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Chris Lawrence 08.03.2023 01:10 PM

Concert Chronology update
Hi everybody! There's two long, overdue things @ the Concert Chronology...

One is a TIMELINE intended particularly for mobile devices but works just fine on a desktop (hopefully) - it's a single-page endless scrolling list of every concert in order with set list, venue, and notes where applicable (including guest performers, first/last/only performances, released material, etc) all hideously colour coded for ease of use(?). I've also added studio sessions into the chronology, with notes on where the songs were released. It's not perfect but I got a spark and ran with it - I know how shitty the original Concert Chronology is (and it's not going anywhere!), but hopefully this is a useful resource...unless you're curious about 1997 and onwards, because I only did the first half of their career - the rest is coming!

The other feature is a compromise of sorts - it's the end result of a project I started back in 2012 and had genuinely hoped I could still finish to my satisfaction one day. You can read more about shit that didn't happen in my trademark pre-ramble to the feature, which is an in-depth review of the first 3 years of the band, driven somewhat by the content of the SONIC DEATH album. I'm pretty happy with it - but most of this "new info" is 10 years old now so possibly not as cool as I think...

I'd be thrilled to hear any feedback on the content or design...I tested it on a few devices, it seems to do what I want it to do but you never know. Thanks folks!

The Soup Nazi 08.03.2023 03:53 PM

Will check it out. Thank you! :)

halgreen 08.04.2023 06:24 AM

Thanks Chris! Can’t wait to read

MisterTrick 08.04.2023 08:07 AM

Awesome job Chris!

shallow27 08.04.2023 09:12 AM

Thank you for continuing to work and making this website better!

krischanski 08.09.2023 04:08 PM

Wow. Great. Thank you.

Marc 08.09.2023 07:30 PM

What an incredibly satisfying read, the attention to detail is mesmerizing! Thank you!

Toilet & Bowels 08.10.2023 04:36 PM

Looking forward to reading it. Sonic Death is my favourite record so any info re it is right up my alley

choc e-Claire 08.11.2023 01:18 AM

This is phenomenal stuff, really appreciate it!

themawt71 08.15.2023 07:01 AM

It’s a great read. Thanks Chris.

Superfuzzmx 08.16.2023 12:16 PM

Wow, this is amazing, thank you Chris!

Chris Lawrence 08.30.2023 04:45 AM

Thank you everybody! I've also posted a one-off Song of the Week that serves as a sort of supplemental companion piece to the Early Sonic article. You can check it out over at the Tab Archive!

halgreen 08.30.2023 08:51 AM

Hey Chris! I'm not seeing a new SotW, I still see Master-Dik from Feb.

Chris Lawrence 08.30.2023 10:10 AM

Hmmm try refreshing, it should be there! Should say "EARLY SONIC" in the side frame and "Sonic Death" on the main page. Let me know if it's still not working!

halgreen 08.30.2023 11:09 AM

See it now, cheers!

Chris Lawrence 11.30.2023 08:01 PM

Hey folks, the timeline goes to 11 now.....2011, that is! HA... ha.... ah, well, enjoy. And please let me know if I missed anything!

Chris Lawrence 01.24.2024 06:07 PM

I try not to be overly annoying about advertising my updates, but if you haven't been by the Concert Chronology lately I started this thing called "This Day in Sonic History" that basically gives a daily summary of which shows the band played on each date of the year, with notes placing each show in some sort of context. I had planned on doing more of a push behind it but I wasn't 100% confident in my ability to really sell it daily,'s there though! I've even fixed a previously unknown date and clarified some '82 stuff. So far, so good...

More exciting, perhaps, is something I stumbled across while doing the above. A discovery so unexpected that it actually prompted me to update the EARLY SONIC page. I won't spoil it, except to say it involves Red Milk (which does sound spoiled). Check it out!

hirsute_biped 01.30.2024 03:16 PM

Kinda random, but I found this vid with bassist Janek
Gwizdala showing a Fender Musicmaster bass formerly belonging to Jim possibly during his SY era. Relevant to gearography maybe? See ~4:50 min

Edit: I thought he was showing Jim’s bass, turns out the one he shows is very similar but not actually Jim’s. He played Jim’s in a studio, loved it and bought something similar

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