at the most for the better part of the year but maybe I’m B.D. Wong.

Severian 12.23.2020 09:04 AM

Would enjoy a Steve Shelley album thick with co-conspirators and collaborators. ‘Twould be nice.

d.sound 12.23.2020 11:42 AM

Druuuumm Soloooo

The Soup Nazi 12.23.2020 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I think I probably posted once a week at the most for the better part of the year but maybe I’m B.D. Wong.

Could you explain this George Huang reference? :confused:

Skuj 12.28.2020 05:39 PM

I wonder if MB fucking V will finally release their next album in 2021.

Now don't laugh (or laugh if you want), but I look forward to the new Tears For Fears.

And while you are still laughing, I want new Billie Eilish.

Severian 12.28.2020 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Could you explain this George Huang reference? :confused:

I said “B.D. Wong” instead of “wrong” … it was a silly thing, a joke if you will

The Soup Nazi 12.30.2020 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I said “B.D. Wong” instead of “wrong” … it was a silly thing, a joke if you will

Crap, so far I'm 0 for 2 today.

Incidentally, I haven't kept up with Law & Order: SVU - this year it was announced they were gonna cool it with the superhero cops and tackle police brutality and racism. Has it happened? Does it matter? Is it not cool to worship at the altar of Mariska anymore?

Severian 12.30.2020 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Crap, so far I'm 0 for 2 today.

Incidentally, I haven't kept up with Law & Order: SVU - this year it was announced they were gonna cool it with the superhero cops and tackle police brutality and racism. Has it happened? Does it matter? Is it not cool to worship at the altar of Mariska anymore?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a full episode of that show in my life. They had supercops? That is dumb

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