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Danny Himself 05.03.2007 05:36 PM

Favorite Extinct Animal
So I was reading up on extinct animals today- I really should have been working, but I got sidetracked after I discovered the Thylacine, a dog-like marsupial that was announced extinct in the 80s. They looked really great. This led me to investigate other extinct and interesting creatures.


Thylacine, Australia (most recently Tasmania)


Glyptodon (North America)


Woolly Rhinoceros, British Isles Do some reading on the hundreds of extinct animals documented here. Do you have a favorite?

!@#$%! 05.03.2007 05:40 PM


our neanderthal cousins, of course

Hip Priest 05.03.2007 05:42 PM


the ikara cult 05.03.2007 05:45 PM

That half Zebra half horse thing is cool

LifeDistortion 05.03.2007 05:49 PM


The Dodo of course, because its the celebrity of extinct animals. When something is going extinct we say, "Its going the way of the Dodo."

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.03.2007 05:51 PM

There are a lot to choose from.

Danny Himself 05.03.2007 05:51 PM

Dodos were very silly, very naive. Apparently because they had never seen humans before, they did not fear them, so they just ran right up to them to see what they were. Before they knew it, they'd been eaten and eventually the whole species had been wiped out.


Phlegmscope 05.03.2007 05:56 PM

Dinosaurs obviously. Can't be specific about which one though...

pantophobia 05.03.2007 06:14 PM



and one of the only animals to ever to have the date of their demise recorded
Passenger Pigeon

Cardinal Rob 05.03.2007 06:28 PM


Now that's a horn.

Phlegmscope 05.03.2007 06:57 PM

Also the giant sloth.

jico. 05.03.2007 07:20 PM

not extinct, but threatening extinction:


the iberian lynx.

they say this is probably the next felidae to be extinct(the last one was the smilodon)... in a very short term.



Prisstina 05.03.2007 07:25 PM


Cardinal Rob 05.03.2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Phlegmscope
Also the giant sloth.

That's the one! Brilliant creatures!

lungfish 05.03.2007 07:34 PM



drrrtyboots 05.03.2007 07:35 PM

Daycare Nation!

floatingslowly 05.03.2007 08:41 PM

hunted to extinction due to the "male enhancement" effects of the horn.


FruitLoop 05.03.2007 09:17 PM

The Archaeopteryx, for two main reasons - one being its importance in the history of paleontology/phylogenetics/etc..., as well as being an absolutely killer word in scrabble, which comes highly recommended.



noumenal 05.03.2007 09:38 PM

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker:


But it may not be extinct! There have been sightings in Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, and so on recently. I read a book about this by the dudes at the Cornell Lab of Ornothology. I've seen stuffed ones - it's a beautiful bird. There's a video of a sighting from 2004:

I don't know, you've got to be an incredible birder to tell what that is.

SynthethicalY 05.03.2007 09:41 PM

!@#$%! you neanderthal.

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