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GrungeMonkey 06.20.2007 04:01 PM

How do you pronounce Ginsberg?
As in Allen Ginsberg of course...

Savage Clone 06.20.2007 04:04 PM

It's not like his name is Allen Dziewczynski or something.
Pretty much like it looks.

Rob Instigator 06.20.2007 04:09 PM



GIN-sberg (like the alcohol)

gmku 06.20.2007 04:11 PM

It's pronounced like Renteria. Alternate pronunication Soboski.

mangajunky 06.20.2007 04:28 PM

it's spelled Luxury Yacht but it's pronounced Throatwarbler Mangrove...

Actually I met AG on avenue A one evening when my friend Mike was out scoring some pot. He was really friendly and cool and asked me all kinds of questions about my life.

gmku 06.20.2007 04:29 PM

I just saw him last night! He was holding a cardboard sign, and he asked me for some spare change.

MellySingsDoom 06.20.2007 04:36 PM

It's prounced "Giblet". As in "NAMBLA member shifty beatnik giblet".

Inhuman 06.20.2007 07:23 PM

ooh! Let me have a go.

How do you pronounce Einsturzende Neubauten?

I always said it like "ine-stur-zawn-day New-bow-ten"

demonrail666 06.20.2007 07:26 PM

i've always gone for

ine-shturt-zenda noi-booten

Fuck knows if i'm right, but people tend to know what I'm talking about when I say it.

!@#$%! 06.20.2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by GrungeMonkey
As in Allen Ginsberg of course...

god damn you avatar is fucking hilarious

musicfallinglikesnow 06.20.2007 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
god damn you avatar is fucking hilarious

I'm still trying to decipher whether the penguin falls or throws itself into the water on purpose. :p

MellySingsDoom 06.21.2007 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
i've always gone for

ine-shturt-zenda noi-booten

Almost, old chap - the Neubauten part is "Noy-bow-ten".

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