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Skuj 01.17.2021 05:49 PM

The Biden Presidency Megathread
Inauguration Day is 3 days away. Let us (literally) turn the page on those Trumpy threads, shall we?

!@#$%! 01.17.2021 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Trumpy threads

this looks like one! :D

Skuj 01.17.2021 07:29 PM

This will be a Megathread, not a Magathread.

Skuj 01.17.2021 08:17 PM

We can start the ball rolling with this:

Albertans will be pissed!

!@#$%! 01.17.2021 09:26 PM

let's commemorate that


with a hot oil treatment from alberto vo5

The Soup Nazi 01.17.2021 10:05 PM

Dammit. Skuj, you know I dig you. I dig you, maaaan. :) But the thread should not be restricted to the Biden presidency nor to the United States. So I'm going ahead with The Politics Thread.

!@#$%! 01.20.2021 12:33 PM

im getting partially shitfaced drinking a bottle of champagne with my wife while we watch uncle joe's inauguration.

i took the trash out earlier because it's definitely trash day :D :D :D

i liked the poet


this is the real new year btw

finally one can party

EVOLghost 01.20.2021 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

i liked the poet

I had thoroughly enjoyed that part.

h8kurdt 01.20.2021 04:24 PM

On my bottle wine to celebrate. Biden is now in town. He's got the senate, the house and no excuses. Lad better do some good and not go back to the norm. Feel like the pressure is more on him than Obama ever had to not fuck up.

Antagon 01.20.2021 06:28 PM

In one of his first actions as President of the United States, Joe Biden signed the Paris climate accord :)

Genteel Death 01.21.2021 04:33 PM

Everyone was kissing each other with their mask on. Is Lady Gaga Coronavirus-free or I've become really stupid?

Skuj 01.23.2021 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im getting partially shitfaced drinking a bottle of champagne with my wife while we watch uncle joe's inauguration.

i took the trash out earlier because it's definitely trash day :D :D :D

i liked the poet


this is the real new year btw

finally one can party

Fuuuuck, what a breath of fresh air.

Look, Biden will not be perfect. His People will fuck up from time to time.

But Goddammit, this feels like a strange new world after the bullshitstorm of the past 4 years. People are telling the truth! The Climate Crisis is real. The Covid Crisis is real. People who are not complete assholes/morons are being installed into very high office. Democracy has survived.

And Byteme/Skunk are gone!!

!@#$%! 01.23.2021 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj

And they who shall not be named are gone!!


!@#$%! 01.25.2021 12:05 PM

mittens and susan collins have some fucking questions.... maybe they want to revisit the stimulus some day... ffs

at least support the unemployed you privileged dumb cunts

!@#$%! 01.25.2021 04:01 PM

transgender ban in the miliary: ENDED

Skuj 01.25.2021 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
transgender ban in the miliary: ENDED

It's dizzying what has happened already. I love it.

I'm in the military. I know serving transgender people. Trump's ban was one of his stupider moves, and that's saying something!

!@#$%! 02.03.2021 07:16 PM

here's a nice little article about the return of sanity to the white house press room

it's hard to summarize but after 4 years of utter shitshow this little vignette and commentary feels almost right out of the west wing tv show:

"White House press secretary Jen Psaki ended Tuesday’s press briefing with a quick exchange: “Thank you, Jen,” said Josh Boak, a White House reporter for the Associated Press. “Great,” replied Psaki. Then she put on her mask and headed out.

Those four words signaled the resurrection of an old White House briefing room tradition — observed under both Democratic and Republican administrations — in which the press secretary awaits the nod of the attending AP reporter before closing the book. (The privilege was initially assigned to the senior wire correspondent, but it eventually turned into an exclusively AP role.) Whereas her predecessor, Kayleigh McEnany, often ended briefings with scripted attacks on the media, Psaki has embraced a custom that accords the media a voice in the management of the briefing room."

the rest:

so fucking nice. may this never end, for fucks sakes

The Soup Nazi 02.03.2021 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's hard to summarize but after 4 years of utter shitshow this little vignette and commentary feels almost right out of the west wing tv show

I have my issues with Aaron Sorkin's parallel reality style (I did watch The West Wing in its entirety "back in the day", though), but yes, this is how it's done. Unless it's Dubya, in which case you throw a shoe at the guy - also a tradition!

!@#$%! 02.03.2021 10:59 PM

sorkin kept me comforted during the bush years with escapism, but also sane with some sense of what the world could/should be like. which for many of us was not a pacifier, but a reminder not to let things go.

some people i met doing campaign work got into politics inspired by that show actually. i mean, anybody can protest and smash windows and sign petitions (lol petitions), but actually governing is a totally different story, and that show attempted to show how the grownups did it--yes, idealized, but still, also educational.

santos for america! :D

lol anyway it's nice to see real adults in the press room again.

The Soup Nazi 02.03.2021 11:09 PM

The Matt Santos storyline did have some elements remarkably similar to what would later happen with Barack Obama. In any case, I'll watch anything with Bradley Whitford on it. Hell, the guy even made one of those moronic Adam Sandler movies watchable. :)

ETA: I'm reading now that Obama was actually used "as a model for Santos". Considering that the Santos season (The West Wing's last one) ran from September 2005 to May 2006, that's some Yankee Hotel Foxtrot-level vision right there.

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