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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.30.2007 05:42 PM

Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed (History Channel special)
'twas utter crap. 2 hours of comparing Star Wars to Joseph Campbell's hero's journey. It was like a VH1 clip show with people just intellectually masturbating the whole time while pretty much not saying anything new.

Worst excuse for a History Channel special ever. Who wants to hear "scholars" compare Star Wars to old myths for 2 hours?

I love Star Wars, and I love myths, but the parallels between them are rather obvious and don't need pointed out.

Danny Himself 05.30.2007 05:44 PM

'Originally posted by C-3PO' makes me laugh so hard.

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 05:44 PM

I rather see a special on the barbarians.

Everyneurotic 05.30.2007 05:45 PM

duh!!! george ripoffcas got his shit from joseph campbell.

atsonicpark 05.30.2007 07:43 PM

is this that dumb star wars thing where they talk about how darth vader could have survived being burnt in a lava pit?

Pax Americana 05.30.2007 07:51 PM

Never heard of Joseph Campbell, but it's really no big secret that Lucas got all of his ideas from myths and samurai films. Pretty much all modern stories are gonna rip off some part of mythology or something.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
Never heard of Joseph Campbell, but it's really no big secret that Lucas got all of his ideas from myths and samurai films. Pretty much all modern stories are gonna rip off some part of mythology or something.

oh the collaboration was much more intimate.

you need to visit your local library & watch this:

atari 2600 05.30.2007 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
duh!!! george ripoffcas got his shit from joseph

and Joseph Campbell "stole everything" from Carl Jung
and Carl Jung "stole everything" from Sir James George Frazer, etal.:rolleyes: (sarcasm)

Many Star Wars connections aren't found in Campbell; they are clever films, although certainly many of Campbell's themes are present. Lucas openly credits Campbell as an inspiration. It's not like he's a back alley thief or something.

I watched it. I taped it. Taped the Star Wars Tech special that preceded it as well. The mere title ("the legacy revealed") sort of sets one up for an anti-climax if one already knows the philosophy behind Star Wars movies,and it wasn't quite as entertaining as Empire of Dreams, but there were some fun (even, yes, revealing!) moments; I hope the newer films were illuminated a bit for some. Most of the connexions were known to me already, and all of them weren't covered, but it was done very well and was very enjoyable.

atari 2600 05.30.2007 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I rather see a special on the barbarians.

And I would rather see you stick a skewer
in one ear and out the other, but hey, that's just me;
to each their own.

pbradley 05.30.2007 10:23 PM

Yeah, it was pretty lame. Too distant of connections for me to really think George Lucas was trying actively drawing from anyone. The hero archetype is everywhere, turn on your Saturday morning. Fucking James Bond Jr. could be said to have been ripping off of Campbell if they wanted to say so. I had an "o rly" face the entire time.

There's a much more interesting documentary on Dune that goes into defining a messiah as well as the power struggles in the book.

Everyneurotic 05.30.2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
and Joseph Campbell "stole everything" from Carl Jung
and Carl Jung "stole everything" from Sir James George Frazer, etal.:rolleyes: (sarcasm)

Many Star Wars connections aren't found in Campbell; they are clever films, although certainly many of Campbell's themes are present. Lucas openly credits Campbell as an inspiration. It's not like he's a back alley thief or something.

I watched it. I taped it. Taped the Star Wars Tech special that preceded it as well. The mere title ("the legacy revealed") sort of sets one up for an anti-climax if one already knows the philosophy behind Star Wars movies,and it wasn't quite as entertaining as Empire of Dreams, but there were some fun (even, yes, revealing!) moments; I hope the newer films were illuminated a bit for some. Most of the connexions were known to me already, and all of them weren't covered, but it was done very well and was very enjoyable.

you mean campbell expanded on jung's work, rather than steal his concepts to do a mass marketed, big effects movie and profit off of it.

campbell wanted to study a part of life, lucas wanted to be rich.

atari 2600 05.30.2007 10:46 PM

Lucas is ambitious, yes, and his love of commerce cannot be questioned. But, I also think his love of art cannot be questioned. While I'll agree with everyone that the latest trilogy is soft compared to the original, Lucas is still the guy that chose to quit the DGA (a possible career-ending move) because of his artistic principles. The DGA had warned him all films must contain an opening credit sequence, and he ignored this when making ESB. And he did so risking everything he had. The guild fined Lucas, he paid them, but then he just quit the DGA. He had already firmed up a fledgling studio and ILM, but he had to distribute ROTJ on his own (as he did eps 1-3 as well). Probably, haha, with the fortune he got from Kenner (the Star Wars merchandising...Lucas got 40%) via the marketing in the Sears & Roebuck catalog. enough acronyms ? ?hehe/
So, you see, Lucas spent a great deal of his own money that he never had to; and he did it to beat the system.
Besides, isn't "the Empire" really just "the Establishment?"

Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
duh!!! george ripoffcas got his shit from joseph campbell.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.31.2007 01:17 PM

Notice in beating the system he became the system?

From what I've read, George Lucas had only vaguely heard of Campbell when he made the first 3, and attended some of Campbell's lectures afterwards.

Kurosawa and science fiction schlock were his early influences from what I've read.
C-3PO and R2-D2 are based off of two characters from Hidden Fortress, and Yoda is based off the character Dersu Uzala from the movie Dersu Uzala. (Dersu Uzala is a siberian hermit who teaches an explorer about survival skills and the meaning of life, and talks in a sort of backwards broken grammar)

deathbyfeedback 05.31.2007 11:32 PM

as much as lucas is a moneymaker and 'capitalist', he's an artist and a visionary.

anyone who doesnt like the new three films wouldnt have liked the original three if he'd made them nowdays with the same budget.

i personally dont like the new three because of how shit anakin and jar jar are.

Bicorn Halfelven 05.31.2007 11:45 PM

How pathetic are you when the four forums you most often visit all have a thread pertaining to this Star Wars shit?

Especially if you watched it?

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