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the big quasar 04.27.2006 07:38 AM

Splendour in the Grass
So happy right now ... SY are headlining Sat night at Splendour. Brian Wilson takes the stage Sun night. Throw in DJ Shadow and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs along the way ... mang! that's some nice variety happening right there.


GL-JC 04.27.2006 09:39 AM

Just found out today too! But won't be able to make it down to Bryon.

Hope they come down to Melbourne! Will be scanning the sites everyday for that news!

terminal pharmacy 04.27.2006 05:38 PM

im gonna head up to byron just for the saturday as much as cash will allow

anok 04.27.2006 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by GL-JC
Just found out today too! But won't be able to make it down to Bryon.

Hope they come down to Melbourne! Will be scanning the sites everyday for that news!

they're coming. playing the palace on the monday after splendour. supports include hi-god people i think?

Moshe 04.28.2006 12:07 AM

more shows down under:

Sonic Youth to Tour Australia

Sonic Youth (photo by Ros O'Gorman)
by Andrew Tijs

April 27 2006
Seattle noisemakers Sonic Youth are set to tour Australia in July, right after they release their sixteenth album ‘Rather Ripped’.
They’ve been arbiters of indie noise cool for over two decades now, so it’s a bit of a stretch to claim the ‘Youth’ in their moniker, but posers and indie geeks alike worship these pre-grunge punk tastemakers. On the year of their twenty-fifth anniversary Sonic Youth will release ‘Rather Ripped’ on June 3 and will play three shows in Australia to celebrate.
Over the years, the hugely-influential New York band have made difficult music, combining noise and avante garde beat poetry and outlasting most of the post-punk bands that they emerged alongside in 1981. They were included in the nascent grunge movement during the early-‘90s, which is where they picked up most of their current fanbase.
It’s worth arguing that more people say they listen to Sonic Youth than actually do listen to Sonic Youth, so the proof of the pudding will be at their solo shows in Melbourne at the Palace on July 24 and in Sydney at the Enmore on July 26. Curious punters will also get a chance to see them at Splendour In The Grass.

samantha. 04.28.2006 01:42 AM

I really, really want to go to the Sydney show, but it's a couple of weeks before my HSC trials. Why does it have to be in July?!?!?!

GL-JC 04.29.2006 02:09 AM

Sweet! Melbourne 24th July! Still remember the Sonic Nurse gig July 2004...awesome.

Hey Samantha, if you put in some hard work early, I'm sure missing 3 hours of study for a gig won't make much difference! Anyway, all the best for the trials!

boop-oop-a-doop 04.29.2006 03:17 AM

Sweeet Melbourne!!! Can't wait. What was the crowd like at the last Melbourne show?? I hope there's no stoners or people that mosh!

terminal pharmacy 04.29.2006 05:26 PM

yeah samantha go to the gig, missing a couple of hours study certainly wont make that much of a difference if it is a couple of weeks before, you can catch up a few hours study over that extra time.

samantha. 04.29.2006 08:19 PM

I've made the decision to go, which means I have to study more on the weekend, but that's okay.

GL-JC: the trials are a few months away, but thanks. =)

GL-JC 04.30.2006 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by boop-oop-a-doop
Sweeet Melbourne!!! Can't wait. What was the crowd like at the last Melbourne show?? I hope there's no stoners or people that mosh!

The crowd was the best I ever encountered at any gig!
The place was packed but everyone just keep to their spot and headbanged, I was right in the 2nd row which normally would mean you'll turn into mosh pulp but it didn't happen!

been to 2 sonic youth shows in my life. both times the audience were freaking into it but never turning into a nuisance...think that speaks for the type of fans sonic youth have!

boop-oop-a-doop 04.30.2006 05:42 AM

Yer last time I was at The Palace for a Mars Volta gig I was in second row and it got pretty intense. Do you reckon it's better to go to the balcony for people who try avoid moshers..I never really looked to see how it was up there.

supersonicsix 04.30.2006 06:09 AM

shiiiit! The Melbourne show is over 18!!! I have to go, i'm still going to try, i just have to. I won't get my hopes up but i'll still try because i know it would be so worth it to get in!

the big quasar 04.30.2006 06:36 AM

No Queensland gigs, damn. Keen to go to the Sydney Enmore gig if I've any moolah left after Splendour, which in unlikely...

anok 04.30.2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by GL-JC
The crowd was the best I ever encountered at any gig!
The place was packed but everyone just keep to their spot and headbanged, I was right in the 2nd row which normally would mean you'll turn into mosh pulp but it didn't happen!

that second forum show was awesome. one of my favourite shows ever. was a few people back from front & centre and there were some pesky mosher types, but it was kinda fun dealing with them. they werent being overly physical. it was a punk-rock show, after all

people in-the-know seem to think the palace sucks. wish it was at the forum again. such a beautiful, fan friendly venue

supersonicsix 05.04.2006 06:21 AM

melbourne tickets on sale tomorrow! I hope they don't sell out too soon.

kingcoffee 05.04.2006 09:07 AM

If it's Australia, shouldn't it be "Splendah in the Grahss"? Hehehehe. They talk like Massachusettserses.

GL-JC 05.05.2006 07:58 AM

Bought the tix!!! wished it was the forum this time too. but palace is not too bad.
as to whether going to the balcony is better for avoiding the moshers...well if it gets rough, just relax and avoid the pushes of the moshers and usually you'll find yourself shoved to the back of the mosh. I find it a good spot there. Really....I don't think moshing will be as bad at a Sonic Youth concert as compared to a metal gig! no need to go as far as the balcony unless you find a tall f*#ker (I'm one of them..haha) in front of you!
Not too sure if the under-18s will get in easily. found the bouncers at palace more vigilant in checking IDs than at the forum.

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